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Why not a bayonet?


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I recently purchased 2 Mosin Nagants. I am in the process of rebuilding (slightly modifying) the 91/30 and will probably just clean up the M44 and get it running. The 91/30 should be slick if it comes out the way I see it in my head. Will post pics when it's done.....but I digress....

In tinkering with these guns it dawned on me that our Zombie defense weapons are outfitted with lights, lasers and all manner of optical devices......but very few of them sport what I feel may be the ultimate Zombie combat tool.....the bayonet.

Would a bayonet through the throat not pretty much sew up Zombie Kill of the Week honors?

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Guest Lester Weevils

The chainsaw bayonet might be better (decapitation) except the youtube chainsaw bayonet videos make the thing look too rube-goldberg unreliable and too prone to breakage.

Perhaps the sawzall bayonet would be better, using a long coarse-tooth wood blade or a long pointy demolition blade? Perhaps more rugged and reliable?

A gasoline-powered pole saw might be useful? Decapitate them at stand-off distance. Some people joke that pole saws have got to be one of the most dangerous tools ever thunk up. Take a chainsaw and then put it on a stick! What could go wrong with that plan? :) But I haven't managed to hurt myself or others with mine as of yet.

Some pole saws have the equivalent of a round skilsaw blade rather than a chainsaw head. Remove any hint of safety guards from a "2 cycle skilsaw on a stick" and it seems that it would just have to be effective!

Though an ordinary big lumberjack chainsaw with a real long blade would give reach, and have lots more power than pole saws?

Edited by Lester Weevils
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  • 5 months later...
Guest robin.kempton

I'm liking that bayonet to the eye socket as being the zombie kill of the week. Just noticed that the manufacturers of all things AR15 have accessories for the end of the barrel now to include face stabbing devices to make sure the shot goes deep .Meet the new age bayonet. That whole beheading thing is great but I tend to agree with the last satement, makes for one heck of a mine field full of biting heads to have to tip toe through.

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I like my 91/30 but when I think of how long, heavy and unwieldy it would be to try to put a bayonet attached to the end of it through a target as small as an eye socket while possibly dodging other zombies then a bayonet starts sounding worse than useless. I would think that bayonets would be more useful in stabbing for the gut/chest with the rifle held at the waist - not really something that would be much use against zombies unless the user is much more coordinated than I am (which wouldn't be too hard, really.) I'd probably be better off caving zombie skulls in with the metal buttplate if using a Mosin-Nagant as a melee weapon against zombies. Using it as a blunt trauma weapon would require less precision and eliminate the risk of getting the weapon stuck in a zombie skull. Of course that is with a heavy, wood-stocked, metal butt-plated battle rifle. Such might not work as well with a lighter, plastic stocked gun or one with a nice, cushy butt pad.

As far as a weapon for stabbing an eye, etc. my guess would be that some kind of short-handled spear - maybe a spike bayonet set on a short, wooden handle or even a sharpened piece of rebar, also set into a short, wooden handle (I'm thinking a handle/shaft of about two to three feet long so it could be carried in a sheath on one's back as a back up to a firearm) would sound pretty effective, to me.

Edited by JAB
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Guest robin.kempton

The only reason I would have to resort to a bayonet is because its an upclose emergency......not on purpose. I'm a huge fan of long distance, reach out and touch someone kind of shooting.....not up close and personal, too many things could go wrong.

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I play more toward thinking ahead and tactics. Remembering to NEVER shoot my last round. My body is broken now, I don't have a chance of physically fighting them, and if I did, the aftermath would be that I would wish I HAD died doing it. The Barney Fife contingency, ALWAYS save one bullet.

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I am thinking 91/30 bayonet under the chin. Up and back should go thur base of scull and get to the brain. Also allows for you to keep weapon low and ready. As far as getting stuck, pull trigger.


Sent from my iPhone

Meanwhile, 58 more walkers just closed inside a 20' radius of you. Hope you ate your wheaties.

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As far as getting stuck, pull trigger.


