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Black Panthers Warn Whites

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Well, I still don't take the NBPP seriously enough to consider them to be a real threat to the liberties of those they oppose (whites, hispanics, Jews and Uncle Toms). The same as I don't think that white supremacist groups (like the folks arrested near Kissimmee the other day) are much of a threat to the liberties of those THEY oppose (minorities, Jews, puppies and so on).

The NBPP is a joke and will dwindle back into obscurity now that the Zimmerman thing is winding down. If they do engage in voter intimidation I can bet it won't be in a gun-friendly state. They're dummies, but I don't think they have a death wish.

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Well, I still don't take the NBPP seriously enough to consider them to be a real threat to the liberties of those they oppose (whites, hispanics, Jews and Uncle Toms). The same as I don't think that white supremacist groups (like the folks arrested near Kissimmee the other day) are much of a threat to the liberties of those THEY oppose (minorities, Jews, puppies and so on).

The NBPP is a joke and will dwindle back into obscurity now that the Zimmerman thing is winding down. If they do engage in voter intimidation I can bet it won't be in a gun-friendly state. They're dummies, but I don't think they have a death wish.

What they have done, and will continue to do, is push the "kill whitey" mentality. Unfortunately, the victims are more likely to be unarmed. If they come at me, there will be skittles everywhere. But, we are only 5% of the population in this state.

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You want to blame conservatives? Blame them for the Occupy crap. Blame them for the Black Panther crap. Blame themfor the gays wanting to take what isn't theirs......

They need to get out of everybody's pants and go to work. It's just that simple.

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You're onto something though. By threatening violence are we [whitey] not already justifiably in fear for our safety and or life? Sounds more like a supporting argument for zero hesitation to me.

I could just see them trying to tick off one of the skin heads or rednecks into doing something first so they could do the whole "they attacked first so we are the victims, etc."
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What they have done, and will continue to do, is push the "kill whitey" mentality. Unfortunately, the victims are more likely to be unarmed. If they come at me, there will be skittles everywhere. But, we are only 5% of the population in this state.

Scattered Skittles!!!
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Awwww man... Are we turning the thread gay? Hang on... (exits race-war-preparedness bunker to retrieve queer stomping boots)Okay, I'm ready. Adam and Eve, not Adam and Ste..... dammit, NBP Party guerrillas just breached my triple strand on the NW corner of the perimeter. Gotta go set off inner ring claymores. I'll have to get back to this topic later.

I believe you just won this thread.

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Or this one http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/324792

The sale of the targets was discovered last week on a firearms auction site by a reporter for WKMG-TV in Orlando. The station contacted the seller, who wanted to remain anonymous, and who was quoted by the New York Daily News as saying,

My main motivation was to make money off the controversy.

Read more: http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/324792#ixzz1umYASb3U

Almost sounds like someone make this up just to stir the pot and just my opinion but I would not put it past the media. Maybe my tin foil hat is on a bit tight today.

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