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Everybody tells me how important it is to vote....

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Well, I voted for Ron Paul in the primary, and lost. I see very little difference in Romney and Obama. In fact, I might even give the edge to Obama, because he's fairly open about his political beliefs. I will not vote fo Romney! What is a fella to do? It seems the only choice voters have is a bullet to the head, or a dagger in the heart. Why vote at all?

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A non-vote = a vote for the incumbent, whoever that may be. Your non-vote may put two more radical socialists on the Supreme Court which will do generations worth of damage. Think about that. There's a lot more at stake here than just the person who sits at the helm in the Oval Office. The repercussions for not voting for anyone can be just as damaging as casting a vote directly for Obama.

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I don't much care for Romney and also have no desire whatsoever to vote for any politician from the Northeast but there really is no other option.

I have long despised the Republican party and this year has furthered by belief that they have absolutely no clue as to what they are doing. The crop of candidates they have put up this year is proof to me of that.

I look at it this way, if you don't vote for Romney then you are voting for Obama. Even if an independent runs, who will have no chance at all of winning, and you vote for them, it's a vote for Obama.

I refuse to not vote, so I will go to the polls, hold my nose and push the button.

Edited by Garufa
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Respectfully, anyone who thinks it makes no difference who is president or who "hates Romney" and will never vote for him needs to reexamine his thouhgs.

I don't know that anybody can even save us from the destination we are heading toward. I DO know that Obama will put rocket boosters on the vehicles that will get us there. Obama has to be defeated OR WE HAVE NO CHANCE AT ALL.

Obama has given us more debt in 3 years than W gave us in eight...we have $1.6 TRILLION deficits to infinity. Obama bypasses congress with executive orders and czars because the congress won't rubber stamp his agenda. Obama and his policies can destroy our economy with a debt load that exceeds our GDP - our currency will become worth less than the paper that it's printed on and world markets will stop trading in U.S. Dollars...we'll beg for gasoline when we can get it and we'll long for the days when it was "only" $6/gallon.Our economy; hell, our very existence is dependent on energy which means oil...cut us off from that; either physically or due to purchasing power and this country is finished.

Whatever isn't destroyed when the economy collapses will be taken care of by the courts...after Obama stacks the lower courts with socialist judges and puts two or three more Kagans on high court - every single gain we've had (you know, such as the two recent pro-second amendment decisions and a few lower court decisions) will be as good as dead. There will effectively be no second amendment protection anymore - Obama and his cronies will find a way to take our guns from us just like England...just like Canada....just like every socialist country.

If America is very lucky, it will still "exist" but be relegated to the status of a France or England; a super power turned into a super has-been and "remember when...".

Obama has to be defeated OR WE HAVE NO CHANCE AT ALL.

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Respectfully, anyone who thinks it makes no difference who is president or who "hates Romney" and will never vote for him needs to reexamine his thouhgs.

I don't know that anybody can even save us from the destination we are heading toward. I DO know that Obama will put rocket boosters on the vehicles that will get us there. Obama has to be defeated OR WE HAVE NO CHANCE AT ALL.

Obama has given us more debt in 3 years than W gave us in eight...we have $1.6 TRILLION deficits to infinity. Obama bypasses congress with executive orders and czars because the congress won't rubber stamp his agenda. Obama and his policies can destroy our economy with a debt load that exceeds our GDP - our currency will become worth less than the paper that it's printed on and world markets will stop trading in U.S. Dollars...we'll beg for gasoline when we can get it and we'll long for the days when it was "only" $6/gallon.Our economy; hell, our very existence is dependent on energy which means oil...cut us off from that; either physically or due to purchasing power and this country is finished.

Whatever isn't destroyed when the economy collapses will be taken care of by the courts...after Obama stacks the lower courts with socialist judges and puts two or three more Kagans on high court - every single gain we've had (you know, such as the two recent pro-second amendment decisions and a few lower court decisions) will be as good as dead. There will effectively be no second amendment protection anymore - Obama and his cronies will find a way to take our guns from us just like England...just like Canada....just like every socialist country.

If America is very lucky, it will still "exist" but be relegated to the status of a France or England; a super power turned into a super has-been and "remember when...".

Obama has to be defeated OR WE HAVE NO CHANCE AT ALL.

You are 100% right. It's still gonna sting either way.

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I think I'll repost my Mitt Defense now and then. Think about it.


Romney will try to run the place like a biz. He's not an ideologue, has no overwhelming agenda of just "how' things should be in some sort of utopian destruct and rebuild -- he'll be pragmatic enough to try to make things work.

He cares about America and its traditional greatness, and certainly does not want to change 236 years of our history into some theoretical new construct that simply steals income tax money from the (barely) 50% paying it to the other half that don't while those with an in make extra money from that same pool.

Also, though all presidents must be ego maniacal to a certain degree, he'll look like a humble sequestered monk compared to Obama and his over-exalted sense that history will show him to be The Visionary Savior Propelling Us Into The New World EveryDamnThing.

Gun rights won't even be on his radar one way or the other; if anything arises, he'll just accede to a (hopefully) GOP majority in both chambers.

