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My name is NoLogic

Guest Nologic

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Guest Nologic

Hello my name is NoLogic. My real name is Brandon :) Here are some pictures of me.

This is me at the Nashville Zoo


This is how you will see me walking around the beautiful country side of TN.


Please note my "Zombie" Tattoo.

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Is that a zombie mating symbol? Does it mean your open for business in case of a zombie outbreak? Anyways welcome to the site. After some ribbing you'll turn into an ###hole and fit right in lol

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Guest Nologic

Is that a zombie mating symbol? Does it mean your open for business in case of a zombie outbreak? Anyways welcome to the site. After some ribbing you'll turn into an ###hole and fit right in lol

I figure I should be okay here :)

I don't consider it a rough start. As far as I'm concerned you all are my friends.

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Guest Nologic

Aaaha! Further proof that he's delusional. Thinks we're the best. :rofl: So sad, and in one so young.

I'm not scared of you! And I'm not delusional! I just think your really nice.

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Guest Nologic

When the zoo keeper came into my cage I was hiding in a tree slapping a banana. When she heard the noise and looked up, she saw that my anus was releasing a strange gas. She soon fell victim to my banana slapping anus gas and fell asleep. Carefully I came down and simply walked ou the front gate with my Llama 1911 where I could serve to help others.

@Caster ^

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