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Gun Prices/Profit Question

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i will never understand the public. when i was in business had a good customer do the price shopping thing on me found someone that would do the job 5 bucks cheaper than i would came back and said he wanted me to do it if i would do it for that price. i was way under book for that job. told him so and told him to take a hike.

Price shopping for a gun (or many other readily available items), and price shopping to have a deck built (just an example) is not the same thing.

When buying a gun (for example), it's an item that will be exactly the same no matter where you buy it, unless it's messed up from the factory. If I buy an XD40 (for example) at Jim Bob's Gun Tavern, it will be the exact same product that I could buy at countless other retailers. there will be almost no chance of quality differences. If something goes wrong with the gun, it would likely be the responsibility of the manufacturer, not Jim Bob's Gun Tavern.

On the other hand--If I were having a deck built (again, for example), I wouldn't necessarily look for the cheapest price. Reputation, referrals, BBB reports, ect. would be just a few other considerations worth looking into. Afterall, the person building the deck will be responsible if anything were to go wrong.

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I make it a point to be able to compete with any and everyone, so for the past 14 years I have owned the place I will meet or beat any other local competitors price.

But gun dealers have to make a living. So keep in mind, I'll sell it to my customers cheaper then anyone else ... but for all those who come in and want more of a deal then that.... give me the same deal in your business and then we will see if were playing on the same field or not.


I had a police officer come in the other day... we quoted him a gun cheaper then anyone else. Beat the closest guy by $20... Then he asked for his "Law Enforcement discount"... so we knock another 10% off for him.. so then he starts "negotiating"... and I don't normally mind that, but geez... he was getting almost 25% off at that point.. and he was wanting to pay way less then my cost.

So this is what I told him... "You work for the tax payers right"... he replied "yes"... so I asked him to take a 30% cut in his next pay check and bring it down and let me give it to a charity... He looked at me like I was crazy... then I pointed out to him... "Well thats what your wanting me to do giving you this kind of discount"... "I gotta make a living, just like you".

He quit negotiating and bought the gun....

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I make it a point to be able to compete with any and everyone, so for the past 14 years I have owned the place I will meet or beat any other local competitors price.

But gun dealers have to make a living. So keep in mind, I'll sell it to my customers cheaper then anyone else ... but for all those who come in and want more of a deal then that.... give me the same deal in your business and then we will see if were playing on the same field or not.


I had a police officer come in the other day... we quoted him a gun cheaper then anyone else. Beat the closest guy by $20... Then he asked for his "Law Enforcement discount"... so we knock another 10% off for him.. so then he starts "negotiating"... and I don't normally mind that, but geez... he was getting almost 25% off at that point.. and he was wanting to pay way less then my cost.

So this is what I told him... "You work for the tax payers right"... he replied "yes"... so I asked him to take a 30% cut in his next pay check and bring it down and let me give it to a charity... He looked at me like I was crazy... then I pointed out to him... "Well thats what your wanting me to do giving you this kind of discount"... "I gotta make a living, just like you".

He quit negotiating and bought the gun....

That makes perfect sense. I'm glad to know you'll meet or beat prices. I've been in your location a few times, and I was always treated wonderfully. I'll be back.

As far as the LEO scenario, I would have been kinda pi$$ed as well. I've never been "that kind" of shopper, but I am looking for the best price. I usually ask what the best price is, and it will either be good enough for me to buy, or it won't. I'm not about to bicker anyone down, especially if there are already discounts involved.

Edited by TripleDigitRide
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I make it a point to be able to compete with any and everyone, so for the past 14 years I have owned the place I will meet or beat any other local competitors price.

Trip if you must have the cheapest prices then call Phil Mitchell at Bellshire Hardware. He does not care if he only makes $20 on a gun. Then if Glockmeister will beat his price you will have the lowest price you are gonna find. If Meister doesn't beat his prices then you still have the lowest prices you are going to find. Hard to get cheaper than Bellshire Hardware. I am always looking for a deal but most I have found have come from dealers I have established a relationship with. In the internet age it is hard for the mom-n-pop shop to compete. They are not always going to have the cheapest prices so the good ones make up for it with personal service.

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Guest HexHead
I didn't get that deep into the math. I just know the book said their price was $414, and after doing a bit of calculating, she told me the total would have been $525, out the door. No, it's not a bad deal, but I paid $499.XX, out the door at Bellshires Hardware on Dickerson Rd.

Phil's a real good guy. Funny thing, every time I've been there, there's always these two old guys in camo and a dog visiting. :D

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Guest HexHead
No, I wasn't questioning the price of the mentioned store. I was questioning pricing in general. I believe $525 is a very fair price, but if I can find it cheaper, I'm gonna take it for the cheaper price.

Call me silly, but I'd rather not throw money down the drain, simply because someone wants/needs to make a few extra buck off me.

I don't necessarily always look for the lowest price, a fair price will do. If I can get a fair price from the local small shop, he'll get my business. I feel we have a responsibility to help these guys stay in business.

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I don't necessarily always look for the lowest price, a fair price will do. If I can get a fair price from the local small shop, he'll get my business. I feel we have a responsibility to help these guys stay in business.


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Phil's a real good guy. Funny thing, every time I've been there, there's always these two old guys in camo and a dog visiting. ;)

You probably haven't been there recently. "Speedy", one of the guys there, passed away a few months back. Really nice guy and a good bluegrass musician. Funny as all get out.

Of course he might have developed another old guy who sits around all the time.

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