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New toy from the Rabbi. :)

Guest sling

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Guest sling

Just purchased my P7 from the Rabbi this afternoon. Figured i'd post a pic. Oh, and of course a range report to come this weekend... if the weather will behave.


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Guest DrBoomBoom


I was in there earlier picking up a used Sig P228, so I missed you guys. That P7 is a nice gun. I hear that when they run out of ammo, you can use them to crush garlic. Actually, even though they look strange, they feel good in the hand and the grip lever feels natural. Congrats on a good gun.

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Guest sling

The gun feels awesome in my hand. I naturally squeeze pretty hard when gripping a handgun so it really feels no different.

I actually found myself squeezing it yesterday to release tension in my wrist from carpeltunnel.:D

Dunno about the garlic crushing part... may have to try that this weekend. ;)

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the barrel is just pissing me off though.

i finally got patches to come out white so i put a patch with some clp through it and it came out gray so i put some more patches then when those finally come out clean i clp it and again and i then see a bunch of crap in the barrel again. its like dumb i need something to plug the barrel so i can let it fill up with solvent or gas or diesel w/e.

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Guest docvantrease2003

i have a p7 only thing is it gets very hot after about 30 rounds but the gun shoots like a dream an worth every penny you paid for it congrats

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Guest sling

Yeah, i've cleaned out those old Nagants before. They can be a real hassle. The minute you think you have it clean with one chemical... you put something else in it and it pours more crap out. +1 on Rabbis comment. Petrol will not only clean it but it'll eat any cosmolene out as well. You may also try attacking it with some Butch's Bore Shine. I swear by that stuff. As for my end price, i'd rather not discuss it. I'm sure if you're interested in one, Rabbi could probably hook you up. :)

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Is this one of the Euro Police guns that have just been exchanged and the old ones are moving into this country. From what I have been seeing the price on the P7 has come down quite a bit, though the M8 and M13 have not.

Unless I missed it, yours is the standard P7 with the Euro style mag release?

I love these pistols and want another. As was noted they do get hot quickly, my experience was after 50 or so rounds. One of the guys who shoots on our range has 2 of them for that purpose, while one cools, he's heating the other one up. They are not inexpensive to buy, nor are mags cheap. But you can run over those mags with a car and keep using them, they are virtually indestructable. They are extremely accurate with the slide very close to the top of the hand. Very little flip.

I made the mistake of letting someone talk me out of my last one. I might trade my 228 in toward one too. I don't know.

Here's a great little video on the P7.[ame=http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6239098748148707308][/ame]


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Guest sling

Went to Stones River today with the P7. Boy, what a gun. Granted it does get a tad hot after about 30 rounds but i really didnt mind. 200 Rounds without a hickup... well minus the squib after the third round but that was negligence on my own part. :D

At any rate, accuracy is top notch. More accurate than my 226 and just a smidge over the USP.

Magazines are pretty hard to come by but i do have a few coming from MLSECPRO out of CT. Good holsters (at a reasonable price) are also difficult to find. However, being a do it yourself kind of person i stitched my own IWB from cow and goat hide. Rides really well at the 4 o'clock and disappears under a tshirt. The best concealment piece\self defense piece IMHO.

The trigger is like a wet dream as well. Squeeze the cocker and apply just enough finger pressure to keep you out of trouble and it breaks like a glass rod. It feeds hollow points very well as well. Group is 20 feet with 124 gr Remington Gold Saber reloads.



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