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Ron Paul or No One!!!

Guest ArmyVeteran37214

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what does being a mormon have to do with it?

I am not understanding that at all.

Does every president have to be a methodist or other generic christian denomination?

And I would dare say most presidents are as about as christian as I am, but they put on a show to get votes.


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Guest bkelm18

what does being a mormon have to do with it?

I am not understanding that at all.

Does every president have to be a methodist or other generic christian denomination?

And I would dare say most presidents are as about as christian as I am, but they put on a show to get votes.

It's rather a shame so much focus is put onto the candidate's religion. It really should be irrelevant. I dare say that's one of the only issues that could truly make or break a candidate's chances of election, and it has nothing to do with their policies. A government should not concern themselves with religion. Their job is to do what is in the best interests of the country with priority given to the constitution. A person's religion is their own business, not the government's.

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I keep saying that if you really want to change the environment in Washington, change who you send there at the local level.

If paulbots really think libertarianism is the way to go then fill your state with them and then the public on the national level will see more support for these types of candidates. I'd like to see you guys take over CA and show us what you can do.

You drones for RP are trying to put the cart before the horse, there is not enough public support for Paul and his ideas to earn a presidency.

BTW, unrelated but looks to me like BHO has just gotten a thumbs up from France. :surrender:

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BTW, unrelated but looks to me like BHO has just gotten a thumbs up from France. :surrender:


he probably apologized for any damage our troops did at Normandy while they were kicking the Nazis out.

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BTW, unrelated but looks to me like BHO has just gotten a thumbs up from France. :surrender:


he probably apologized for any damage our troops did at Normandy while they were kicking the Nazis out.

Might add that the Occupy movement is probably wetting their pants today in their celebration too.

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Guest HvyMtl

I wonder if the stance on religion of some here would change if the GOP candidate was Muslim. . . Or a "sekrit" one.

Whether we like it or not, religion is part of the person being voted in. This is why you had all those nay sayers claiming O wasn't Christian. Like it or not, many Christian believers see Mormonism as a cult. Many Denominations of the Christian faith do not see it as part of Christianity. This is, like it or not, an issue. Religious beliefs do impact the person. Religious beliefs cannot be left at the door to the oval office.

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I can say one thing about Muslims, their faith has been around a heck of a lot longer than christianity.

Personally I could care less about a persons religious beliefs. I want to know do they believe in our constitution and will they follow it.

Mormon's amd Muslims do have one thing in common. The person they follow was actually real. Whether or not they know the truth I can't say.

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Guest ThePunisher

I can say one thing about Muslims, their faith has been around a heck of a lot longer than christianity.

Personally I could care less about a persons religious beliefs. I want to know do they believe in our constitution and will they follow it.

Mormon's amd Muslims do have one thing in common. The person they follow was actually real. Whether or not they know the truth I can't say.

If it were not for the Christians, we could possibly be speaking Arabic instead of English. The Muslims believe in Sharia Law and certainly not the Constitution of the infidels. Don't know much about Mormonism, but at least it was founded in good ole USA. I would think a Mormon would uphold the Constitution, and we already know the commie Muslim will not.

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I can say one thing about Muslims, their faith has been around a heck of a lot longer than christianity.

You can say that, but you would be wrong. I certainly don't want to turn this into a religious debate, but how did you come to that conclusion?

Christianity is almost 600 years older than Islam. Muhammad, the founder of Islam, wasn't even born until the 6th century.

Edited by mav
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It's rather a shame so much focus is put onto the candidate's religion. It really should be irrelevant. I dare say that's one of the only issues that could truly make or break a candidate's chances of election, and it has nothing to do with their policies. A government should not concern themselves with religion. Their job is to do what is in the best interests of the country with priority given to the constitution. A person's religion is their own business, not the government's.

Did you make this same statement when everyone was in a uproar about the lying king being a Muslim?

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...Christianity is almost 600 years older than Islam. Muhammad, the founder of Islam, wasn't even born until the 6th century.

