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What should my next purchase be?


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Good morning everyone. I'm relatively new to firearms world but have got the "gun fever" as my wife says. There are three guns that are next on my want list and I'm trying to decide which I should go for first since I can't get them all at once.

I currently have a Mosin 91/30, a CZ 82, and a Hi Point C9, with a Ruger SR22 pistol on the way. The Hi Point was my first purchase (I couldn't justify dropping a large sum of money on a gun before I knew if shooting was something I would enjoy). I got the Mosin and CZ becaues they're cool guns, are affordable, and I'm a historian so the historical aspects appeal to me as well. Part of this is home defense but mostly I enjoy going to ranges with the family and shooting for fun. My next purchases will be for pretty much the same purposes...home defense and making things go bang and ping. I do not carry right now because 99.9% of the time I'm home where the guns are, or I'm places where guns are prohibited. If and when I did carry it would probably be the CZ that I already have. I have considered hunting but probably wouldn't start until some point next year because I've just go too much going on right now to get into it. So with that being said, here are the three firearms that I hope in some order will be my next purchases...

1. CZ P01. I love the look and feel of the gun and pretty much every review I've seen of it is very positive. I want it because it is a step up from my Hi Point (higher magazine capacity, more reliable) and because it is a sweet gun. As far as I'm concerned that last point is enough to justify getting it.

2. Smith & Wesson model 10. I want this one because I would like a revolver and this one, along with the CZ P01 would be good to keep handy around the house for home defense. I've looked at a lot of reviews of various revolvers and have seen some horror stories except for the Smiths. I don't want a snubby, Buds has these for $269, and...well they're just a sweet gun.

3. Remington 870 or Mossberg 500. I'd like a shotgun mainly for skeet. It would also be comforting to know it was there for home defense (a comment I read somewhere on this forum summed it up nicely "no one in their right mind wants to argue with a shotgun"). If I get into hunting it would probably be turkey so this would be the gun I would need for it.

So, if you were looking mainly for a shooting for fun/home defense gun to add to your collection, which would you rather get first?

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I would go with one of the shotguns mentioned. It seems to be what you are lacking and fills many roles. My preference is the 870 over the 500 but that's just me. Try both because the safety is in totally different spots and you might have a preference. Both quality guns.

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CZ-P01. If it is just step up from the HP then Everest is just a step up from Death Valley! ;) Seriously, you will be able to shoot the P01 more than the others and ammo is easy to find and cheap. Plus a CZ is just an incredibly comfortable, ergonomic, accurate shooting gun.

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Well, I think you should buy me a Mini-14.

(That is what you meant, right?) ;)

Hehehe...I'll put that on my list. It might take a few years for me to scrape together the money for mine and yours though...unless we can pass the collection plate around for some donations.

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CZ-P01. If it is just step up from the HP then Everest is just a step up from Death Valley! ;) Seriously, you will be able to shoot the P01 more than the others and ammo is easy to find and cheap. Plus a CZ is just an incredibly comfortable, ergonomic, accurate shooting gun.

Well put. I guess I should have specified that the CZ would be a galactic step up from the HP. I do like the HP for what it is (except for the breakdown to give it a good cleaning...man what a pain in the tail). I have dreams of the CZ P01 though...which kind of worries me a bit :lol:

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The C-9 and CZ82 you have are a good starting point and both are what I consider as "keepers" because you'll continue using them as you aquire other handgun's. This also applies to the Mosin 91/30 because it's a strong center fire bolt action rifle that's cheap to feed and fun to shoot. As to your next gun I'd recommend a pump shotgun, either 20 ga. or 12 ga.while I prefer the 870 and would suggest you buy a used one the Mossberg 500 works fine as well .

Edited by TNWNGR
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I would go with the 870, nothing against Mossberg but Remington is what I grew up shooting. Either way though both have a ton of aftermarket parts available for whatever you want to do. if anything go with the 870, but an 18 inch barrel for home defense and a longer barrel for clays and turkey. I'm that way, have a short barrel one that became my tacticool shotgun, and the longer barrels on my hunting guns.

Edited by gjohnsoniv
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Shotgun is the most practical to round out your "collection"

But, another pistol does lend itself for additional home protection and you'll proably get more fun and trigger time out of another pistol than a shotgun.

My suggestion would be either a 9mm upgrade...I carry a CZ 75B, so another CZ would be an EXCELLENT choice.


If I was with my 82 and C9, I would get a revolver.

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Thanks for the comments/suggestions...I'll have to check out a 5906 Sonny. I keep going back and forth between all of them. As some of you have noted, the shotgun is what is missing...but then I think "well, I don't have a revolver and those Model 10s look to be a pretty good price for a pretty good firearm." Decisions decisions. Found out this afternoon that some unexpected financial turbulence might be heading my way so it looks like I'll have longer to decide which to go for first.

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