Sent from my iPhone

If you still have ammo in the rifle then why are you using the bayonet? I'm sort of with Caster except that I'd probably want some kind of melee weapon just in case. I'd think a crow bar or some kind of wrecking bar would be best, though. With that, one could cave in the occasional zombie skull while also having a good tool for opening doors, removing barriers, etc. that might be standing in the way of escaping from the zombies. That would make the crow bar a multi-tasker, unlike a bayonet which (IMO) wouldn't even be all that good at its main task - as a weapon against zombies.

Another thing I think of sort of goes along with my thoughts on regularly carrying multiple reloads (I'm talking real life, here, not zombies) - I'll sometimes carry one reload but if I am going somewhere that I think I might need more than one reload then I'm probably better off carrying the second reload wrapped in a gun, i.e. a 'New York' reload. Back to zombie fantasy land, it would be the same with a bayonet - if I have room/weight allowance to carry a bayonet then I can use that space/weight allotment to carry an airweight .38 or a pocket .380 instead. The best thing I can think of about a melee weapon is that it doesn't run out of ammo but (just like in real life) I think of using a melee weapon as sort of a 'I don't have anything else' scenario, not something I am going to plan to do as long as I have any other choice.

Edited by JAB
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I am thinking of my 91/30 as a melee weapon, bayonet, butt, bullets, just think, it weighs a ton compared to modern weapons. If we are talking 50-60 walkers close range I don't think you can go wrong with a 10-22 with 4-5 high cap mags, still can't see the 91/30 bayonet as being a bad thing to have.

Plus at 20 feet range I have several handguns and am ambidextrous.


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Edited by jtmaze
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Guest Aces&8s
. If we are talking 50-60 walkers close range I don't think you can go wrong with a 10-22 with 4-5 high cap mags, still can't see the 91/30 bayonet as being a bad thing to have.

There you go... Just stick your 91/30 bayonet on your 10-22 with 4 - 5 hi-cap mags.

Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk 2

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I am thinking of my 91/30 as a melee weapon, bayonet, butt, bullets, just think, it weighs a ton compared to modern weapons.


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

I can see that to a point. Like you said, though, it is pretty heavy and I think my arms would give out from swinging it around a whole lot.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would think bayonet on a bolt action rifle a must. Especially on a sturdy surplus arm. Bayonet long enough to penetrate under the chin up into the brain. Push forward and let gravity and momentum pull the zed off of your weapon. Repeat. Yes you will have to have upper body strength to do this. But if you're gonna be dumb, then you gotta be tough...

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Forget a bayonet, tomahawk, and crowbar!

I'd take a collapsible baton! A whack to the head is absolutely lethal. You wouldn't have to worry about it "sticking" or getting caught on anything. Plus it makes an excellent pry bar if you get in a bad place. On top of it all, its COLLAPSIBLE and lightweight - especially compared to what you guys are talking about. You could swing it for a much longer time. It's perfect - I don't know why you don't see them more in zombie movies. It makes so much sense. I guess its too boring for the movies...

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I think a hatchet/tomahawk would be much better than a bayonet.

Slashing is faster in a retreat than stabbing. Less chance of getting stuck.

I just have to say from experience - in order for a hatchet or tomahawk to deliver a lethal blow... It's going to get stuck, lol! Also, there is no "slashing" with an axe. If it's that sharp it's going in deeper... aka SUPER stuck. On top of that, no amount of slashing will kill a zombie - they don't bleed out and even a human won't bleed out fast.

EDIT: And as a final note :lol: a sharp axe dulls very quickly!

Edited by w0lfattack
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You guys really wanna die like all the mall ninjas who plan of using swords? I mean seriously, do you really want to get that close?

I play more toward thinking ahead and tactics. Remembering to NEVER shoot my last round. My body is broken now, I don't have a chance of physically fighting them, and if I did, the aftermath would be that I would wish I HAD died doing it. The Barney Fife contingency, ALWAYS save one bullet.

Meanwhile, 58 more walkers just closed inside a 20' radius of you. Hope you ate your wheaties.

i am with you on this one

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