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any memphis archers?

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Try getting a hold of Kristin, she can tell you where to look. There's a place on Pleasant View, Everything Archery, I believe is the name. One of my old co-workers that was big into archery dealt with them a good bit. They have an indoor range you can use too.

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I dont know if I qualify as the "archer" you speak of, but I have a hunting setup that I break out and practice with every fall. I have a target that I set up in my backyard and shoot there. Also, if you are a member of MSSA, they have an archery range that is pretty sweet. Are you talking about a compound bow or traditional?

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I'm thinking compound bow. I looked up Everything Archery. I think I'll swing by there sometime and ask them about a beginner lesson or something. Trying to find alternative shooting sports since I don't want to deplete all my ammo stores haha....not a member of MSSA yet. That initial fee scares me!

If I end up getting a bow I'll probably set up a target at my church. The land is a little smaller than a football field, so I shouldn't have to worry about hitting anyone.

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