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New Carry Weapon

Guest Verbal Kint

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Guest Verbal Kint

Much to the shock of those who knew about my custom Wilson Combat 1911, and the time that went into waiting for the custom build to arrive, I relinquished ownership a week or so back. In my opinion, it was just way too much gun for me to own and I would always be worried that something might happen to the firearm or the ever-looming confiscation should I ever have to use it to defend myself. Not something that thrills you, when you're holding a $2800 handgun. That said, I sold it to someone I knew would take very good care of it and would give it the use that it deserved.

That left me without a handgun to shoot and carry... which, as we all know, is a crappy feeling. This is where Joe, and Hero-Gear LLC, step in... yet again... to satisfy their customers and bring a smile to their face.

I am now the proud owner of a brand new HK 45C handgun. :eek:

I haven't shot it yet, but plan to do so this weekend... and I haven't taken photos yet, but plan to do so once I stop myself from fondling this baby long enough to snap a few. I'll post some photos here in the next few mins/hours.

I must say... I've owned a few HK's before, the last one being a P2000sk in .40S&W... but this new HK addition is a very sexy piece of work. The build, fit & finish, and features of this .45 is top notch... and if mine performs half as well as all the other 45C owners have vouched for over on the HK forums, I'm definitely going to be in love. Best of all, it's sub-$1k price tag and proven HK durability isn't going to keep me awake at night should it get banged around or develop the normal wear.

The only "downside" to the 45C's features, in comparison to it's bigger brother (the new HK45) is the grip. The fullsize HK45 has the new "spidey" grip with all the panels/customizations that owners have fallen in love with. Very similar/identical to the P30's grip, I believe. The grip on the HK 45C that I own is identical to the P2000sk grip... in that it has the interchangable rear backstrap, but otherwise is a "plain jane" polymer handle.

The 45C owners swear by the Hoge Handall for this firearm. Every post by every owner on the forums seems to have "Hogue" and "Handall" incorporated into them. lol. I was trying to figure out if they all drank the koolaid or bought stock in Hogue. Either way, at $9.99 for the Handall I figured WTH... might as well pick one up and see what all the hype is about. I must say, after installing it (which was a fun experience as they are VERY tight to slip on -- and I think I broke half of my fingers, and tore just as many tendons, in the process) that this addition TRULY is badass. To sum it up...

HK 45C + Hogue Handall = Pure Sex! :cool:

Edited by Verbal Kint
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Guest Verbal Kint
Very Nice, HK makes a fine gun ,I was worried that you were not a gun fan anymore, Congrats:)


Once a gun lover, always a gun lover. Plus, it may not be a Wilson... but I had to stick with my beloved .45ACP. :cool:

Uploading the photos to my pc and ftp space now.

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Guest Verbal Kint

Alright, here are some make-shift photos. The lighting in this house really blows for attempting photography... so better pictures will have to hold off until I can get outside in the sunlight.

Sorry for the hold-up... had to resize them from uber-freaking-huge to semi-huge, and edit out the gun's serial numbers. :cool:

Here they are:

HK 45C, manual, additional 8rnd magazine, additional backstrap, and mandatory Hero Gear .45ACP decal!


Side Profile 1


Side Profile 2


Side Profile 3


Rear Shot, showing Hogue Handall's palm swells on each side of grip.


Close-up of Hogue Handall, surface texture, and front finger grooves.


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Guest durdensfriend

Yeah, I just never liked the standard sandpapery grips of the HKs (even though yours doesn't have those)... hell, I may get some of those for my XD!

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Guest Verbal Kint

Thanks for the kind words, everyone. :) Can't wait to put a few hundred rounds through it this weekend.

Nice gun :D

Thanks. The guy I bought it from was trying to bait me into some gay mansex tariff on it or something, though. Kept saying something about brothers in arms, lovers in arms, something... Really creepy guy. :taser:


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Once a gun lover, always a gun lover. Plus, it may not be a Wilson... but I had to stick with my beloved .45ACP. :D

Uploading the photos to my pc and ftp space now.

.45ACP is all I like as well, I truly believe it is God's chosen caliber...:taser:

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