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Snubby .357 for carry and self defense???

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So far I have carried a 1911, XD-9, and sometimes carry my Ruger SP101 in .357. I like the big .45ACP round and the accuracy of it, 8 isn't a bad number of rounds but my Kimber has missfed a time or two, and it is big and heavy for a concealment gun. My XD-9 sub compact is a sub round but I do have 15 of them and it's very reliable. My little SP101 is light and small but powerful with .357 loads. There's only 5, and recoil is a female dog, and not very accurate past a certain range but, I have argued with a couple of people that it is the perfect side arm in certain situations such as if you were wrestling with an attacker and had to draw and shoot quick. You don't have to have the perfect grip, no safeties, accuracy is no factor since you will probably shove the muzzle in the attackers torso or only be a few feet away from him, and it will go BOOM 5 times in the torso. I love my autos but I still feel protected when I carry my Ruger.

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Guest GlocKingTN

I would say it would be fine for the both! Small enough for both, and powerful enough to get the job done!

Guest Hyaloid

Sounds like a fine carry weapon to me...

Perhaps some .38 +P would help recoil with good ballistics? Someone more knowledgable would have to chime in on that. :up:


Cor-Bon DPX is your friend. I carry those in my S&W 642 and don't feel under-gunned. Well, only five rounds isn't so nice, but the rounds will hurt him more than they'll hurt my hand when they go bang since they're not +P and still have great performance out of a snub nose barrel.


.357 Magnum is a very effective round, when its impact intersects with vital structures. Therein lies the rub... a short-barreled, light firearm which contains and directs that much power is more difficult for the user to control, and is thus more dependent upon the proficiency of the shooter to utilize the full potential of the cartridge. Coupled with the fewer number of shots, such a firearm is less desirable for sustained action, and more desirable for very short-duration, close-proximity combat.

Accepting those limitations, a .357 snubby is an excellent choice for the purposes of concealed carry and last-ditch backup.


No one gets to choose the situations they may face weather it's a shoot out with an attacker at a distance, then I much rather have my 1911 or XD but if I have my left hand holding the knife hand of an attacker fighting with him I believe the snubby would be the weapon of choice for me. Like I said though, the good guy doesn't have the choice. I try to keep an eye on suspicious people and stay aware of my surroundings the best I can. As far as the recoil of .357s in a snubby it doesn't bother me but follow up shots are slow.

Guest grayfox

I agree that the 357 mag will do the job. I have a S&W Mod 60 that I carry at times, other times I carry a P-64. As a citizen, if you have to use your gun, it will be up close. If you shot someone at a distance, then there is a good chance you will go to jail. At a distance, the BG is not a threat. Most shootings by citizens are around 7 to 10 feet. In the latest Combat Handgun Mag, there are a lot of cases were the citizen (even LEOs) have went to jail...its a good read. The one case were you really get in trouble is using handloads as a self defence rd.


You guys will get a chance to learn a bit about Grayfox as he posts. As an aside, what he saying is not just an opinion, but a conclusion based on professional experience.

In the latest Combat Handgun Mag, there are a lot of cases were the citizen (even LEOs) have went to jail...its a good read. The one case were you really get in trouble is using handloads as a self defence rd.

I just happened to be thumbing through this very magazine at Books a Million last weekend and I came across this article. Another great Ayoob piece.

Guest jackdog

Nothing wrong with a snubby, I've carried a S&W model 13 Sob and at close range I would not be afraid to load her up with 38's which would solve the recoil issue. As far as long distant gunfight, I have to agree with gray fox that you could go to jail, plus be in civil court getting your butt sued off.


I often carry a SS snub .357. Its absolutely reliable, durable, and carries easily. The downside is controlability. Also, muzzle flash is beyond EXTREME. A followup shot at dusk or later would be tough. That said, I either download to .38+P or carry the glock 36 in the evenings.

Also, muzzle flash is beyond EXTREME.

There is personal defense ammo that is designed in part to reduce muzzle flash since a lot of shooting situations take place in low light conditions. Hornday TAP FPD, for example. It might be worth trying if the flash is that big of a problem.

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