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The problem is, as it has been for a while: They're getting away with it. Start punching holes in these people and they'll stop. If they don't, then ventilate a few more. It's like whippin' your kid, eventually they'll get the message but it's going to have to be a hard enough message to penetrate that thick skull.

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Still more

"Charges could be upgraded if it is determined that their attack was racially motivated..."


They were taunting the guy and throwing racial slurs. I guess that's not 'racially motivated'.

Here's another -


"This is for you, you white bi-ch. This is a grape soda."

Naaaaa. That's not racial either.

We are going backwards in time as far as race relations are concerned, and from what I see happening over the past 3-4 years, Obama made the kickoff.

Edited by mcurrier
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"Charges could be upgraded if it is determined that their attack was racially motivated..."


They were taunting the guy and throwing racial slurs. I guess that's not 'racially motivated'.

Here's another -


"This is for you, you white bi-ch. This is a grape soda."

Naaaaa. That's not racial either.

We are going backwards in time as far as race relations are concerned, and from what I see happening over the past 3-4 years, Obama made the kickoff.

The attack happened near MLK Blvd.

That speaks volumes.

As Chris Rock said, If you're on MLK Blvd. get out of there.

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Guest 6.8 AR

I predict a blowup somewhere soon. Somebody's gonna fight back.

I will, if it happens anywhere near me. I wouldn't dare look for trouble, but if it happens, there's no use in letting

it continue and someone getting beaten for no reason. I'm sorry if anyone else wants to stand by and cry, but I

couldn't let an innocent person get treated like that. It will become unavoidable sooner than you think.

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Guest FiddleDog

wait...wait..."Tavares, who police say is black"???

Alledged victim??


Edited by FiddleDog
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Remember this case? I'm sure you all do.


The article says at the end -

"Some conservative Internet commentators and white supremacist agitators accused the national media of reverse discrimination by failing to give the case involving white victims and black suspects the same attention paid to white-on-black hate crimes.

Investigators said the attack wasn't a hate crime, just a carjacking that went terribly wrong."


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Disappointed in Obama, New Black Panthers openly consider ‘the bullet’


The small but vocal New Black Panther Party is woefully disappointed in President Barack Obama, and is openly implying that the best way to reach its goals is no longer through “the ballot†but through “the bullet.â€

“Black America, you must decide who will best represent you in 2012. You must decide if you will choose the ballot as a means to change, or the bullet,†Shabazz wrote, adding that “demanding change does come by any means necessary.â€

According to Shabazz, dropping the 2008 voter intimidation charges against the NBPP was one instance in which Obama did the right thing.


What is "black america"? Is there a "white america"? Is Romney only running for white people? Does Rubio only represent hispanics? Does Ron Paul only represent old people? I mean, really?!?!?

Edited by mcurrier
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Guest 6.8 AR

That's what this crap causes. There is no "white" or "black" America. The blacks are trying to start a war.

They know that Obama will keep their back because it is his desire to disrupt, destroy and reshape

America in his own communist design. This crap is geared up for the election in November, and if he loses,

it will become some kind of dumb "emergency" to help him keep his throne. It's just started. It won't go away.

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That's what this crap causes. There is no "white" or "black" America. The blacks are trying to start a war.

They know that Obama will keep their back because it is his desire to disrupt, destroy and reshape

America in his own communist design. This crap is geared up for the election in November, and if he loses,

it will become some kind of dumb "emergency" to help him keep his throne. It's just started. It won't go away.

How can Obama win by supporting this? Every old feeling of white racism (and I'm just about there myself right now) is a vote against him.

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Guest 6.8 AR

Because his plan is lacking. He's not nearly as smart as he thinks. I think that power thing has gone to his head.

He really wants to destroy this country and rebuild it his way. He really doesn't have a clue how many will bail out

on him when they finally learn what's in store for Amerika, the Obama banana republic. He may destroy this country,

but he won't survive it.

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Guest 6.8 AR

Always a deafening silence when

you can't make money or power

from it. Where's Jesse when you

need him. It just tells you the

leaders of that group never gave

a damn about the real problem.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I predict a blowup somewhere soon. Somebody's gonna fight back.

Of course it’s going to happen. Black gangs have declared war on whites and are using the Zimmerman incident to justify it. Obama and Holder have failed to act when a black gang openly put out a hit on Zimmerman; they were afraid to act and so the radicals think they can do whatever they want.

Eventually, these black gangs will pull this where they have targeted the wrong people and there will be nothing but dead bodies of thugs lying around. It will ignite riots. The problem with that is that when whites start dropping bodies of thugs; they will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. They will be made examples of, and we will all stand by and watch it happen and do nothing.

How can Obama win by supporting this? Every old feeling of white racism (and I'm just about there myself right now) is a vote against him.

Because he doesn’t care about your vote. He will get elected without your vote or mine. Anyone that thinks they are going to get a handout from the government or free heath care, anyone that wants to vote for him because he is a minority and anyone that doesn’t want a republican in office will vote for him. Those groups have people making sure they vote and busing people to the polls. Too many people that are still making a good living are complacent and either don’t care, or don’t think their vote will make a difference.

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  • 3 weeks later...

100 of them beating someone up? Damn. I only carry 27 rounds on me. I really need more mags for my Storm Subcompact.

I am sure when the shooting starts those in the back will just run. They are only there for moral support for their cause, they won't stick around to be shot or arrested.

Remember this case? I'm sure you all do.


The article says at the end -

"Some conservative Internet commentators and white supremacist agitators accused the national media of reverse discrimination by failing to give the case involving white victims and black suspects the same attention paid to white-on-black hate crimes.

Investigators said the attack wasn't a hate crime, just a carjacking that went terribly wrong."


Can the Investigators give an example of a carjacking that went right? The only one I can image is if the car was fully of HCP carriers and lead exited the car and only hit the intended target.
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If the folks in Chicago are willing to put up with that crap, then I guess they deserve it.

Pretty much how I see things too...you put in white cake cake mix don't expect to get an apple pie out of the oven...you vote for assholes and socialists then expect to live in a socialist state.

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