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Is A Race War Being Censored To Avoid White Backlash?

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McDonough refused to back down, saying he had heard from police that the crowds involved in several recent incidents were all black. Failing to mention the race of the participants, he said, would be "political correctness on steroids."

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I see the race problem to be a symptom of a much larger problem. America is being divided:

Black vs White

Men vs Women

Christian vs Non Christian

Gay vs Straight

Producers vs Takers

Civilized Humans vs Envromentalists

Ford vs Chevy...

You can go on for hours with the list. The thing is that a united people aren't as easy to control and manipulate as a people fighting mongst themselves.

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I see the race problem to be a symptom of a much larger problem. America is being divided:

Black vs White

Men vs Women

Christian vs Non Christian

Gay vs Straight

Producers vs Takers

Civilized Humans vs Envromentalists

Ford vs Chevy...

You can go on for hours with the list. The thing is that a united people aren't as easy to control and manipulate as a people fighting mongst themselves.

Very true.

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I see the race problem to be a symptom of a much larger problem. America is being divided:

Black vs White

Men vs Women

Christian vs Non Christian

Gay vs Straight

Producers vs Takers

Civilized Humans vs Envromentalists

Ford vs Chevy...

You can go on for hours with the list. The thing is that a united people aren't as easy to control and manipulate as a people fighting mongst themselves.

Yup! Exactly.

We were united on 9/12/2001. Started coming apart a little bit by the media hammering GWB non-stop for 8 years. Really exploded after 1/20/2009.

Can anyone tell us who the great divider is? In all of history? Think back to Sunday school. Satan. His job is to divide and cause strife. Obama is doing a very good job of helping him out. Obama promised to be a post racial President, but he has been the most racial president. He is intent on dividing us by Black vs White, Men vs Women, Christian vs Non Christian, Gay vs Straight... and ALL of the others, just like Greg said.

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Guest 270win

Come to Memphis. I figured out real quick after moving here that I needed to carry a gun. It is like a third world country in a lot of places within Memphis. To many there think they are owed something when they are walking around with free cell phones.

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Guest profgunner

I like the version with commentary.



Now that is FUNNY! Moral of the story: leave them old white men alone!!!
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