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Even if this is true, which I highly doubt, it's the wrong fight. You can remove Obama from office but it won't change the direction this country is headed. Until there is a forklift style overhaul in D.C. we'll continue down this same path. The only thing that may change is we may slow down from 100MPH to about 95MPH. Big whoop.

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Anyone who bothered to listen knew what Obama was before November '08. And he still got elected. That tells me the problem is not Obama. The problem is the folks who voted for him. I have not seen that the electorate has gotten any wiser. I hope that I'm wrong.

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It's too bad that it won't see light of day or get resolved before the election, because between the Sherriff's investigation and this testimony, legally it would render every order and bill that Barry put ink on null and void. Sucks to be us right now.

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Even if this is true, which I highly doubt, it's the wrong fight. You can remove Obama from office but it won't change the direction this country is headed. Until there is a forklift style overhaul in D.C. we'll continue down this same path. The only thing that may change is we may slow down from 100MPH to about 95MPH. Big whoop.

But it's so much more fun to pretend that Washington only became a cesspool in the last four years.

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But it's so much more fun to pretend that Washington only became a cesspool in the last four years.

I don't think anyone is debating that, it's just that the septic tank has seriously backed up into the house and the yard, and those closest to the stench pretend nothing new is going on. Seriously?!!? Haz-Mat needs to be called in to clean it up.

Or... we could just nuke it from orbit. I mean...it's the only way to be sure.

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Guest ThePunisher

Anyone who bothered to listen knew what Obama was before November '08. And he still got elected. That tells me the problem is not Obama. The problem is the folks who voted for him. I have not seen that the electorate has gotten any wiser. I hope that I'm wrong.

I don't think there is any hope of the electorate becoming any wiser. We are witnessing America self-destructing.

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Guest 6.8 AR

But it's so much more fun to pretend that Washington only became a cesspool in the last four years.

The current problem is out of control. Can't really do much with history. But I doubt that was your

intent. Derail away!

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Guest 6.8 AR

Oh, come on! We both know that won't happen, either. I know where you're coming from.

Something has to give and we both know what could result from whoever. Doesn't mean

give up, though. I have my expectations, too, and am not holding my breath.

Edited by 6.8 AR
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