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Ruger LCP Range report.

Guest eyebedam

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Guest eyebedam

Well I just got back from the Hobson Pike range. I put 100 flawless rounds through the LCP not a single jam or anything. I was impressed how good of a little shooter it is. Def gonna be my carry everywhere gun now. I was shooting Winchester white box. I also put 250 rounds through my Walther .40 AS Same ammo WWB no jams on it either. I left wishing I had more 380 rounds cause the LCP was just so much fun to shoot. The older man that checks weapons said it was the first LCP hes seen so he had to show it to all the guys that work there. I told him he was more than welcome to fire it. DEf gonna be going back there. Close to home & very reasonable.;)

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We are getting back some good reports on the LCP. If I didn't have a P3AT, I'd consider it, even at the slightly larger size.

The price sounds fair. I paid a bit less for the P3AT. But that was some time ago. I'll have to research prices.

In all, the Ruger is sounding like a good handgun. I would still like to hear that they are paying royalties to Kel-Tec.

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Guest MrsS
Well I just got back from the Hobson Pike range. I put 100 flawless rounds through the LCP not a single jam or anything. I was impressed how good of a little shooter it is. Def gonna be my carry everywhere gun now. I was shooting Winchester white box. I also put 250 rounds through my Walther .40 AS Same ammo WWB no jams on it either. I left wishing I had more 380 rounds cause the LCP was just so much fun to shoot. The older man that checks weapons said it was the first LCP hes seen so he had to show it to all the guys that work there. I told him he was more than welcome to fire it. DEf gonna be going back there. Close to home & very reasonable.:tinfoil:

May I ask how the recoil was? My husband told me that smaller guns may have a bigger recoil and less accuracy...being new to guns himself he just hears these things from others. I understand your take on recoil may be different than mine. I would rent one out to try it but they are hard to come by.

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Guest eyebedam

It isn't bad at all. I let a friend of mines wife shoot it and she can't handle anything with much recoil & she did really well with it. She's wanting to buy one for her carry weapon now. She tried a j frame smith but it was a little to much recoil for her.

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You have to remember that this is not a plinker or target gun.

It's designed for short-range protection. And if it hurts a little to shoot it, if you have to use it you won't be concerned with recoil a bit too strong to be comfortable.

In all, it's a small and easy to conceal handgun that you will stick in your pocket and take with you. It's also a very safe design. Very unlikely to go off accidentally.

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Guest Boomhower
Does the 380 have enough stopping power, or would it just PO an opponent

Would you like to find out?.....yeah, me neither......opinions float around everywhere, but I'll just say that being shot period has got to hurt. And I've got 7 more coming if that one doesn't hurt enough.

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A 380acp is nothing more then a 9mm short.I carry a .32acp which is slightly smaller in diameter then the .380 and feel fine with it.Ten rounds from either will be enough to ruins somebodys day

Edit,of course you would want to carry a good fmj round in both

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Guest eyebedam
Does the 380 have enough stopping power, or would it just PO an opponent

I believe a clean shot between the ole eyes would stop just about any man.

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Assuming you will get to fire 10 times, much less get 10 hits, is probably not realistic.

What fire ten times before he gets on me...or ten shots with failures to feed or something?

Its a KelTec p32 so no its not that accurate but were talking someone thats right on top of you.I may not get all ten in him but I pretty confident that a majority will though

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What fire ten times before he gets on me...or ten shots with failures to feed or something?

Its a KelTec p32 so no its not that accurate but were talking someone thats right on top of you.I may not get all ten in him but I pretty confident that a majority will though

I didn't mean the gun would malfunction; I meant that it's unlikely someone will have time to fire 10 shots. And as far as 10 hits go, I'm calling "hits" good breadbasket hits--arms, hands, legs, outer perimeter torso shots, headshots not near the eyes, I'm calling "misses." What, you say? Headshots don't always count? See the 1986 Miami massacre. Also, I'll never assume that a painful bullet wound will always stop a pissed off maniac determined to kill me.

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What fire ten times before he gets on me...or ten shots with failures to feed or something?

Its a KelTec p32 so no its not that accurate but were talking someone thats right on top of you.I may not get all ten in him but I pretty confident that a majority will though

My assumption of his meaning: The chances that you will fire your weapon 10 times is small in a real world situation against an attacker. If they are still moving you probably are not hitting them. If you shoot 10 times likely you are not aiming but spraying and praying.

Factor in adrenalin and the real world scenario that most can never be prepared to shoot to kill, your instinct takes over or doesn't and your chances of hitting something as small as between the eyes on a killer who is lilkely moving is difficult as best for people who train daily, for a amateur carry holder it is nigh impossible. Notice I didn't say completely, but very very small chances of it happening. This ain't the friggin movies, it's not Guns and Ammo magazine..

Oop he answered before I got done, so I will leave as my impression.

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Right on!I dont ether,but like I said to miss at point blank range would mean that something is happening that wouldnt do you any good with any other weapon.I carry the KT as a shhhh gun when I dont want any chance of being found out.

Hopefully I will never have to use it,but if I do I hope that it will stop them long enough to get away.

Like I said in previous post,even being a .32acp I feel perfectly safe with it :drool:

Ps,I would never aim for someones head(that was someone else that said that) I know the best chances of hitting someone is with a torso shot

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I have carried a .380 many times. I'm personally not partial to anything smaller than a .380, but I have carried the .380. Of the weapons I like to carry, none of them are 10 shots even. I don't plan on a hollywood situaion of shooting a 1911 20 times and reloading against 7 or 8 attackers. Maybe I am just nuts, but I don't.

And I almost never carry an extra mag, so I don't worry about reloading. There were times in the past I did, but I simply don't feel that elevated of a threat. To each his own, the best laid plans are laid to waste in most real world situations, Stress kills all but most instinct and the best of training. It's not how good a shot you are, it's are you willing and are you prepared to control your adrenaline. Some of my friends carry two pistols, one on each hip. Do they need to? Dunno, it's up to them to feel secure for their own lives. I just don't get crazy about the 9v40v45 debate. Yes we all know a 45 is superior stopping power, but it has draw backs, they all do. What works for you in a certain situation, weather, clothing etc.

I also have never been big on carryin a wide assortment of things. You simply cannot have memory instinct training for many many weapons. I almost always carry just one or two different kinds of guns. If I change I ass a lot of training beforehand.

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