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IDPA Shooters - Question?

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Shooting a VICKERS count stage a the monthly IDPA match I had a little problem and decision to make. Never ran across this type of scenario before. First, I'm shooting my Kimber Ultra CDP II, 7 round magazine and one in the pipe, 8 rounds total.CDP class.

The course: There are three Pit Bulls to shoot first to the right, tactical sequence, two shots each (6 shots). Then moving to cover, the next shots are two through the IDPA standard target hitting the steel behind it, triggering the pop-up to try and get two into it. Then behind cover, shooting three more targets, with two each to the left. You're allowed only one tactical / emergency reload. To properly shoot the course without penality, you need 16 shots. According to the rules and only one reload, I have only 15 shots, and got pentalized for an additional miss. I'm thinking moral to the story is to shoot ESP with my Glock and 10 round mags? Ever run across this type of scenario? Not knocking IDPA but does not seem well thought out for 7 round mag. CDP class?

Or, am I missing somethings????

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Maximum mechanical capacity of the magazine +1 in the pipe to start. 10 maximum in the mag for SSP and ESP; 8 maximum in the magazine for CDP. Fewer rounds are allowed, but you must shoot the whole match how you start.

His stage description had him run dry at the pop up, or do a tac load before. I guess the way it sounds all CDP guys ran dry. But not letting him go to a third magazine is nuts.

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That sounds like the 3rd stage at Henry County this past Saturday. It was a Vickers count stage which means you can shoot to your heart's delight. No rules in IDPA prevent you from reloading as needed in a Vickers count stage. If your SO said you couldn't reload then he told you wrong. I know it wasn't described that way to the squad I was in.

Edited by CatsEye
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catseye, if that was the 3rd stage, he damn got a different stage brief than us also.

have not done a wheel gun in years, but i was thinking they were allowed 3 reloads on a belt? yes / no anyone

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..... have not done a wheel gun in years, but i was thinking they were allowed 3 reloads on a belt? yes / no anyone


Page 39 of the IDPA Rule Book.

..... Two full speedloaders/moon clips may be worn directly in front of the holster and they must be positioned as close to the holster as possible. One additional may be worn behind the centerline on either the right or left side for a total of three speedloaders/full moon clips on the belt.

..... In lieu of the use of ammunition carriers, spare magazines (2), speedloaders (3) and moon clips(3) used in a CoF may be carried in the contestant’s pockets......

Edited by DMark
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