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Interesting Pistol...380 ACP revolver

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Neat?, I guess.

But why?

The .380 is better suited for a pistol in my opinion.

Typically the barrel on a pistol is a little longer when compared to the same size revolver.

And there isn't a cylinder / barrel gap. The .380 needs all the help it can get.

Plus the "moon clips" are a pain. I'll stick with rimmed cartridges for Revolvers. It's just "easier" for me.

I'm not putting down the .380, I just think It would do better in the type gun it was designed for (a pistol)

But if they build it, someone will buy it.

I think it is more of a "gimmick" gun than any thing else.

P.S: They have one in Stainless over at Coal Creek Out-Post in Kingston, Tn. If anyone wants one.

That's the only place I've seen one so far. I could be wrong, but I don't see it being a big seller?

Plus, If I don't like it, what is the resell going to be like?

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I like the 45ACP and 9mm Para in revolvers but am a bit iffy on the 380 ACP angle. Someone of course will buy them and rave about reduced recoil and muzzle flash as well as the revolver double action. Then agin maybe that's what Taurus hopes will happen thinking the 9mm k will be enough of a step up from a 22 LR.

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While the jury is still way out on this little revolver, the resurgence in .380 is a good thing for folks with Arthritis. While the smaller pocket rockets are no help the larger guns being produced are. While I still handle my nines (XD9sc & CM9) a trip to the range leaves my wrists sore for a couple of days. In the last year my Wife and I have come to hate her .38 snubby, and I believe a gun you don't shoot is as bad as a gun you don't carry. This one may not be the berries, but weapons like this fit a niche that healthier folks may not have a handle on Yet.

Joe W.

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Not everyone shares your opinion on this, I’m an old school 1911 shooter and I wouldn’t want to carry one exclusively. While I’m certain a significant number of carry permit holders are prior military how many of them carried a 1911 on a regular basis? Now factor in older retired carry permit holders who have limitations due to arthritis and younger carry permit holders who’ve never handled or shot a 1911. Most carry permit holders are not going to have a tactical mindset, they’re not willing to bee sheep but they also fall short of being sheep dogs. I’m just grateful so many are willing to assume responsibility for their own personal safety. Wow…I’ll step down off of my soap box now…

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Not everyone shares your opinion on this, I’m an old school 1911 shooter and I wouldn’t want to carry one exclusively. While I’m certain a significant number of carry permit holders are prior military how many of them carried a 1911 on a regular basis? Now factor in older retired carry permit holders who have limitations due to arthritis and younger carry permit holders who’ve never handled or shot a 1911. Most carry permit holders are not going to have a tactical mindset, they’re not willing to bee sheep but they also fall short of being sheep dogs. I’m just grateful so many are willing to assume responsibility for their own personal safety. Wow…I’ll step down off of my soap box now…

But it isn't just opinion. It's a fact that I can carry my 1911 just as easily as I can any other weapon. That includes pocket and ankle carry.

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Every man has something in his mind and heart that he hates, vehemently. Diminutive calibers must surely be yours DaddyO :rofl:

LOL. No, I don't hate them, even though it may appear that I do. But what I don't get is the "either/or" mindset between a .380 and a more effective SD weapon. I've carried them all, and if you have the right rig, one is no more difficult to carry than another. :hat:

Edited by DaddyO
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