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Guest db99wj

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Okay, if my kids and I are in the back yard and I see a poisonous snake, there is a good chance that one of my kids will see it and they are not old enough to know that snakes can hurt them. They think they are big worms and would probably approach it.

If I had time, I would get the kids in the house. If I didn't I would kill the snake.

Besides - as to this comment

And the threat would be to her not you ;)
as a parent, it is my job to make sure they are safe.
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Guest db99wj
Seems to be a lot of discussions about snakes, A lady that works with my wife found this "small" copperhead in her backyard over the weekend. This was in Collierville, right outside of Memphis in a Neighborhood.




Can you believe the size of that snake!

Like I said, if I see him out in the woods, I will leave him a lone, that is his territory, if I see that in my back yard, he is dead. Because he might leave today or get shoo'd away today, but he might come back when one of my 4 kids are out, they may not see him when they are playing, and get bit.

I would be happy to go to court on it for breaking the law. I would bring my 4 kids in front of the jury and say the same thing I said above. Whatever they decide is fine, I am protecting my kids and that comes first.

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I would be happy to go to court on it for breaking the law. I would bring my 4 kids in front of the jury and say the same thing I said above. Whatever they decide is fine, I am protecting my kids and that comes first.

Exactly and that is what a parent will do, protect their kids at all cost.

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you know what I can't believe? That this thread has gone 100 posts over legalities in killing stupid dang snake.


I had a bull in the back yard last week. Seriously, must have been every bit of 800 lbs. Should I have been worried about him attacking me. Was kind of scary, really. Did not know what he was gonna do. Then he just walked off into the woods and was gone.

Edited by Mike.357
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Guest canynracer

yeah, that thing says "in the wild" my backyard isnt the wild :rofl:

another thing...

so...if a freaking pissed off grizzly bear is in your backyard, in suburbia, ignore it? Ummm, I think not...it lost its "wildlife" title when it entered civilization at 1700 feet long smoking cigarettes and wearing sunglasses looking to eat my tiny babies....and I LIKE snakes!!!

but that one? yeah, that sumbeach would be dead...not with a shotgun (suburban neighborhood) but definatley with a shovel or an axe

then again, in reality, I would probably catch it, then call wildlife and tell them to come get it...

Edited by canynracer
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Guest canynracer
If you find a Grizzly in your back yard, call me. We can make big bucks on te exclusive. :rofl:

I did...but, I married her instead:eek:...!!!!

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Guest canynracer
no really I did have a bull nibbling on the weeds in the backyard last week.

yeah, but you live in the "wild"...they JUST found out how to get electricity and running water to you....LMAO

you think TVO (Tn venom owners) is a bunch of snakes on an internet board talking about Mike walking in their yard? :rofl:

CANYNCRAWLER: "If I saw that big azz dude, I would bite the CRAP outta him"

TOWERSLITHERER: "Yep, toothpaste"

MARSSNAKE: "You would AD on your bite with your cheap azz fangs"

The Snakecharmer: "I would sell you a better set of fangs"

MolonSlimy: "The inherant force of the penetration of the left fangs would indicate the right fang would simply direct the insufficient amount of venom to actually bring the walker to the ground"

FallSnake: TN Code 106;78998 - It is against the law to willingly bite anything bigger than said creature if creature is not within 5 feet of a toilet or other dwelling that may or may not be a human being.

StrictSnake: I like MICE

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Canyn I am not quoting that, but you deserve some kind of award for that post.

Funniest damn thing ever on TGO

Way to go buddy.

I swear I laughing so hard I am crying, and diet pepsi actually did come out my nose.

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Guest canynracer

LOL..I was gonna do the whole cast...but the grizzly wife started nagging at me for ignoring her while I type....guess it will be a loooong night on the couch...oh well, there is always TGO

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Guest Boomhower
....and the reason we're not all invited to the big steak cookout at your house is? :rofl:

Because it was a bull. Tough meat.

...........and I can not believe that a grown man would be scared of a bull. That's ludicrous!

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you know what I can't believe? That this thread has gone 100 posts over legalities in killing stupid dang snake.


I had a bull in the back yard last week. Seriously, must have been every bit of 800 lbs. Should I have been worried about him attacking me. Was kind of scary, really. Did not know what he was gonna do. Then he just walked off into the woods and was gone.

Welp atleast were not bickering about 80 snakes being killed before noon :panic:

Originally Posted by canynracer viewpost.gif

yeah, but you live in the "wild"...they JUST found out how to get electricity and running water to you....LMAO

you think TVO (Tn venom owners) is a bunch of snakes on an internet board talking about Mike walking in their yard? ;)

CANYNCRAWLER: "If I saw that big azz dude, I would bite the CRAP outta him"

TOWERSLITHERER: "Yep, toothpaste"

MARSSNAKE: "You would AD on your bite with your cheap azz fangs"

The Snakecharmer: "I would sell you a better set of fangs"

MolonSlimy: "The inherant force of the penetration of the left fangs would indicate the right fang would simply direct the insufficient amount of venom to actually bring the walker to the ground"

FallSnake: TN Code 106;78998 - It is against the law to willingly bite anything bigger than said creature if creature is not within 5 feet of a toilet or other dwelling that may or may not be a human being.

StrictSnake: I like MICE

Do I really sould like that :rofl:


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