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Saiga 12 Project


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Mine fired walmarts cheapest loads until I moved the trigger forward. Now it will only fire 3 1/4 dram field loads and of course buckshot. I couldn't quite figure it out. All I could figure is that the modified tapco hammer was causing too much friction for the bolt have enough ummph to cycle low powered stuff. I took it apart and grinded it (hammer, bolt, etc) down and polished and it still only 50/50. I got frustrated since I dont have a place to test fire and have to drive 30mins. I figured I would just buy a bunch of 3 1/2 dram stuff since the rio 7 1/2 isn't really any more expensive. I wish before the store I worked at burned down I had ordered a case of it since I was buying it at cost. What do you guys think of the chaos rail with hk sights?

I haven't tried that rail but it looks nice, I just couldn't justify the cost when I could get mine for $99. The Chaos does look better though.

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Anyone tried these magwell adapters? TAC-47 and SGM makes them.

I'm looking at the TAC-47 brand myself.

Here's another similar to the TAC-47, http://randrtargets.com/site/products-page/saiga-parts/magwell-w-release/

I do like how the TAC-47 is integrated into the trigger guard and the button looks better, I would prefer the maxwells with the built in mag releases. I haven't tried any though. That is my next purchase consideration.

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I think I am going to go the SBS route and shorten the gas tube as well. I am taking it slow and not totally sold on the idea but I think it would be fun and I have the necessary basic skills to get it done with some help. I may have to take your offer of a visit and pick your brain for some ideas. We'll see how it goes, did some grinding/polishing today and I think the project has its hooks in me.

Going slow and triple checking the measurements would be key and there are enough parts available to get it done right without needing a machine shop to fabricate them. For example, I think this solves the piston length issue, http://store.carolinashooterssupply.com/servlet/-strse-1284/Tromix-Saiga-12-shorty/Detail

It's mostly just making sure your cutting/welding/lathing is accurate and clean. The steps are pretty straight forward. I'll document here as I progress.

It will be a learning experience at least.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm committed now. Haven't decided on the barrel length because that depends on a few factors like how the brake is going to integrate with the hand guard and how I decide to address the gas system.

This gas tube was a pain! I didn't have to resort to buying a press but I did bend a couple of punches on the pins.

Now I just need to find a lathe and TIG welder to work on this thing. At the very least I plan on starting classes in the fall for my "Machine Tools Certificate" so i can use the equipment there. I just need to use up my GI Bill and always wanted to get better at metal working.


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My S12 will cycle the cheap low brass Wally stuff. I wouldn't count on it for self defense but for just going out and blowing off steam, this made a difference:


Just swap it back out for the original if you go back to 3". It only takes a minute to change. And it''s cheap!

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My S12 will cycle the cheap low brass Wally stuff. I wouldn't count on it for self defense but for just going out and blowing off steam, this made a difference:


Just swap it back out for the original if you go back to 3". It only takes a minute to change. And it''s cheap!

Or if you are a 1911 guy just swap a spare 16 pound recoil spring. That is what the spring is or at least what I was told. I did swap my spings out and my gun will cycle everything without any port work.


Are you adding true rear sights/trunion?

I don't mind my Krebs sights. I was going to shorten and perm the flash hider but had a change of heart for now. I have too many irons in the fire at the moment.

I did add a polymer AK forearm today. No one could tell me what bracket to use so I made my own. It works well and looks about as good as anything you might find on an AK.


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I don't think that I will have iron sights at all. I can hit what I aim pretty well at close range, an SBS isn't good for much else except for maybe slugs. I never really used the sights on my 500. I have an optional top rail so I can add my Eotech clone if I like. I am going for a clean design, I might even fit the rivet heads and weld them flush and remove the side scope mount.

There was one that I saw with a hand guard longer than the gas system with a small light mounted in the gap, I am thinking about doing that with a small laser for quick acquisition. Have an auto plug makes it so I can block the adjustment knob without concern.

I have only recently started thinking about the rear of the gun. I would like a quick detach stock that can be removed with a pin and a single point sling attached. I don't like folding stocks, just too much going on and I like super clean looks. When I finish the gas system I'll take a closer look at the stock while I wait for the SBS stamp.

I still have to find a use for the Monster Brake. Thinking about milling the fins a little so it points more out to the sides than back and integrating it into the hand guard somehow. I didn't notice much recoil reduction anyway but I still need to do more testing.

Might get a drum too...

This will keep me busy for a while and I am going to take it slow and keep doing lots of research, no need to rush things.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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