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Guest Nologic

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Guest Nologic

I am very sorry for making a comment about zombies invading my anus. I will not make stupid comments anymore. Again, very sorry.

I just was not sure that people actually were concerned about zombies.

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I am very sorry for making a comment about zombies invading my anus. I will not make stupid comments anymore. Again, very sorry.

I just was not sure that people actually were concerned about zombies.

Rapier-like wit becomes dull very fast without the whetstone of idiocy. In all honesty most of us actually appreciate what you've done.......just uhh, no pictures.

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Rapier-like wit becomes dull very fast without the whetstone of idiocy. In all honesty most of us actually appreciate what you've done.......just uhh, no pictures.

Sarcasm runs deep in this group and you have to take some licks before you're fully accepted.
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Sarcasm runs deep in this group and you have to take some licks before you're fully accepted.

That's right. I can't drink a beer with a man if I can't tell him how ugly or fat his momma is.....unless it's a glandular condition, there's no justification for that sort cruelty.

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Guest Nologic

Sarcasm runs deep in this group and you have to take some licks before you're fully accepted.

Let the licking begin!

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Guest Victor9er

Im very confused what all this zombie business is about. Are you all really convinced that zombies are a relevant concern?

I'll be the one to spare you from the ongoing torture :lol:

Zombies are a universal metaphor that people use to prepare for a "worst case senario" of any type of generic disaster... be it natural or man-made. Back in the 70's and 80's it was ok, and even encouraged, to say you were gearing up and preparing for the day when the "commies" invaded. Nowadays that type of stuff is frowned upon. So zombies work well as a sort of universal code for an "end of the world as we know it" situation.

It could come in the form of a massive earthquake, another hurricaine like Katrina, nuclear fallout of some kind, invasion from outside, civil unrest from within, giant meteor, some mutant monster-virus, or heck even alien invasion. Whatever your mind can come up with that would cause to to want to prepare for the worst... after all, if you're prepared for and can survive a zombie apocolypse then you're pretty much ready for anything.

It's a fun and lighthearted way to "talk shop" and the general masses will usually laugh it off as a silly hobby.

What is a whipping boy?

Oy vey... :shake:

Ok, let the torture resume...

Edited by Victor9er
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That's right. I can't drink a beer with a man if I can't tell him how ugly or fat his momma is.....unless it's a glandular condition, there's no justification for that sort cruelty.

Sarcasm??? What's that? Why Caster is the most straight-talking, level-headed, even-keeled, and kind-hearted person who posts here.

Just ask him.

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Guest Nologic

All of you are so harsh. I only came to learn as much as I can and to make friends. One comment about my anus and this turns into a hate on Todd thread. All I was looking for was a simple explanation what all the zombie hope was about. Thankfully I was respectfully PM'd a lengthily explanation.


Edited by Nologic
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Who said "Hate on Todd" ?

I ignore people I hate. They are beneath me and not worthy of my contempt.

I think others here are the same. Judging your hypothesis of "Hate on Todd" against this new information, I'd say us lounge lizards here at TGO are far from Hating you.

Edited by Caster
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