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Range plans and buddy's

Guest FIST

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I go to the range once a week on Saturdays. All my friends know it and say they want to come along. I always drive due to half need and half preference. I hear "I'm coming with you man" from a few every week, but come Friday or about the time to leave for the range they back out with some nonsense or just don't call or show. I know I should reevaluate classifying them as friend; anyone else have this happen, or even as frequently? I'm averaging 1lame excuse and 1 no show every week. Who says the Blue Falcon is a rare bird.

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Guest cardcutter

I have had the same problem. I just don't count on them ever showing up. That way when they do its a pleasant surprise. If they bail after the third invite i quit asking them.

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When I do go to the range, I let the people I hang out with know the day and time I plan on leaving. I tell them if you would like to come call before I leave. The only person who is good for the range is my Dad. I've got friends that have guns and I've never seen them shoot them in the 6+ years I've known them. I tell them to sell me their guns so they will get the appropriate attention they need. One day though, I'll get them to go shooting, maybe they are intimidated...who knows.

I would just throw out the date, time and location you are going and tell them to meet you there if they are interested, I wouldn't depend on them going.

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Guest drwright6

Although I enjoy taking my daughter or someone new to shooting, most of the time I would rather go to the range alone. I like to take my time and can't stand feeling like I'm being rushed. I think most of the people I have gone with get tired of it in about an hour. I tend to stay 4 or 5 hours :D

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Part of the problem for me is a friend comes to me and asks if I'm going and can they go? I say sure we can meet wherever, whatever time if it works for us both, they say yes I'm going to go, we'll, see you then. At this point I am under the impression that they are going baring any unforeseen circumstances, when they don't show at the time agreed on, I try to call or text, like I said, weird things happen, alarms are slept through etc etc. I give them the chance I would hope they would give me and wait to hear from them one way or the other before I leave. The only thing I ever request from them is that if they want to fire one of my weapons they provide their own ammo. Maybe It's me, who knows.

Example 1: Friend says lets go, at the time to meet he no shows. I call, wake him up and he says "sorry alarm didn't go off, getting up now and will be on my way" 1 1/2 hours later no answer for text or call. Here from him again around 1300 and he says, lost my phone sorry. Not for nothing but, if you don't want to go anymore, just say so. Why waste an hour and half that I could be shooting instead of sitting around waiting for a call he knew he wasn't going to make.

Example 2: Friend who has had this issue as well says to me, lets go. Ok, meet here at this time. No answer with call or text. Standby for an hour since he is normally reliable. Go to the range, get text on my way back stating, didn't get in till 6, just woke up. Well if your supposed to meet at 8, it's a good bet your not making it. Is it hard to give someone a heads up? I say, next time give me heads up, he says I never said I was going. Ok. I guess the "lets meet here at 8, ok see you then" conversation was misunderstood by me.

From here on, I am giving a time to meet and a location and if I don't hear from you I'm leaving on the dot. I'm done wasting time that I could spend doing the only thing I enjoy outside of my family on the only day I can do it. I guess I can always count on me to show up on time for me to go shooting with me, the sad part is I have served with the majority of these guys in Afghanistan and been through a lot with them.

Lesson learned.

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I rarely go to the range but I used to have this problem with a variety of friends that I rode motorcycles with. My thing was always meet at X at 0900, kickstands up at 0930. If you are not there at 0930 you are getting left no excuses. I have spent enough of my life waiting on people and I do not do it anymore if I can keep from it. If someone is supposed to meet me at 1200 and they aren't there and don't answer their phone I leave. Seems harsh but I've gotten a reputation for departing abruptly if someone does not show to meet me, they are getting better.

So, how about you meet your buddies at the range? That was you can shoot while you are "waiting" and if they don't show then oh well.

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The initial reaction to the idea of going to the range is almost always positive. We love to shoot. Once the reality of the drive and the wait for a lane sets in, one begins to have second thoughts. Then you remember the unsafe behavior of the people that were at the range the last time you were there and you suddenly remember you have a better way to spend the day. Don't take it personally.