Perhaps most importantly, his choices for the Supremes will absolutely not change us into a further Amerika over the next 50 years as would Obama's.

Romney's main criticism as a "flip flopper" may actually prove to be quite a strength in this crazy world of fast changing priorities -- he won't pursue failing options, but will change to meet realistic changing circumstances, just like a successful CEO. Much like the now Conservative God Ronald Reagan -- let us not forget he was quite the liberal Democrat into the mid 50's.

Also, Mitt doesn't care if he makes another single buck the rest of his life, and will demur from trying to write his own history books as he goes along.


- OS

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I've sweatted through the GOP primary this far thinking that Romney's gotta be stopped. Now I see it's most important that Prez Zero be stopped. If Romney makes it to the oval office, folks like us better be doing two things: (1) holding his feet to the fire and (2) bust our butts building a national Conservative Party to put our own candidate up in four years. I'm getting more than a little weary of these two-party beauty contests. Perhaps a third choice will create a checks and balance system, like the government is supposed to be.

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I've sweatted through the GOP primary this far thinking that Romney's gotta be stopped. Now I see it's most important that Prez Zero be stopped. If Romney makes it to the oval office, folks like us better be doing two things: (1) holding his feet to the fire and (2) bust our butts building a national Conservative Party to put our own candidate up in four years. I'm getting more than a little weary of these two-party beauty contests. Perhaps a third choice will create a checks and balance system, like the government is supposed to be.

The two party beauty contests will always exist. You can't lose sight of the fact that it's all about the money, and that it's highly unlikely that anything will ever prevail over it.

I like Ron Paul as well. My choice has as much weight as a lotto ticket.

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Somebody convince me that Romney won't appoint liberal judges just as Obama would. HE'S A FRIGGIN LIBERAL PROGRESSIVE!!!!! I can choose lib #1, lib #2, or vote my concience and lose. I despise the Democrat party, but lately, I've began to develop a strong aversion to the Republican party as well. Maybe more so than the Democrats. I can't see any scenerio where this country lasts another decade.

We'd be way ahead if we'd pick our politicians at random from a phone book, the way we pick juries.

Edited by gregintenn
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Somebody convince me that Romney won't appoint liberal judges just as Obama would. HE'S A FRIGGIN LIBERAL PROGRESSIVE!!!!! I can choose lib #1, lib #2, or vote my concience and lose. I despise the Democrat party, but lately, I've began to develop a strong aversion to the Republican party as well. Maybe more so than the Democrats. I can't see any scenerio where this country lasts another decade.

We'd be way ahead if we'd pick our politicians at random from a phone book, the way we pick juries.

If you see Romney in the same ballpark as Obama, even in the same zipcode of the ballpark, you just haven't paid attention to detail over the last 3.3 years.

Hell, there aren't but a handful of Dems period on the entire Hill in O's rarefied league of rigid ideology. I think even FDR would be appalled -- though his legacy is as responsible for much of the fiscal birds of prey finally coming home to roost as one man's can be, his Big Daddy Government was a desperate response to The Great Depression, not as a vision of some New World Order.

- OS

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Guest ThePunisher

Somebody convince me that Romney won't appoint liberal judges just as Obama would. HE'S A FRIGGIN LIBERAL PROGRESSIVE!!!!! I can choose lib #1, lib #2, or vote my concience and lose. I despise the Democrat party, but lately, I've began to develop a strong aversion to the Republican party as well. Maybe more so than the Democrats. I can't see any scenerio where this country lasts another decade.

We'd be way ahead if we'd pick our politicians at random from a phone book, the way we pick juries.

Instead of me trying to tell you what is wrong with the Chicago Marxist commie thug community organizer, instead I'll let you explain how great of a job he's done, and why he is worth voting to re-elect him, and that I'm wrong in my thinking about this Marxist scumbag.

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Guest ThePunisher

You have a 2 x 4. One end is on fire, and the other has a handful of 16 penny nails driven thru it. Which end do you stick up your butt?

Obama has already reamed everybody, so it will not hurt you. The thing about most people in this country the last 3+ years is that they have really enjoyed getting reamed by this Chicago thug, and they want to get reamed for 4 more years.

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Obama has already reamed everybody, so it will not hurt you. The thing about most people in this country the last 3+ years is that they have really enjoyed getting reamed by this Chicago thug, and they want to get reamed for 4 more years.

You're preachin' to the wrong guy. I have already picked my end.

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Somebody convince me that Romney won't appoint liberal judges just as Obama would. HE'S A FRIGGIN LIBERAL PROGRESSIVE!!!!! I can choose lib #1, lib #2, or vote my concience and lose. I despise the Democrat party, but lately, I've began to develop a strong aversion to the Republican party as well. Maybe more so than the Democrats. I can't see any scenerio where this country lasts another decade.

We'd be way ahead if we'd pick our politicians at random from a phone book, the way we pick juries.

This isn't about "R" or "D"; it's about survival of America as a democratic republic. I am not optimistic about our chances but I am convinced that Romney on his most liberal day is still a 100% better choice that Obama on his most conservative day.

