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To our TGOers with the Patriot Guard Riders

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Great job today, and thank you, gentlemen, for your work today leading the funeral procession for Spc. Jason Edens. The bikes alone stretched for a mile, and I'm not exaggerating. From my vantage point on Sneed Road, I could see approximately 1000 yards west, and there were riders as far as I could see. This was around halfway through the procession. Sorry, Westboro Baptist, better luck next time.

I know there's a lot of doom and gloom on this site and many others about the impending death of the republic, but seeing all the people lining the roads for a fallen soldier most of them had never met, including myself, the hundreds of riders leading the way, the flags...it's the kind of thing that makes me proud of my country and my neighbors. We may be down, but we are not out yet, and won't be so long as we have communities like this one.

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The Patriot Guard Riders do a great thing. I have a friend that is a PGR. He told me about Westboro showing up to a soldiers funeral in Algood. PGR intercepted Westboro's plans and arrived in the Walmart parking lot where they were supposed to convene. The sheriffs department told Westboro that they didn't have enough man power to protect them if the PGR decided to attack them. Westboro quickly got back on their buses and got out of there.

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Guest Torrin

Great job today, and thank you, gentlemen, for your work today leading the funeral procession for Spc. Jason Edens. The bikes alone stretched for a mile, and I'm not exaggerating. From my vantage point on Sneed Road, I could see approximately 1000 yards west, and there were riders as far as I could see. This was around halfway through the procession. Sorry, Westboro Baptist, better luck next time.

I know there's a lot of doom and gloom on this site and many others about the impending death of the republic, but seeing all the people lining the roads for a fallen soldier most of them had never met, including myself, the hundreds of riders leading the way, the flags...it's the kind of thing that makes me proud of my country and my neighbors. We may be down, but we are not out yet, and won't be so long as we have communities like this one.

I was out of town, but my wife said it was an impressive display, both on the Patriot Guards part and on the spectators part. There were thousands of people lined up on the route, and Franklin High School had several hundred people there (many former and current students, plus staff). Jason was a good kid (He went to school with my boys) and I was proud to hear about how well he was honored on Saturday.

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