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Mitt Romney and the 2nd Amendment

Guest profgunner

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people like romney are why I support a primary where the state's votes are divided by the number of elections since that state last went R in the actual election. For example, CA last was red in 88 I think, so their effect on the primary vote count should be X 1/5 for choosing a candidate. Asshats keep winning, people like mccain, because a few big population states pick the candidate and then don't vote for him.

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Guest HvyMtl

IMHO, Mitt is out of touch with the majority of the U.S. He puts his foot in his mouth almost as much as the current Vice Pres.

He waffles, flip-flops, and comes off as desperately needing handlers.

As for the Congressional Elections, there will have to be a lot of forgetting by the citizens, as the present office holders have the lowest approval rating right now. The GOP has a tall order, since they are the majority in the present Congress.

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Guest 6.8 AR

Hvymtl, you have to remember, he was campaigning for the his party's nomination. Let's see how

he is running as the nominee. I certainly hope he has good handlers. Up to now it hasn't been good, though.

Congressional approval ratings mean absolutely nothing. They have been lousy for years with both

Dems and Repubs.

Edited by 6.8 AR
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yep, Mitt is out of touch and has used his millions to win the states that he has won with negative campaign ads.

Someone once referred to him as a car salesman, I agree, depending on his crowd he'll tell you anything. If he's surrounded by liberals he'll do what he needs to satisfy them so lets hope that both houses have a republican majority while he's governing.

I do think he'll be a President for ALL the people and I hope he'll start downsizing Government like he's done while at Bain Capital.

I believe Romoney is buying his way into the WH, even though he's winning his poll numbers aren't that great.

I also think Santorum will win PA and continue to be a thorn in Mitt's side till Texas, after that he's facing CA and will lose CA for sure. By then the game may change or be the same as today.


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I think the Republicans will regain the senate and will hold the house, but I agree with you, based on your

premise, profgunner. He could make a pretzel jealous the way he curls around an issue. I used to think it

was just MA where he was liberal(because he had to be), I was wrong.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say 10 senate seats and maybe a handful of wins in the house. I don't

see the Dems doing anything in Congress for a while. Obama doesn't really care about his party, just


I hope your right about the Senate and House and as much as I hate to vote for a phony like Romney, I have to just to do my part in getting the most dangerous POTUS out of office. If Obama gets re-elected, I hope there's so much division in the House and Senate that absolutly NOTHING is accomplished. I would rather have a dead stagnet government for 4 years than one that will put the final nail in the coffen of America.

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Guest HvyMtl

Hvymtl, you have to remember, he was campaigning for the his party's nomination. Let's see how

he is running as the nominee. I certainly hope he has good handlers. Up to now it hasn't been good, though.

Congressional approval ratings mean absolutely nothing. They have been lousy for years with both

Dems and Repubs.

Yeah, he is campaigning for his nomination. When he is the nominee, expect him to move far, far, far, left to try to get elected. And expect him to do anything for the vote. Wrong type of politician to have as the nominee. Kiss a baby, kiss @ss, whatever it takes.


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Guest 6.8 AR

I agree with you HvyMtl, but I sure don't expect him to go to the left. That would make for pure suicide,

but he has a role model to live up to: John McCain. This is more GOP nonsense that will continue

wrecking this country. When there is a vacuum in leadership, something will step up to fill it. This is

Rockefeller Republicanism at it's best, which worst for the rest of us.

Romney needs to go to the right to win this election. He has to campaign in more places than Massachusetts.

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Whatever Romney's failings...no matter how much anyone thinks they shouldn't bother to vote, or should just vote for Obama or vote for a third-party/write in candidate I would simply ask you to think again.

If Obama has a second term whatever is left of our republic and especially our second amendment rights will be gone. It's just that simple. Whether he does it by completely bypassing Congress (as he's been doing) or he does it by the two or three supreme court justices he will get to appoint, Obama will destroy the country and our rights.

If a drunk, hamster was running on the Republican ticket it would be better for the country to elect the hamster than to return Obama to office.

