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something good from Obama

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I don't know about your all's area, but in my area the price of electric is increasing as well. I don't see a solution here. IF electric were to replace gas, all I see changing is "Big Oil" to "Big Electric". Someone else's pocket will always be filled.

According to their specs, an overnight charge for the Aptera at current California rates amounts to a couple bucks- and a full charge will take you about 120 miles. (this is assuming the full-electric version) Even if the price of electricity doubled, you'd still be going a hundred or so miles on the dollar equivalent of a gallon of gas.

It's not the end-all solution, but I think it may well be a glimpse into the near future of personal travel. I'll be watching this company over the next couple years to see how they do. There are still a lot of questions unanswered for me about the Aptera- namely stuff like maintenance expenses. Efficiency is great, but if the vehicle in question breaks a lot, or is costly to maintain in general, then the financial side of the deal starts getting a lot more questionable.

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And of course why we are not pulling oil out of Alaska I will never understand.

because the tree-huggers dont want us putting a pipeline through the wilderness

i also remember when gas was .79 a gallon, i think i was only about 12 years old though

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Guest Len
The current problem is not the production of oil, it is the rate (and cost) of refinement.

Truer words have rarely been put in print. Lots of blame going around here, but refining capacity is the big "squeeze point" in the process right now. There is plenty of oil, and a good distribution system. The problem is that the oil co's have not built new refining capacity in decades. Basically it costs LOTS of money to build one and big oil makes way more money when supplies are tight. Why spend billions on a way to reduce your per unit profit? Exxon-Mobil just reported an 11 billion profit in the last quarter, which came in BELOW some analysts expectations. If I'm CEO there, why would I ruin a good thing? In fact, Bush announced govt initiatives to spur Big Oil to increase refining capacity. Big Oil said "no thanks."

As for Alaska, it would take a MINIMUM of a decade to get drop #1 in someone's car and would make only a minuscule difference in gas prices (we're talking 1-2 cents) and would change the domestic/import equation only marginally. The recently-announced CAFE changes will make a much larger difference and help the environment, not hurt it. And do that years sooner. ANWR is not a cure, its a political band-aid.

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As for Alaska, it would take a MINIMUM of a decade to get drop #1 in someone's car

a decade would be fast compared to the 14 months it is going to take TDOT to lay

one mile of pavement in Knoxville to fix I-40. If TDOT was going lay that pipe it would take 90 years

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Guest MidTNShooter

If they do cut the taxes, the demand on gas will rise due to the whole "product hording" attitude. This will again raise the prices up. I was at a Mapco last week and they were raising the prices since the competition across the street did. They are raising the price of the gas that they already paid for. If their distributor sells the gas at $X.00 a gallon, they are restricted by law at price gouging.

This is getting on my last nerve. Even though I don't pay for gas, this price fixing is getting out of hand.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest TargetShooter84

Really, there is NEVER a thing that is good that comes out of Obama's mouth. As for the gas situation, what could they possibly do? Just like Tenn's tax would go up if the fed tax was dropped, so what good are their proposals...the candidates need to do more research and Obama needs to shut his trap up.

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Guest Phantom6

As for Alaska, it would take a MINIMUM of a decade to get drop #1 in someone's car

Well gee-whiz. If only we had started drilling there ten years ago. Of course the enviro-nazi's have made the construction of refineries to make that crude usable damned near impossible. It's been 25 years or so since the last one was completed.

If TDOT was going lay that pipe it would take 90 years

That would just be "Phase 1". Then they'd have to close it down to re-work it in their "Phase 2". I believe that when TDOT begins construction on any stretch of road it is actually perpetual. I believe that by the year 2025 one may not be able to drive more than one or two miles on any interstate highway passing through Tennessee without seeing those damned orange barrels

Edited by Phantom6
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