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How much? SGammo has good prices on HST govt. over run in .40 for $17 per 50

Wow that's a crazy good price, now I just have to get a .40 cal firearm! I ended up ordering 100 rounds of 9mm 124gr +p HSTs for 65.00 shipped. The shipping was higher than I thought it was going to be but hey, just got back my tax money and I've been wanting some HSTs for a long time. I ordered friday morning but so far I haven't gotten a tracking number. Not even sure if UPS gives out tracking numbers. Anyway I hope everything goes through ok because I really haven't heard much about these guys for a long time.

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In case anyone cares I just got my ammo from tds-us.com in today. I ordered it Friday morning so not too shabby for UPS, just 5 business days. All things considered I would order from them again, their website could use a little help but as long as they do what they say they will that doesn't really matter.

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