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Juvenile named trigger man in Clarksville soldier's death

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This is what "thugs" do with their weekends,


The victim was a friend, I don't have any comments that aren't filled with anger so I will refrain from them.

Sorry to hear about your friend. I've been following this case from day one. I can't figure out whats got into our teens nowadays! They have no respect for no one and no value for anything!

That generation is destined for destruction!

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Sorry to hear about your friend. I've been following this case from day one. I can't figure out whats got into our teens nowadays! They have no respect for no one and no value for anything!

That generation is destined for destruction!

Bah, this has happened since the dawn of time. We just have faster, better media coverage and spreading of the word these days so such cases are more widely heard about. Billy the kid was under 18 for much of his spree, IIRC. There have been plenty more since then, and probably a few earlier ones as well. Go back much farther and you have to look at swords and knives instead, but there were plenty of young thugs with those as well.... lot of pirates were not all that old...

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I don't understand why someone would do that. It's so pointless, killing a guy over very little, and a soldier at that. So much for trying to be nice to people. He gives you a ride and you repay him by shooting him point blank in the back and head.

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Trying to get inside the head of a thug is pointless.

If you just assert that the thug was mean and hellbent on robbing someone, then the scenario develops... he is armed, you want to rob him, best solution to problem: kill him from behind to acquire his gun and money. It is perfectly logical once you discard morals and ethics from the equation.

Plenty of folks have no problem discarding morals and ethics. Half of them are elected to government. The other half are why we carry guns.

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Doesn't alot of this problem start at home with PARENTS who care? Baby Mommies and Baby Daddies is not what it takes to raise a child to be a productive member of our society. It takes actual PARENTING! Plus it takes a kid who cares to make something of their lives instead of being blunt smoking thugs!

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Trying to get inside the head of a thug is pointless.

If you just assert that the thug was mean and hellbent on robbing someone, then the scenario develops... he is armed, you want to rob him, best solution to problem: kill him from behind to acquire his gun and money. It is perfectly logical once you discard morals and ethics from the equation.

Plenty of folks have no problem discarding morals and ethics. Half of them are elected to government. The other half are why we carry guns.

You would post more often.

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where is a zimmerman when you need him

Yes, clearly Zimmerman is a hero that I want representing responsible HCP holders like myself. If only he was there in his cape to save this young soldier.

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