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Zombie-Proof House

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I see at least 2 entrances though the page says there's just the one at the drawbridge. That first floor glass area has at least one sliding door and it's directly behind the weakest link....the rolling garage door. Not that those are all that easy to break into, but the nice thick concrete is better.

Even if you don't count that because it's covered when in lock-down mode, there also appears to be a door in the back (last photo) in the center.

That said, it's still awesome, even with the one year time warp :)


Edited by monkeylizard
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Problem with any impregnable fortress is that whomever is on the inside is just as screwed as whomever is on the outside. I mean sure, no one can get in, but no one can out either. Might as well just call it what it is: The world's most expensive Mausoleum. :-\

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What happens when you loose power?

Has a government green energy package installed. It has a single cylinder Honda portable green generator powered by biodiesel that comes from a pond on top with a refinery that converts pond scum into bio diesel. Retractable windmills power the refinery, and solar panels power the retractable windmills.

When none of that works, there is a 10 L v-16 diesel generator with 5,000 gallons of dirty environment killing, fossil fuel diesel stored below ground..

Edited by Sam1
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I'm guessing that the people who had a house built with a drawbridge and moving concrete slabs thought enough to put a well head inside and a genny in the basement. It may also have solar cells on that large flat roof.

Firing ports would have been a good idea, or at least a crenelated roof edge.

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