Indeed. And ironically, x number of Arabs would have been Christian before Islam cranked up, the movement having radiated outwardly from Palestine.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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Guest ThePunisher

More people will vote against Obama this time believing he is a Muslim after revealing his true colors, and showing favoritism to the Arab nations and less support for Israel. They will also not vote for him because of his Marxist commie ideology. A Zebra can't hide his stripes forever and Obama can't conceal his commie Muslim stripes forever either. Whether you like it or not, religion is a factor in Presidential elections. The question people will have to ask this time is whether they trust a Mormon more than a Muslim.

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You can say that, but you would be wrong. I certainly don't want to turn this into a religious debate, but how did you come to that conclusion?

Christianity is almost 600 years older than Islam. Muhammad, the founder of Islam, wasn't even born until the 6th century.

Not sure what i was thinking there, thanks for the correction

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Guest bkelm18

Did you make this same statement when everyone was in a uproar about the lying king being a Muslim?

It is irrelevant to me what the President's religious affiliation is. Muslim, Christian, Jew, Hare Krishna, Jub Jub Club from Beta Zed 9... makes no difference to me.

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Guest HankRearden

All of the Mormons I have ever worked with, done business with or otherwise known have been very good people. I especially liked doing business with them. When they contracted for 200 cases of MRE's or anything else payment was prompt and there was no additional haggling or last minute changes like what would happen on other bulk orders.

I know there are bad apples in every bunch and my sample is not representative of all Mormons.

Last time I checked the Mormon faith did not have a "convert or die" component either.

Back to the topic. I do not agree with Ron Paul on almost any of his foreign policy and I do not think he is presidential material but if he were to get the nomination I would vote for him because he would definitely be better than what we have.

I don't think Romney is a good choice either (not because of his faith) but when he gets the nomination I will vote for him.

I could squander my vote and write in my candidate but why? So I can make a statement that will not help serve any purpose except that I can say that I really stuck it to the establishment with that one! Who will notice and what benefit comes from it?

If you want to influence true change begin getting people who represent your beliefs in local and state government then move up.

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Romoney can't be as bad as those evil Christians like Santorum. :D...

I've had to vote for self-claimed Christians all my life, so have no real prob voting for a Mormon, a sect that merely adds an additional layer of lunacy atop the Christ story itself.

And though you meant it as a joke, will indeed be easier than having had to pull the lever for Pope Boy.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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I've had to vote for self-claimed Christians all my life, so have no real prob voting for a Mormon, a sect that merely adds an additional layer of lunacy atop the Christ story itself.

And though you meant it as a joke, will indeed be easier than having had to pull the lever for Pope Boy.

- OS

Make that two of us

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Guest zort

i really wish there was a 3rd party to vote for, im so tired of gop vs dem crap, if your not with us your against us. ill vote for rp and wish more will also

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i really wish there was a 3rd party to vote for, im so tired of gop vs dem crap, if your not with us your against us. ill vote for rp and wish more will also

Why bother? Seriously, why even burn the fuel to hit the polls, unless there's some other race you care about?

- OS

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Guest 6.8 AR

You fix what you can by getting involved in the process and getting more people involved. It's not productive to just say

they're both the fault and you haven't done anything but criticize. Regardless of whether it's true or not. Our own complacency

destroyed or is in the process of destroying both parties. I'm still holding out for Tea Party activism to hold back the commies

because the Paulbots haven't got it, yet.

We're out of time for this madness to continue. November is survive or bust. You Paulbots need to grow up. There is nothing

intelligent or pragmatic in what your RP vote will accomplish. If Perot's venture into politics during the Bush/Clinton cycle didn't

educate you, I sure can't.

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Again, and for the last time, RP is running on the Republican ticket.

Not third party.

So, if he gets the nomination, a vote for RP will be a vote for RP.

I'd like to be able to vote for someone (RP), instead of against someone - if Mitt gets the nomination, I'll be voting against Obama, not for someone who reflects my desires for smaller government, sane budgets, or respect for rights.

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