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Don't think this is how the "stand your ground law" works

Guest peacexxl

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Guest 6.8 AR


Involuntary manslaughter. His reckless acts led to the death of an innocent person. Thankfully I don’t have to try the case here; that’s what juries are for.

However, if I was the investigating Officer I couldn’t charge him with anything, I would leave that to the States Attorney.

And the state's attorney didn't think there was enough evidence to indict. I think they knew he wouldn't flee.

Besides, someone down there was satisfied your charges were not appropriate. Really.

Edited by 6.8 AR
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Guest 6.8 AR

"Maybe (Zimmerman) wasn't a racist to (Oliver) while they sat around and talked, but clearly, on the tape, he was profiling my son, and that leads me to believe that (Zimmerman), in fact, was a racist," he said.

Look like trouble end up in trouble. I didn't hear that racism on the tape I heard.

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Didn't have to slam his head on the concrete either.

You corner me for some b.s. while trying to play security guard, you get your head slammed. How far did the boy have to run? At some point you have to stop running and confront your attacker. I'm a older guy with bad knees. I can't run very far. At some point we have to throw down.

So, is it safe to say that in the future no one here or your kids should stroll thru a neighborhood that you/they don't live in and when they/you refuse to explain what you are doing there it is ok for the local to escalate the situation?

Edited by LINKS2K
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Guest 6.8 AR

Where was the confrontation and who started it? You're assuming they met and Zimmerman

started it. I haven't seen the first of that, yet. I assumed that might be how this started, but it's

not clear who said what to whom, if anything. Martin could have ambushed Zimmerman, couldn't he?

Or, is Martin just a good kid? Could have happened either way. Did Zimmerman mention a conversation?

I must have missed that, too. Maybe I forgot, considering the length of this thread.

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You corner me for some b.s. while trying to play security guard, you get your head slammed. How far did the boy have to run? It some point you have to stop running and confront your attacker.

Assault is a crime too. Besides... jumping on somebody this day in time can have unexpected consequences, like a hole in your chest.

It escalated when the physical controntation started. You have one helluva crystal ball knowing those details. There's certainly no hard evidence. The physical evidence says that Zimmerman was losing the fight. That's all we got, other than him agreeing to pull back on the 911 tape.

Edited by mikegideon
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Guest 6.8 AR

You corner me for some b.s. while trying to play security guard, you get your head slammed. How far did the boy have to run? It some point you have to stop running and confront your attacker.

So, is it safe to say that in the future no one here or your kids should stroll thru a neighborhood that you/they don't live in and when they/you refuse to explain what you are doing there it is ok for the local to escalate the situation?

Really? It used to not be like this. People used to have respect for others and not just start a fight every time.

Speaks well of society. I wonder what caused that?

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An elderly Florida couple have been forced to move into a hotel after their home address was wrongly tweeted as belonging to the man who shot teen Trayvon Martin.

The tweets were traced back to a man in California and the address was also reportedly retweeted by director Spike Lee to his almost 250,000 followers.

The couple, aged 70 and 72, have been harassed with hate mail, been hassled by media and had scared neighbors questioning them since the tweet, their son Chip Humble told the Orlando Sentinel.

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Assault is a crime too. Besides... jumping on somebody this day in time can have unexpected consequences, like a hole in your chest.

It escalated when the physical controntation started. You have one helluva crystal ball knowing those details. There's certainly no hard evidence. The physical evidence says that Zimmerman was losing the fight. That's all we got, other than him agreeing to pull back on the 911 tape.

I have the same crystal ball that everyone else here is using.

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I have the same crystal ball that everyone else here is using.

Yep, but from a different corner. So far, Zimmermans story has a little credibility with me because the little bit of real evidence lines up. Lying is a complicated game, and probably outside Zimmerman's capability. He demonstated at the beginning that he's a complete dumbass. If he's lying, he did with with a level of skill that only politicians and a few others possess.

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Really? It used to not be like this. People used to have respect for others and not just start a fight every time.

Speaks well of society. I wonder what caused that?

I have a great answer for you,but it is one that may get me banned or cause me to lose some other things that I enjoy so I will not answer that question. I will say that we are all stating our opinions and until the shooter has his day in court my opinions are just as valid as anyone elses.

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Yep, but from a different corner. So far, Zimmermans story has a little credibility with me because the little bit of real evidence lines up. Lying is a complicated game, and probably outside Zimmerman's capability. He demonstated at the beginning that he's a complete dumbass. If he's lying, he did with with a level of skill that only politicians and a few others possess.

We all know as gun owners that only the survivor gets to tell his story. Karma always makes things right. If Martin violated Zimmerman he got what he deserved. If it is the other way around Zimmerman has his coming.

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We all know as gun owners that only the survivor gets to tell his story. Karma always makes things right. If Martin violated Zimmerman he got what he deserved. If it is the other way around Zimmerman has his coming.

I agree. This all started with a lot of folks wanting to hang Zimmerman from a tree. Again, there's nothing wrong with due process. Now we know that it landed on the DA's desk in the first few days. Now we have to find somebody more qualified than him to figure it out.

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Why have we never seen Mr. John Q. Public white collar working man, who got beat down by some ghetto thugs, in the same light?

There's no public outrage when some working man gets killed for his wallet. I guess that's just whitey getting what he deserves.

I say we need to watch and find the next working man that gets killed from a drive by or something and blow it all out of proportion. Then we can blame all the Sharptons, Jackson's and other trash for not controlling THEIR people. Ohh wait, that would make me a racial bigot for even making such a suggestion.

It's no wonder this country is about to collapse. The morons of this country wanna get wound up and burn millions upon millions in resources to cry about this one instance; Meanwhile, we're all about to starve and be branded with our number of enslavement.

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Guest 6.8 AR

I have a great answer for you,but it is one that may get me banned or cause me to lose some other things that I enjoy so I will not answer that question. I will say that we are all stating our opinions and until the shooter has his day in court my opinions are just as valid as anyone elses.

Well. PM it to me. I can't ban anyone. You know me better than that.
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I really have not seen a bit of evidence that Zimmerman did anything wrong.

He was acting as a neighborhood watch.

He saw someone out of place.

He called it in.

He got out of his car to check.

He got his ass beat.

He defended himself.

What am i missing? I see no evidence he threatened Martin, at best/worst only wanted to speak to him.

If I see someone looking out of place where i live I would probably want to know what they were doing there too. Does that earn me an ass whipping?

From the facts as I know them, the aggressor was shot..

Edited by Mike.357
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Guest 6.8 AR

We all know as gun owners that only the survivor gets to tell his story. Karma always makes things right. If Martin violated Zimmerman he got what he deserved. If it is the other way around Zimmerman has his coming.

That's the way should be. Agreed.

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Guest 6.8 AR

I really have not seen a bit of evidence that Zimmerman did anything wrong.

He was acting as a neighborhood watch.

He saw someone out of place.

He called it in.

He got out of his car to check.

He got his ass beat.

He defended himself.

What am i missing? I see no evidence he threatened Martin, at best/worst only wanted to speak to him.

If I see someone looking out of place where i live I would probably want to know what they were doing there too. Does that earn me an as whipping?

From the facts as I know them, the aggressor was shot..

That's where the evidence points, as far as I can tell, too.

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