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Guest ThePunisher

As much as many here distrust and dislike Romney, I distrust and loathe Obama even more, therefore I will do my part to remove his commie a.. from the WH and vote for Romney. Anybody with half of a brain knows that Romney loves America, and would be a better POTUS than America hating Obummer. America will crumble to its knees if we get 4 more of the commie.

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As much as many here distrust and dislike Romney, I distrust and loathe Obama even more, therefore I will do my part to remove his commie a.. from the WH and vote for Romney. Anybody with half of a brain knows that Romney loves America, and would be a better POTUS than America hating Obummer. America will crumble to its knees if we get 4 more of the commie.

I understand what you are saying, but I believe that America is too great of a country to crumble to its knees because of one bad leader. I liked Reagan, loved daddy Bush (he was good to the troops when I served), and I could not stand "W". When "W" was re-elected I thought that the world would end. It didn't and it won't if we have to suffer thru four more years of the king. The time goes fast. We will recover.

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I understand what you are saying, but I believe that America is too great of a country to crumble to its knees because of one bad leader. ....

You forget the majority he'll leave on the Supreme Court. Decades of that will be his true legacy.

- OS

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Guest lostpass

Everything anyone has told me about Obama has been untrue. I suspect the same is true about Romney.

I think, and it is my opinion and not worth much, that these folks are not too interested in leading or governing. I think they are mostly interested in being president. I understand this on one level, who doesn't want to be BFF with everyone, on a deeper level if you are just there to sail the ship to a random destination I might want a better captain.

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I understand what you are saying, but I believe that America is too great of a country to crumble to its knees because of one bad leader. I liked Reagan, loved daddy Bush (he was good to the troops when I served), and I could not stand "W". When "W" was re-elected I thought that the world would end. It didn't and it won't if we have to suffer thru four more years of the king. The time goes fast. We will recover.

If you really think Kerry would have been a better president that "W" then I'd like to try whatever pharmaceuticals you were one because they must have been good ones. :)

Bush senior was a decent man; "W" was also a good, decent man but I wouldn't classify either of them as good presidents (certainly not the worst either)...both "W" and senior were big-government, big-spending Republicans.

One "man" can bring down the country when that one man spends more in 3 years than W spent in eight...one man can bring down the country when we have 1.6 trillion dollar deficits to infinity. One man can bring down the country when he bypasses congress with executive orders and czars because the congress won't rubber stamp his agenda. One man can bring down the country because one man and his policies can destroy our economy with a debt load that exceeds our GDP. Our currency will become worth less than the paper that it's printed on and world markets will stop trading in U.S. Dollars...we'll beg for gasoline when we can get it and we'll long for the days when it was "only" $6/gallon.Our economy; hell, our very existence is dependent on energy which means oil...cut us off from that; either physically or due to purchasing power and this country is finished.

Whatever isn't destroyed when the economy collapses will be taken care of by the courts...after Obama stacks the lower courts with socialist judges and puts two or three more Kagans on high court - every single gain we've had (you know, such as the two recent pro-second amendment decisions and a few lower court decisions) will be as good as dead. There will effectively be no second amendment protection anymore - Obama and his cronies will find a way to take our guns from us just like England...just like Canada....just like every socialist country.

If America is very lucky, it will still "exist" but be relegated to the status of a France or England; a super power turned into a super has-been and "remember when...".

I don't know that anybody can even save us from the destination we are heading toward. I DO know that Obama will put rocket boosters on the vehicles that will get us there. Obama has to be defeated OR WE HAVE NO CHANCE AT ALL.

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You forget the majority he'll leave on the Supreme Court. Decades of that will be his true legacy.

- OS

THIS! Fact is, congress is more than capable of ruining the country all by themselves. The president doesn't matter so much unless he owns both houses, except for this one thing.

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Perhaps most importantly, his choices for the Supremes will absolutely not change us into a further Amerika over the next 50 years as would Obama's.

This folks is the most important reason of all to hold your noses and vote for Romney. The 2A will crumble under a 5-4 majority in the other direction.

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Guest 6.8 AR

Like I am assuming, he is catering to the crowds before him. I don't think he has said anything that sides him

up with Bloomberg, though.