Any president can appoint a justice that may turn out to be liberal even if no one thought they would (we have several examples)...Romney "may" appoint someone more liberal than would, say, Santorum or Paul but Romney isn't going to shut his penis his zipper if he can avoid it so it's likely he'll appoint justices that conservatives can at least tolerate if not get excited about. On the other hand, we already have proof that Obama will appoint not just liberal bur radical liberal justices...there is ZERO reason to think that in a lame-duck term he won't appoint justices that are even more liberal than he already has.

I don't "like" Romney either but he has accomplished something in his life besides being a politician. He is, I believe, a decent, moral man who dose have some principles he livers by. He does, I believe love this country and will not knowingly do things that will tear it down. He is a capitalist at heart and believes in the capitalist system.

I can say NONE of those things about Obummer....not a single one...those reasons alone are reasons enough not to vote (directly or effectively) for Obama.

Getting Obama out of office after one term may not save our country but leaving him in for another four may well assure its demise.

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The election primary usually results choices I may not like, but I'll have to pick the lessor of the evils available. The first three years of obummer have resulted in my unemployment and reduction of savings. I'm not sure I can survive eight years of his destructive ideas for hope and change.

Edited by tnhawk
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This isn't about "R" or "D"; it's about survival of America as a democratic republic. I am not optimistic about our chances but I am convinced that Romney on his most liberal day is still a 100% better choice that Obama on his most conservative day.

Any president can appoint a justice that may turn out to be liberal even if no one thought they would (we have several examples)...Romney "may" appoint someone more liberal than would, say, Santorum or Paul but Romney isn't going to shut his penis his zipper if he can avoid it so it's likely he'll appoint justices that conservatives can at least tolerate if not get excited about. On the other hand, we already have proof that Obama will appoint not just liberal bur radical liberal justices...there is ZERO reason to think that in a lame-duck term he won't appoint justices that are even more liberal than he already has.

I don't "like" Romney either but he has accomplished something in his life besides being a politician. He is, I believe, a decent, moral man who dose have some principles he livers by. He does, I believe love this country and will not knowingly do things that will tear it down. He is a capitalist at heart and believes in the capitalist system.

I can say NONE of those things about Obummer....not a single one...those reasons alone are reasons enough not to vote (directly or effectively) for Obama.

Getting Obama out of office after one term may not save our country but leaving him in for another four may well assure its demise.

I wish I could feel that way. So far, I've seen absolutely nothing to back your opinion.

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Guest ThePunisher

Some sheeple have eyes but do not see, some have ears but do not hear, and some have minds but do not understand. That's just the way it is for Obama loving sheeple.

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I don't mean to be disagreeable, but seriously, if someone cannot see an enormous difference between Romney and Obama then they just aren't paying attention. There is really no comparison between the two. It is true that Romney is a moderate Republican on many issues (even liberal on some). However, he is nothing like the socialist we have now. You could combine Wilson, FDR, Johnson, and Carter, and they still don't compare to Obama.

While I do not always agree with OhShoot, he is spot on his concern about the SCOTUS. Even though things look pretty bad now, if Obama got the opportunity to appoint 2 or 3 justices, then it really is over.

Another aspect to consider is what Obama will do in a lame duck term. If you think he is bad now, just imagine what he will do without the worry of having to be reelected. There will be massive amounts of new regulations and executive orders implemented that will make his first term pale in comparison. We still won't have a budget passed for the next 4 years, and the Republican congress are a bunch of milquetoasts who won't defund a lot of this nonsense, and we will end up being over $20 trillion in debt.

I was an avid Paul supporter in the primary. I sincerely thought he was the only candidate worth voting for. However, he lost and stands absolutely no chance of winning the nomination. The best we can hope for is that Paul and his campaign have opened the eyes of a lot of people who are going to become politically active.

Romney is no prize. It makes no sense for a conservative to delude himself to think otherwise. Nonetheless, I will be voting for Romney in the general, even if his VP pick is a tool as well. The alternative is just too terrifying to even think about.

Edited by mav
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Guys, don't get the wrong idea. I believe Obama is hands down the worst president in the history of the country. To call me an Obama lover is to stray as far from truth as possible. What I can't get comfortable with is the idea of voting for a Republican just because he isn't Obama, and hoping he might decide to not be quite as progressive. If that is the best the Republicans are willing to offer; SCREW THEM!!!

I don't know what the right answer is, but until one party or the other decides to uphold the constitution, I will support neither. If that contributes to the detriment of our country; so be it. If more would do the same instead of settling for "at least he isn't Obama", we could get something done. Until then, we're toast.

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...I will support neither. If that contributes to the detriment of our country; so be it....

Well, at least you're upfront about hurrying The Downfall along. But in doing so, I'd suggest you man up and go ahead and vote for Obama to even further accelerate that process.

More likely, you can merely hope to wear your chosen chains as lightly as possible as they tighten over time in the wake of his legacy.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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...I don't know what the right answer is, but until one party or the other decides to uphold the constitution, I will support neither. If that contributes to the detriment of our country; so be it.

I'd rather someone be an Obama lover than someone who cares so little for our country that they are willing to do nothing and the consequences be damned.

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