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Everybody tells me how important it is to vote....

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If I vote for Romney (or whoever the GOP nominee is), and we have 4 more years of the SOS, can I say "I told you so"?

Told us what? 100% assured: 4 more years of obama will be the SOS (worse, because in term 2, he has nothing to lose anymore). Only 99.999% assured: the GOP loser will be just as bad. But there is a chance things could improve...!

Of course, there is a chance the GOP guy could make things worse, somehow. Start another expensive war, or do another bailout, or something else stupid. Romney could even sign off on gun control or obamacare or something goofy.

With any luck he will pick someone with some sense for the SC, but even there, since he is anti-gun, he cannot be trusted. He will likely pick "moderates" who cannot be trusted on any topic. Ugg.

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If I vote for Romney (or whoever the GOP nominee is), and we have 4 more years of the SOS, can I say "I told you so"?

We are only going to get there in incremental moves, little by little. It's not going to happen overnight. Going in the right direction is hard and takes time. Going in the wrong direction is easy and can be done much more quickly. It's a matter of incrementally voting in the lesser of two evils each time until we move to a good place, even if it's at a snails pace. Now every few elections we may get someone who is a solid strong conservative who can leap us ahead a few squares a little faster, but for the most part the lefties and the Republican establishment are going to slow us down by tossing out milquetoast choices like McCain and Romney. That is until enough people wake up and get involved and get the momentum going a little faster in the right direction a'la TEA Party style.

I am personally hoping for a brokered convention where the conservative voice of the American people can put the pressure on to bring forth a solid conservative and dodge a milquetoast disaster.

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Guest Lester Weevils


And I view this thread as another whiney "If the majority don't think as I do I'm gonna pout" thread. IMHO you need to get over yourself. At this point the Supreme Court picks trump all other factors.

Shocking that people would bitch'n'moan on the internet! [just joking, not picking a fight]

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Guest ThePunisher

If Obama gets re-elected, we'll get both ends.

If Obama gets re-elected, it tells me that over 50 percent of the people like getting reamed or they are too stupid to know the difference.

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Guest 6.8 AR

If Obama gets re-elected, it tells me that over 50 percent of the people like getting reamed or they are too stupid to know the difference.

All it tells me is that the vote will be rigged. I doubt many of those welfare recipients will vote.

I don't doubt the vote will be rigged, but that's no reason not to vote.

I'm beginning to think the vote was rigged last time, also.

Edited by 6.8 AR
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Guest ThePunisher

All it tells me is that the vote will be rigged. I doubt many of those welfare recipients will vote.

I don't doubt the vote will be rigged, but that's no reason not to vote.

I'm beginning to think the vote was rigged last time, also.

I agree.

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Guest ThePunisher

What is a fella to do? It seems the only choice voters have is a bullet to the head, or a dagger in the heart. Why vote at all?

Those will be choices if the little commie gets re-elected and you're not a good comrade of the Marxist party. You may witness history repeat itself.

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Guest 6.8 AR

I'm curious why you think that.

Because I think that is a group that historically has low voter turnout. If you just take the number of welfare

recipients, which some say is currently close to 50%, while saying that the number of taxpayers is less, or

whatever, take that percentage and add that to the number of liberals and moderates voting for him, he

wins in a landslide. How many eligible voters actually voted in the last several elections? Voter turnout has

been on the decline for a long time. How much did he win by, last time?

According to most polling data, Obama is hovering around a 50% approval rate. I think it is just too simplistic

to say he has all the welfare vote, although he probably has most of that group that does vote.

Most liberals are not dirt poor. They vote in lockstep more so than Republicans and show up in higher

percentages. They do whatever it takes to win elections, including winning a huge percentage of so-called

"moderates" to win. If Obama could get all the welfare vote for him, there would be no contest. That might


If "moderates" would get off their collective asses and think about the way the country is headed, and all

Republicans would actually vote, instead of being stupid and sitting it out for whatever kind of reason, we

could actually win this election. Yes, I said stupid, because if that's all you care about is how much you

dislike one candidate as opposed to another and yours doesn't win, and you don't vote, you've just helped

to sink this country.

That's a blanket statement and not directed to you greg. This election may be it.

Papers please! Your papers, please!