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I guess I am going to just suck it up and vote for Romney. I am honestly pissed that I have to choose to vote for him. There is no reason that we should not have a more viable GOP candidate to run for POTUS. Romney was picked for us by the people that pull the strings long ago. The primary was just another dog and pony show like always. Our candidates are always bought and paid for by the highest bidder and frankly I am sick of it.

With that said, I do not want Obama to have a second term. Seeing him not put his hand on his chest during out National Anthem, call the White House Christmas Tree a "holiday tree", and lately catering to all of this hate crime crap has done it for me. He is viewed as a joke by dictators overseas because he apologizes for everything that happens. He is doing NOTHING to help bring down fuel prices like he promised he would do in 2008. And like many others on here I do believe he will go after gun rights if he is re-elected. He has clearly expanded government too far with signing NDAA and Obama care. After all, he was a Senator in Illinois. That state has some of the strictest gun laws in the country, the highest tax rates, and has one of the highest crime and welfare rates in the nation. The state of Illinois is literally on the brink of bankruptcy because they can't seem to manage their finances, even though they have such a huge tax rate. I have heard of real estate taxes hitting $14,000.00 on a single home each year! My sister has a home in southern Illinois that is worth around $70,000 and she paid $2000.00 in taxes last year just on her home. That is ridiculous.

There's my reasons for not voting for Obama. Socialism and high taxes do not do anything good. They stagnate business growth, take from hard working Americans, and enable lazy welfare junkies to continue sponging off the system while turning a blind eye to criminals. He has to go, and sooner rather than later.

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I guess I am going to just suck it up and vote for Romney. I am honestly pissed that I have to choose to vote for him. There is no reason that we should not have a more viable GOP candidate to run for POTUS. Romney was picked for us by the people that pull the strings long ago. The primary was just another dog and pony show like always. Our candidates are always bought and paid for by the highest bidder and frankly I am sick of it.

With that said, I do not want Obama to have a second term. Seeing him not put his hand on his chest during out National Anthem, call the White House Christmas Tree a "holiday tree", and lately catering to all of this hate crime crap has done it for me. He is viewed as a joke by dictators overseas because he apologizes for everything that happens. He is doing NOTHING to help bring down fuel prices like he promised he would do in 2008. And like many others on here I do believe he will go after gun rights if he is re-elected. He has clearly expanded government too far with signing NDAA and Obama care. After all, he was a Senator in Illinois. That state has some of the strictest gun laws in the country, the highest tax rates, and has one of the highest crime and welfare rates in the nation. The state of Illinois is literally on the brink of bankruptcy because they can't seem to manage their finances, even though they have such a huge tax rate. I have heard of real estate taxes hitting $14,000.00 on a single home each year! My sister has a home in southern Illinois that is worth around $70,000 and she paid $2000.00 in taxes last year just on her home. That is ridiculous.

There's my reasons for not voting for Obama. Socialism and high taxes do not do anything good. They stagnate business growth, take from hard working Americans, and enable lazy welfare junkies to continue sponging off the system while turning a blind eye to criminals. He has to go, and sooner rather than later.

I'm gonna havta go ahead and agree with ya on this one! Couldn't have said it better.

What I keep hoping for is a viable 3rd Party Candidate.

Edited by HvBikeWlTravel
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Guest 6.8 AR

Glad you decided to suck it up.

He had no intentions to bring fuel prices down. They were okay until he took office, and have been climbing steadily

due to his policy on energy and his communist regulators that were un-elected.

I don't believe he will go after our guns, I know it. It would be a four year monarchy for him, just what he wants. He's

prepared to do to the Supreme Court just what FDR did to get his way. Trouble is, he doesn't have enough support

from anyone to do that and it will get him impeached.

I would just as soon the country not go through four years of tyrannical reign by a poser. We've had all we can stand.

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Guest 6.8 AR

I'm gonna havta go ahead and agree with ya on this one! Couldn't have said it better.

What I keep hoping for is a viable 3rd Party Candidate.

And kiss your country goodbye?

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