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For the "I never clean my guns" crowd


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1) I clean my ankle carry gun every 2 weeks. It gets really dirty.

2) I was at the range a few weeks back shooting with a buddy. He handed me his 92 and said he hadn't cleaned it in a while. When I shot it I could actually feel each movement of the slide. It was much like shooting my 870. Bang...ca...clunk... I've never seen the slide of a pistol move that slowly. I think I could actually rack the slide of my 870 faster.

I guess it is a testament of how dirty a modern pistol can get and still function.

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Guest Lowbuster

Just a tip I do. I use the compressed gas ( to clean out computers keyboards etc) to blow out dust bunnies. Been doin this for a few years on my SW air weight when I pocket carry. The recessed hammer is a bunnie collector but it blows all of them out. Wally world carries it for 4bucks a can

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Just a tip I do. I use the compressed gas ( to clean out computers keyboards etc) to blow out dust bunnies. Been doin this for a few years on my SW air weight when I pocket carry. The recessed hammer is a bunnie collector but it blows all of them out. Wally world carries it for 4bucks a can

I do this often as well. Works great for dust and dirt.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Sgt. Joe


I knew I had been forgetting something. Ya reckon a dishwasher will work OK?

Honestly when I first started shooting a few years ago I cleaned my weapons after every range trip and really was a bit OC about it but then I started to slack up to the point that I have not cleaned anything in over a year, just a drop or two of lube before going shooting.

Even my P22 which some folks found so finicky has never had a problem and it may be close to two years since that one was cleaned. I took it to the last "meet and shoot" and was a bit worried that it would have problems because I failed to even lube the thing, but the boys put nearly a thousand rounds through it and it never had a hic-up. I was rather surprised about that.

However I AM going to clean them ALL soon, I am going to have my sons and nephew do them with my supervision so that they can learn how each of them works and we will do all of them at once since my wife for some unknown reason does not like the smell of Hoppes or any other cleaner. Strange woman that one is :huh: that scent makes this old man frisky :dirty:

I just had a most excellent idea :rock: .......A body rub for the ladies that smells of gun cleaner, I'll have to find a different lady but ...... :shrug:

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Guest bkelm18

People who say "if your gun won't work if it's dirty, then it's not worth trusting your life on it", it's like saying if your car won't run forever on a single oil change, it is not worth driving. Machines need to be cleaned and properly maintained. Your gun may not fail when it's dirty, however the chances of it failing are a hell of a lot smaller when it's clean.

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