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HiPoint Carbine

Guest tommy62

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Guest tommy62

I shot a buddies HiPoint 995TS today and I have to say that I really liked it. I think I may want one. Am I crazy? Yeah, I know it's like a "butter face" girl, but the thing shot nice. What y'all think?

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I got one. It shoots just fine.

There are two issues with it though.

One of the features of the TS model is that the bolt stays open after the last round of a mag. On mine if I don't immediately drop the mag and release the bolt it gets very hard to release. This problem seems to get worse as the round count in a range session increases. It has gotten a little better over time and about 1000 rounds through it But it still sticks.

The other issue I have had is light primer strikes. The light primer strikes is not inherent on just the TS, the Planet of the Apes model does it too. But Hi Point will send out a firing pin assembly and it is very easy to change out. I have had to call twice about this issue. Changing the assembly does seem to fix things, for a while.

They are a good 250 dollar range gun, accurate enough and fun to shoot.

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I have a 995TS and as others have said, it's a fun little gun to shoot. I previously had a 995 which I sold to a friend. Never had a bit of trouble out of either one. I haven't used it for anything but cheap FMJ, not sure how it would handle hollowpoints.

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My respect for Hipoint is growing. After all the bad stuff I had, my son (I) bought the 9mm carbine. It functions fine and shoots well. Love the adjustable front and rear sights. Now the rest of the story...

We traded for it at a show where the guy had bought police seized guns. It was beat up pretty bad and we had to cut the trigger lock off. You could tell it had been abused. But, again, it functioned just fine. They seem to be pretty robust.

On another note, Iraqveteran8888 did a "stress test" on the 9mm pistol version on youtube. You gotta watch that! He beat the crap out of that thing and it still fired accurately and reliably. Ran over it with a truck, fired several overloaded rounds through it, buried it, threw it, etc.

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I don't get the break down comparison to a MkIII. Simple to break down and only takes a little jiggling to reassemble.

heck I don't even mind the sticky bolt. The rifle is bad ass looking. very naughty. Not quite evil for a black rifle.

And like Garoof said, the spring loaded butt makes it painless to shoot such an awesome high powered round.

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Guest Aces&8s

I really enjoy the one I have. I do not shoot it as much as I used too, but whenever I think about selling it, I go shoot it and remember why I don't want to part with it. Great gun for the money.

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I had to have a screwdriver to break mine down to get the reciever apart. That seemed like the least thought out part on the whole gun. I like a toolless takedown. To bad they can't be like ARs and AK, but then again that's probably asking too much for a $250 rifle. Still it was a blast to shoot and I miss it. We needed the money at the time worse than I needed the rifle. I'd love to have one in .45acp.

For the Preppers out there, this would be a decent "give away" gun to someone that you felt you needed to arm as well, as would the one of their pistols.

Edited by Moped
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I totally agree with Moped, that why I own 3 rifles and 5 handguns. I have all but a 380 that they offer. I Start out everyone that has never shot out on a hipoint because of the ease of use and low recoil. They are vertually impossible to jam. They will deffinately be my giveaway/backups, and that is just beacuse of the magizine limitations. My 30-50 round mags for my other rifles help edge out the Hipoint. I guess one way to look at it is that you can get 3 carbines w/3 mags each for the same price I paid just for my rifle w/no mags. You could just switch rifles instead or reloading.

Edited by climberscott_1999
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No reason TO break it down, unless it's to repair it.

- OS

True! :) But I do like to clean them every once in a while. I think when I first got mine, I was the first one to actually break it down. I suspect it's previous owner(s) just squirted a little oil in it and shot it.

Edited by Moped
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True! :) But I do like to clean them every once in a while. ..

Spray some cleaner around bolt. breech area, get what you can with bush/Qtips/bit of rag. Bore Snake the barrel. Squirt some CLP or whatever you like up around blot area. Shoot another 500 rounds. :)

- OS

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I have one in 9mm. It's a buttugly gun but it shoots fine and is fairly accurate. The 18" barrel really accelerates the 9mm round to a decent velocity. It hits like a .357 magnum handgun round. I keep 147 grain HPs in it for home protection. It has a "lazer" on it for shooting it the dark.

Edited by Will Carry
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