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This sums up a lot of the distaste of our President quite well...

Guest 6.8 AR

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I think the article sums things up pretty well. I am not a Republican. In fact, I don't particularly like the Republican party, as a whole - not that I like the Democratic party any better. I thought Bush was a horrible president and, from the image he projected, came to dislike him on a very personal level. To me, he came across as a bit of a dullard with a spoiled little rich kid attitude.

Likewise, I have truly come to dislike Obama on a personal level. I really do not believe him to be all that bright. Intelligent, perhaps, but not 'bright' enough to use that intelligence in a creative, productive manner. I believe that he is so locked in to his own high opinion of himself that he can't get past the idea that if he crams things that most American people don't want down our throats we will eventually see that he is smarter than us, that he was right all along and that we should (and will) be thanking him.

I also believe the article is right in that Obama cannot win the next election but the Republicans can easily lose it. I mean, Mitt Romney? Really? A candidate that comes across (to me, anyway) as being more like Obama than he is different? A candidate who I cannot even see as the 'lesser evil'? It is kind of like when Bush was running for his second term. The Democrats could probably have won the election with a trained goat but instead managed to find one of the few politicians in the country who couldn't beat Bush. It is almost like the Republicans are now trying to return the favor.

Edited by JAB
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I think the article sums things up pretty well. I am not a Republican. In fact, I don't particularly like the Republican party, as a whole - not that I like the Democratic party any better. I thought Bush was a horrible president and, from the image he projected, came to dislike him on a very personal level. To me, he came across as a bit of a dullard with a spoiled little rich kid attitude.

Likewise, I have truly come to dislike Obama on a personal level. I really do not believe him to be all that bright. Intelligent, perhaps, but not 'bright' enough to use that intelligence in a creative, productive manner. I believe that he is so locked in to his own high opinion of himself that he can't get past the idea that if he crams things that most American people don't want down our throats we will eventually see that he is smarter than us, that he was right all along and that we should (and will) be thanking him.

We must be twins. I share a similar opinion on everything that you said. The only thing that you left out is that there are few good alternatives to Obama or Romney. This country can do so much better.

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Guest 6.8 AR

I agree with you about Romney. You appear to fit in with what Peggy Noonan wrote about. I probably do, too,

but I just started out with a discontent about the way he was represented during the election. Thoughtful, thanks.

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Guest 6.8 AR

We must be twins. I share a similar opinion on everything that you said. The only thing that you left out is that there are few good alternatives to Obama or Romney. This country can do so much better.

So true. Much better candidates out there.

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Guest 6.8 AR

That video is priceless! I'm so surprised about the comments on the current admin, though, I

believe them. I just didn't think they would ever comment until afterward.

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lies....................................I dare anyone to prove any of this ...............................I just can't believe that video is on here.............................

what the?

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