I've attended several TGO shoot fests and have always had a really great time. Good people and usually a variety of weapons to try out. Absolutely no regrets there. Still, for me, the best visits to a range are when I have the range to myself. It allows me greater focus on improving my skills. And that is what I really need. I will admit, my wife and also the people I work with consider me a loner. There's probably some truth to that.

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Guest 6.8 AR

I'd rather have the range that way, too. Best times for me have been on Fridays at Southside. I just don't get too many opportunities.

Edited by 6.8 AR
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I rarely go to the range but I used to have this problem with a variety of friends that I rode motorcycles with. My thing was always meet at X at 0900, kickstands up at 0930. If you are not there at 0930 you are getting left no excuses. I have spent enough of my life waiting on people and I do not do it anymore if I can keep from it. If someone is supposed to meet me at 1200 and they aren't there and don't answer their phone I leave. Seems harsh but I've gotten a reputation for departing abruptly if someone does not show to meet me, they are getting better.

So, how about you meet your buddies at the range? That was you can shoot while you are "waiting" and if they don't show then oh well.

I would do that but they are all to cheap to drive there, or even show up for me to drive and then know where the range is at.

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The initial reaction to the idea of going to the range is almost always positive. We love to shoot. Once the reality of the drive and the wait for a lane sets in, one begins to have second thoughts. Then you remember the unsafe behavior of the people that were at the range the last time you were there and you suddenly remember you have a better way to spend the day. Don't take it personally.

I've attended several TGO shoot fests and have always had a really great time. Good people and usually a variety of weapons to try out. Absolutely no regrets there. Still, for me, the best visits to a range are when I have the range to myself. It allows me greater focus on improving my skills. And that is what I really need. I will admit, my wife and also the people I work with consider me a loner. There's probably some truth to that.

That is a good point.

I have been going to LBL to shoot and there is no range safety or use fee. With that being said I know the chances of an unsafe act or people acting stupid while shooting is increased and to mitigate this I try going as early in the morning as possible, while those folks are sleeping their hangover off. The positive of how the range is set up is that I can fire handgun or rifle from either of the 2 lanes.

As of today I have not had any major issues there and all of the people I have met are safe, not trying to do the "I'm in a war movie and I'm super awesome so watch me shoot and transition even though I don't know why I want to do this except to look cool" shooting and are always wanting to chat about what your brought and what they brought.

The two biggest issues to date was that 1 of the guys that came with me was mad when I told him that it doesn't matter how safe he thinks he is not to handle any firearms while another shooter is downrange checking targets. He didn't like it, but it's right and if I know what right looks like I intend to do it and enforce it. Awhile back one of the guys with me started to raise his pistol and looked like he intended to fire as another shooter was downrange; I cussed him, told him to put it down, and reminded him of right. He played it off like he knew someone was out changing targets but later admitted to not really knowing and had intended on firing before I stopped him.

I know there are risks at a range like this but my early arrival has worked so far. I hope to never have to leave because of some idiots being unsafe.

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It's better to jest meet new friends while you shoot that way you have alot of gun buddies there , and every week you even make newer friends ,and after time you will always have somebody to shoot with that's what I do I injoy it a lot better that way so when I'm ready to leave all I have to say is see ya later fellas. Hehehe

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I don't shoot at a range, but on time is on time, no matter where, what, when, how or who. With me you get one chance to be on time whether it's fishing, hunting, work or church. After that I don't ask anymore. I may be way off base, but it seems to me to be a matter or respect and responsibility - i.,e., if someone doesn't respect me enough or isn't responsible enough to be on time, then I'm probably better off with out them there, (especially if guns, swift water or sharp objects are involved).


