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Yet another help me decide thread

Guest dotsun

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Guest dotsun

Hey guys,

I'm looking for a polymer .45 for CC. I'm strongly considering an XD compact, but wanted to see what you guys carry in .45. I'd like to keep the price around $600-$700 max, less is better. :up:

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Guest pherman926

I have both the Glock 30 and the XD 45 compact. I prefer the way the XD feels in my hand so I carry it instead`of the Glock, but you couldn't go wrong with either. Try and shoot as many different guns as you can and find out which works best for you.

Good luck.

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Guest flyfishtn

Don't have the compact but I do have the XD in the service size. Really enjoy shooting and carrying it but I am contemplating adding a compact to the stable.

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Guest dotsun

If I got some high pointz I'd want em in fully foty. I wonder if Mars could model 3 of those stuffed into his thunderwear?

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  • Administrator
If I got some high pointz I'd want em in fully foty. I wonder if Mars could model 3 of those stuffed into his thunderwear?
:D :D please dont ask for pictures...

Did someone say they wanted those pictures? He had to model like that in order to become a moderator. :up:

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Guest darkstar

Rabbi beat me to it...Kahr CW45....very decent gun, affordable, easily concealed, and a very easy shooting gun for a compact .45

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Guest eyebedam

45 M&P. I got to handle the other day and its really nice. Plus with the interchangable backstraps I'm sure there's one to make it feel really good in your hand.

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I got the Kahr CW45 and I like it for a compact, affordable, polymer .45 It breaks down easy. It's light weight. I paid $456 OTD. If you get the Hogue Handall Jr. grips, it shoots fairly comfortably. $10 well spent. Good luck in your hunt and purchase.

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I was just looking online at my next .45 auto the Glock 36. That looks pretty compact as well. Its single stack mag is a turn off to the high-cap Glock fans, but I like a slim grip. You can get the aftermarket mag extender which makes the capacity 7+1.

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