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Sorry, I'm white and thus if I comment on this story I will become a racist. At least that's what the media tells me.

Sad thing is, I'm legally allowed to call myself an American Indian, but apparently any white blood makes you white. Unless you are black. Or is it the other way around? WTH ever happened to the content of my character mattering more than my skin color?

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Guest Nikator

I thought all of Baltimore was that way.

It is, and has been for a long time. I lived there for 10+ years. The inmates have taken over the asylum.

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If you're white, you are automatically a racist, no matter what you do.

Not automatically.

Even as a white person there are ways to prevent you from being a racist.

First and foremost you must have a Obama/Biden 2008 sticker prominently displayed on your car. Next you must start any conversation with a minority with the fact you voted for Obama and and the second sentence must always be that is was Bush's fault. And finally you must "occupy" something other that the welfare office.

I think if you do these things you might be able to prevent yourself from becoming a racist but more importanantly being labeled as one.


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Guest 6.8 AR

If you're white, you are automatically a racist, no matter what you do.

Association with "white hispanics" can sometimes make you a racist, also.

Calling for a crackdown on BOW terror is a loser until the left quits trotting out Jackson and Sharpton. It's out of

our hands. Anyting politically correct, like Dolomite asserts, demands you have either, a Obama/Biden 08, or the

new and improved Obama 2012 sticker on your car to get a pass.

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100 of them beating someone up? Damn. I only carry 27 rounds on me. I really need more mags for my Storm Subcompact.

If somebody other than me is pumping the trigger on a pistol, I'm most likely gonna head for cover. I don't think you would have to shoot more than a couple.

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White Baltimore Man 19 Years Old Beaten By Two Different Groups Of Black Students In Same Day


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Guest 6.8 AR

If somebody other than me is pumping the trigger on a pistol, I'm most likely gonna head for cover. I don't think you would have to shoot more than a couple.

I got your back. Another 24 rds. :D

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Guest ThePunisher

Association with "white hispanics" can sometimes make you a racist, also.

Calling for a crackdown on BOW terror is a loser until the left quits trotting out Jackson and Sharpton. It's out of

our hands. Anyting politically correct, like Dolomite asserts, demands you have either, a Obama/Biden 08, or the

new and improved Obama 2012 sticker on your car to get a pass.

Yep, you better start getting those FORWARD bumper stickers. Get ya a boom box blaster and play the Hitler FORWARD Vorwaerts theme music and you'll be ready to roll.

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Guest FiddleDog

I'd comment, but I'm asian, and because the news won't validate any other minority group UNLESS they happen to agree with the liberal race-card play, I'm considered white, and therefore racist....

Edited by FiddleDog
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