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Guest ArmyVeteran37214

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Guest Lester Weevils

It gets fuzzy when you get real local. What does it matter if the dog catcher is "liberal" or "conservative" as long as he is the best one at catching dawgs while avoiding travesties against common sense? Similarly, as long as the property tax assessor (county clerk), sheriff or county/city manager is halfway honest and competent at his job, then who cares about his attitude on abortion, homo marriage, foreign policy/UN, or social security?

You might have a local election competition between a liberal weenie comptroller who perfectly adds a column of numbers and always gets the correct answer, versus a conservative demagogue who can't effectively administer an office or calculate the correct answer on a balance sheet? Or vice-versa. However, after many year have passed, after Mr Competent Comptroller has been a dedicated party man for enough years to "pay his dues:", then maybe Mr Comptroller will eventually get promoted according to the Peter Principle to the position of Fed Representative? And then all of a sudden it matters a bunch about the fella's opinions re abortion or foreign policy, which has nothing to do with whatever previous remarkable talent he might have had for reconciling a county balance sheet?

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Kieefer, one thing to take into account is that there is a significant contingent of Paul supporters who don't identify with the rest of the Republican party, myself being one of them. The Republican party is as soulless and corrupt as the Democrats, the only reason I will likely be voting for Romney this fall is that Obama cannot be allowed to place another justice on the SCOTUS. With Romney we have a chance of getting a conservative justice. At this point, both congress and the white house are enemies of the people and the republic. The SCOTUS is the last hope we have of keeping the other two branches from going whole hog into tyranny.

For me at least, the only reason the Republican Party is even getting a chance is that they are more pliable to the kind of internal reforms that will make it possible to change the party to one that actually respects individual liberty as opposed to just paying lip service.

My point is, is that Ron Paul is a Republican by party, his supporters disrespecting that party will not gain them any respect and therefore his cause will be ignored. If they want to earn respect they are going to have to behave in a civil manner. They sound like the occupy movement with this crap.

That's what irks me about some RP supporters, some are as extreme and dim witted as liberals. There may be the some in the R party that act the same way but their not in the numbers like RP's supporters are. I'm glad that you a least see the light in removing BHO.

Until the Tea Party takes over the R party we are going to have to deal them, shouting down Romney's son looks bad and is not doing RP's message any good..

It goes back to what's already been said, get back to the basics and vote for people at the local and state level that will gradually change the internal reforms needed in Washington.

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Guest 6.8 AR

The generalizing I am doing about the GOP is why the actions at the local level you are referring to are needed. The national party machine is corrupted. Many of the state party machines are the same, look no further than Nashville for evidence of that here in TN.

I'm not disagreeing with you, just offering a solution. The corruption needs to be exposed for what it is. Tea Partiers are

stirring the pot quite well within the GOP and need all the help they can get. Real change occurs when real people grab

the bull by the horns.

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