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I joined the NRA today

Guest mikedwood

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Guest mikedwood

I suppose I'm an offical "Gun nut" now. I went to the gun show today, didn't buy much 150 rounds for the AK for $30 I thought that was to good to pass up and a well used Alice pack for $25 and my NRA membership for $15.

They were selling the membership, nice hat with NRA and an American flag (hat made in Bangladesh, I think if it has an American flag on it it should be made in the USA) for $25 then I got admission of $10.00 back. I figured no better time to join and they must really be trying to get membership numbers up for the elections

So I'm a member of the NRA now clinging to my Guns :rolleyes: and loving it.

Saw plenty of guns there but I was thinking I'd rather buy at a local shop and spend $10 or $20 less and support the local stores or buy off this board and meet some people.

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Guest canynracer

Nice....I havent joined anything yet...I may actually go NRA, but maybe GOA...times are tight for both right now...

not sure what to do...but I gotta do something....

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Guest canynracer

ahhh CRAP!! really??? hmmm....maybe I dont use my email address...lol...see how they deal with people that are stuck in the dark ages.....

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mikedwood says

I suppose I'm an offical "Gun nut" now

No, you are now a responsible member of the gun owning community. Unlike the 94% who lay back and doing nothing.

canyn (lover of really ugly hats) says

Nice....I havent joined anything yet...I may actually go NRA, but maybe GOA...times are tight for both right now...

not sure what to do...but I gotta do something....

I know, buy another box of 40S&W ammo instead of joining.

Seriously I have not found joining the NRA has caused me to get an avalanche of solicitous mail. I did not give them my email addy either, I gave them Dotsun's.

Edited by Mike.357
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Guest Centennial

Congratulations for joining the NRA. I've been a member for well over 30 years. Every gun owner should be a member of the NRA. No other organization comes close to the NRA in supporting the right to keep and bear arms.

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Guest David Waldrip

Congrats, mikedwood, and welcome.

Strickj, your link is an older link, I think.

This link, which you can get to right off the banner at the top of the TGO page, shows a regular membership at $25, which is $10 off.

The additional $10 the recruiter gave back to mikedwood came right out of the recruiter's pocket (I think), and was a good deal.

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Guest canynracer
That's a good idea since I used your email address when I joined, Canyn.

LMAO!!! good then I can tell my wife that the "Other" emails are your fault too...hehehe

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Congrats, mikedwood, and welcome.

Strickj, your link is an older link, I think.

This link, which you can get to right off the banner at the top of the TGO page, shows a regular membership at $25, which is $10 off.

The additional $10 the recruiter gave back to mikedwood came right out of the recruiter's pocket (I think), and was a good deal.

Thats the link I meant to post.They have had a discount membership for sometime now

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Guest canynracer

canyn (lover of really ugly hats) says.

HEY...the pic wouldnt load, I just love hats!!
I know, buy another box of 40S&W ammo instead of joining..
Actually, I havent bought that in a very long time either...and I said I had enough for ONE of them right now, GOA, or NRA...its more than just me, I am siging my family up individually as well....5 people...adds up...

annnnnnnnnnddddd.....I also said "I gotta do something...."

I know, I have no excuse...I HONESTLY, and this is in all Honesty...I just dont see a lot of action...but then again, I suspect that GOA, and NRA are more at the federal level? I am specifically talking about the bills we just lost...where were the groups then? I saw nothing on the news to counter the "guns in bars" bill... I just dont want to feel like I am givin my money away for a sticker in my window... OK, begin the bashing....

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Guest mikedwood

I think I'm a full member. I figured the show might be helping out in some way to help the NRA cause it's in the show's favor to do so and keep the "Gunshow loop hole". I'm suppose to get the magazine and something about $5,000 insurance if I'm shot and $1,000 theft on my fire arms (I thought NRA members would have more guns than that.)

I had been going back and forth about joining. I think the NRA has done a lot of good for us gun owners. They are facing some major and loud opposition. Plus some real idiots are getting their hands on guns now. I was a report today that makes last week in Chicago sound more like Iraq. Don't they have hella anti-gun laws? Was like 30 something shot and 6 dead in random events. That's going to take a strong counter if the press latches on to it. The NRA now has carry laws to fight it with and reasonible statistics to back it up.

I was kidding about the "gun nut". I have a whacked sense of humor.

I totally believe in being a responsible gun owner and helping get the 2nd amendment back to the stature it deserves as the one right that protects the others. I'm glad I joined.

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The additional $10 the recruiter gave back to mikedwood came right out of the recruiter's pocket (I think), and was a good deal.

I'm thinking you are right about that.

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They were doing the same thing today at the gun show. There were several people around the recruiters table. I am already a member so I got to pay the xtra ten bucks to get in, LOL

Way to go Canyn!! At least get youself in.

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Roger that. If NRA eliminated its direct mail program, membership fees could go down dramatically. :popcorn:

NRA is currently doing a Life Membership for Half Price offer. I just upped to life and actually now get to vote on some matters and they sent me a copy of the association by-laws. Now that was a real page-turner, let me tell you...

Well if you were smart and gave them someone else addr,then it will be a while,lol

I got my Americas First Freedoms(i think)about a month after,but received several mailers well before that

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