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Folks, don't run from the police.


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Hard to believe the way he just popped up afterwards....

Didn't look like he was going very fast when he hit the car. And speaking from experience regarding a motorcycle wreck, adrenaline does amazing things. I dumped my bike going 50 MPH and rolled through the dirt a good ways, bouncing off a small tree in the process. Broke my left shoulder, separated the shoulder joint, and snapped a finger on my right hand. But once I got done rolling, I hopped up, pulled off my gloves and helmet, cursed like a drunken sailor, and stomped around for a bit.

It took about ten minutes before that shoulder started hurting like an SOB. I didn't even notice the broken finger until I was home from the hospital.

Here's a CT of my shoulder a couple weeks after he wreck:


Edited by GUTTERbOY
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I was reckless when I was young..these days? I don't take any chances I don't have to!

only broke one elbow, my nose 2 times (I lead with my face for some reason:shrug:) and a couple of broken ribs...

I've NEVER run from police...occasionally I have gotten tickets. I've found that courtesy goes a long way on BOTH sides of the badge!

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Guest kwikrnu

Was that a cop car that pulled into the bikes path? If so that was crazy. Good tactics though, if you can't catch the bike radio ahead and have the nearest officer T-Bone him.

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It was a cop car that he hit. After watching it several times I still can't tell for sure if patrol car was trying to avoid him or trying to hit him.

The both zig and zag a little...sort of like when you're walking in a door and someone else is walking out and y'all both lean into each others path a couple of times before you can get passed....lol

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It appears to me that the oncoming cop stood on his brakes, and the front end of his car skided a little to his left as he slowed. Just bad luck, and stupidity on the part of the scumbag for running in the first place.


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Guest Phantom6
I was reckless when I was young..these days? I don't take any chances I don't have to!

only broke one elbow, my nose 2 times (I lead with my face for some reason:P) and a couple of broken ribs...

I've NEVER run from police...occasionally I have gotten tickets. I've found that courtesy goes a long way on BOTH sides of the badge!

Well, OK. That explains a lot. :taunt::lol::P:lol:

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