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Life happens. We have about 5 people in a little group --- 3 from my work, 2 who know us, and once in a blue moon one or 2 others who normally cannot make it manage as well. Yet even with all those, a regular time and place, and all, about once a month no more than 2 of us make it. At least 5 times a year no one goes (which means it would be just me, and I do not go alone very often). People get busy, or things come up, and some folks are embarrassed to admit they cannot afford a lot of ammo, etc. It works to just be the go-to guy... they know you are going, and when, and where. If they want to go, they will come to you -- even if its just once or twice a year. If not, don't worry about it. One of my best friends has been wanting to go for 6 months now, but he has kids too young for it and they keep him hopping, and a wife and a life as well, it just never seems to happen. One day he will find the time again.

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I don't shoot at a range, but on time is on time, no matter where, what, when, how or who. With me you get one chance to be on time whether it's fishing, hunting, work or church. After that I don't ask anymore. I may be way off base, but it seems to me to be a matter or respect and responsibility - i.,e., if someone doesn't respect me enough or isn't responsible enough to be on time, then I'm probably better off with out them there, (especially if guns, swift water or sharp objects are involved).


Couldn't have said it any better myself.


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I don't shoot at a range, but on time is on time, no matter where, what, when, how or who. With me you get one chance to be on time whether it's fishing, hunting, work or church. After that I don't ask anymore. I may be way off base, but it seems to me to be a matter or respect and responsibility - i.,e., if someone doesn't respect me enough or isn't responsible enough to be on time, then I'm probably better off with out them there, (especially if guns, swift water or sharp objects are involved).


I must admit I have a problem with being "on time." Been that way all my life. I mean well, but things just seem to happen to change the mix.

But my father-in-law said something to me years ago, (actually he was chastising me for being late at the time) that had to sink in for a while. I've tried to take it to heart and reform. I do better now, but still have a backslide occasionally.

His comment? I think you'll like it.

"If you're early... you're on time. If you're on time...you're late."

Think about it.

Edited by hipower
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I must admit I have a problem with being "on time." Been that way all my life. I mean well, but things just seem to happen to change the mix.

But my father-in-law said something to me years ago, (actually he was chastising me for being late at the time) that had to sink in for a while. I've tried to take it to heart and reform. I do better now, but still have a backslide occasionally.

His comment? I think you'll like it.

"If you're early... you're on time. If you're on time...you're late."

Think about it.

Actually, that's pretty much how I live my life. My best friend has often said about me, "If you want Don to show up Wednesday afternoon, tell him he doesn't need to be there until Thursday morning." That's a little extreme, but he's right - I'd rather be two hours early than five minutes late; Two hours early doesn't hurt anything. Five minutes late could make one helluva difference... maybe even life or death. Guess I'd just rather be bored for two hours because I'm on time than frantic for three because I'm running late. ;)

Oh, and with all due respect, your problem isn't with being "on time." Your problem is that you are habitually late and you'd rather blame the exigencies than your lack of planning for them. (Notice how that kinda' goes back to what I said about being responsible?) :-\

Edited by Timestepper
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...Oh, and with all due respect, your problem isn't with being "on time." Your problem is that you are habitually late and you'd rather blame the exigencies than your lack of planning for them. (Notice how that kinda' goes back to what I said about being responsible?) :-\

With respect...I disagree. Just because I choose to use a little humor to illustrate a point, doesn't give you the insight to assert a diagnosis on a person you don't know. But that's my opinion.

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With respect...I disagree. Just because I choose to use a little humor to illustrate a point, doesn't give you the insight to assert a diagnosis on a person you don't know. But that's my opinion.

My humblest apologies. I obviously mistook humor for confession.

Also please understand that I based what I said upon personal experience: I know people who are never late and I know people who are chronically late. The ones who are never late make plans, while the ones who are chronically late make excuses.

You've asserted that this does not apply to you so, again, please accept my humblest apologies as I contritely rescind my unsolicited, unqualified and evidently completely inaccurate "diagnosis."


Edited by Timestepper
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From one BS'er to another, Thanks. Probably came across to hard, but that's the fallibility of the printed word; expression is terribly limited to the printed format and doesn't allow for observation and inflection of a conversation.

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