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Guest 6.8 AR

A foreign country will process votes in November -


I saw that. George Soros has some kind of connection to that "scytl" doesn't he?

I didn't really care what I saw on Michael Savage about this. That's what got me to reading earlier.

Don't know what to make of it. But I'm sure the little internet commandos around here will say it's just

tinfoil. I didn't realize we didn't tally our own votes in this country anymore, to some extent, anyway.

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.... This election may be it.

Even as much as a rabid contemporary historian (news junkie) as I am, if Hussein wins re-election, I may well just have to zen my way into a different zone and give all of it up.

Just don't know if my psyche can continue to bear up. Somebody just let me know when the last ditch offensive starts.

- OS

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Guest 6.8 AR

No, they don't. They allow themselves to become complacent from years of propaganda until some actually turn

into acolytes to what they used to disagree with. Incrementalism. It's effective. And, when the time comes, those

infected with it are so confused that they don't act. Vote.

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Guest 6.8 AR

Even as much as a rabid contemporary historian (news junkie) as I am, if Hussein wins re-election, I may well just have to zen my way into a different zone and give all of it up.

Just don't know if my psyche can continue to bear up. Somebody just let me know when the last ditch offensive starts.

- OS

I'm not there, yet, but looking at living back in the early days without what you and I are used to now, I might

not be close behind. Prepping wouldn't help much for where I think he is heading us. "Hunger Games" might not be

too far fetched.

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I'm voting, but I still think its a sham. We have a ruling class of career politicians that continue to serve their own needs while our wallet and Constitution suffer. Until things start improving to an acceptable level we should be purging all incumbent politicians. The only way to display our power is to keep firing these people so they don't get comfortable enough to do anything but serve the people.

I've been putting off doing my taxes because I just don't want to be disgusted with the amount of my money that went to feed this beast this year. Just did them the other day.... my blood pressure is still through the roof.

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Guest 6.8 AR

The only reason it could be a sham is how it can be rigged by the use of technology, and the sham tactics

one party will use to get money. Mickey Mouse and Adolph Hitler come to mind?

Their approach is all encompassing: media, buying a beer to vote, diversion using racism and propagandizing

until it is fact, electronic tallying of votes, dead voters, etc. Uphill battle.

With all that against us, it is still possible to win the election. If it isn't attainable and with things being "daylighted"

nowadays almost immediately, it would at least be possible for an electorate to get mad enough to do something

about it. It's always important to vote.

There will be a day of reckoning because of all of the mischief. It can't continue forever.

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This could well be our last chance to have a chance of stopping a centralized, intrusive Big Government. right now, barely over 50% of the eligible voters actually pay any income tax. By a remarkable coincidence the percentage of the population receiving some form of government money (payroll, welfare, EBT, Medicaid, MediCare, etc) is also just about 50%. What do you think will happen when over 50% are receiving government money? Will they vote to eliminate that source of income? It takes a lot of moral courage to cast a vote that will cause you personal harm but benefit the country.

If you are receiving any kind of government money, you had better plan on how to survive without it. Because one way or another, that gravy train is going to end. Either we will change it voluntarily, or our economy will crash. No middle ground there.

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CNN just reported that Santorum is out. It's either Mitt or the Commie.

Haven't you heard? We are going to have a brokered convention and Ron Paul is going to be the standard bearer. :)

I said many months ado that Mit was going to be the nominee...not because I wanted him to be but that was simply how I say things turning out...this is one of the times I really wish I had been wrong.

That said, I'll support Mit in any way I can to get him into the oval office as well as support those running for the congress that I hope will keep Mit honest. :)

Edited by RobertNashville
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I listened to Gingrich on Hannity last night and he stated he was in it until Romney had enough delegates to secure nomination. He doesn't believe that will happen, so he's planning on going to Tampa. A bad Republican is better than a good Democrap any day.

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Haven't you heard? We are going to have a brokered convention and Ron Paul is going to be the standard bearer. :)

I said many months ado that Mit was going to be the nominee...not because I wanted him to be but that was simply how I say things turning out...this is one of the times I really wish I had been wrong.

That said, I'll support Mit in any way I can to get him into the oval office as well as support those running for the congress that I hope will keep Mit honest. :)

Yep. I would even send him a check, if I thought ne needed it :pleased: . One upside. He has enough money to beat Obama.

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