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More random attacks on crackers -

Wrigleyville Man's Throat Slashed in Random Attack


Philadelphia Police Searching For Suspect In SEPTA Assault



Then there's this -


'UnFair' video blasts 'privilege' and seeks 'equity'


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Guest 6.8 AR

Of course it’s going to happen. Black gangs have declared war on whites and are using the Zimmerman incident to justify it. Obama and Holder have failed to act when a black gang openly put out a hit on Zimmerman; they were afraid to act and so the radicals think they can do whatever they want.

Eventually, these black gangs will pull this where they have targeted the wrong people and there will be nothing but dead bodies of thugs lying around. It will ignite riots. The problem with that is that when whites start dropping bodies of thugs; they will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. They will be made examples of, and we will all stand by and watch it happen and do nothing.

Because he doesn’t care about your vote. He will get elected without your vote or mine. Anyone that thinks they are going to get a handout from the government or free heath care, anyone that wants to vote for him because he is a minority and anyone that doesn’t want a republican in office will vote for him. Those groups have people making sure they vote and busing people to the polls. Too many people that are still making a good living are complacent and either don’t care, or don’t think their vote will make a difference.

Although you may be right, I think it depends on the DOJ we have, at the time. This current one will make sure all

us law abiding citizens will turn out to be criminals, unless we joined the NBPP.

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Guest jrcnova

I don't believe its racism. It just so happens that the perpetrators are black. Therefore there were black people committing crimes. Anytime a white person uses the word black associated with crime, we are being racist. No matter your race, you know what you're doing and have choices in life. Just my opinion.

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  • Administrator

Eventually, these black gangs will pull this where they have targeted the wrong people and there will be nothing but dead bodies of thugs lying around. It will ignite riots. The problem with that is that when whites start dropping bodies of thugs; they will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. They will be made examples of, and we will all stand by and watch it happen and do nothing.

Chilling and based entirely in reality.

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