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IDPA in Memphis (New to this)

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I searched for "IDPA Memphis" and everything that came up was a little dated, so I decided to start a new thread.

I have been interested in IDPA for a little while now. I would like to hone my skills and get more trigger time. I have a friend that is also interested.

Is there someone I can talk to and get more info here in this area?

Where do matches take place? MSSA?

I am completely green to this and just looking for some direction.

Thanks guys.

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Guest rbrooks65

There are IPDA matches at MSSA every 2nd and 4th Saturday beginning at 9:30 a.m. It's a great place to get connected to the sport. You'll meet shooters of all experience levels, and everyone is eager to help new shooters learn the ropes.

They normally shoot six stages. Once everyone is finished, you can even hang around and shoot the whole setup again for no additional charge. I've shot there once as a non-member and had a great time. If memory serves, the cost for non-members to shoot is $12.

As with most of us, you'll be hooked after your first club match. Enjoy!

Edited by rbrooks65
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As rbrooks said above, MSSA has IDPA matches on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month. When it's cold, walk-through is usually 930. In hot weather, it's sometimes moved to 830. A first-time IDPA shooter would be wise to show up an hour or so before walk-through. It may be cancelled if it's really muddy or raining horizontally. The matches usually require 125 rounds or so (I always bring more). Take a right as soon as you cross the train tracks.

The TWRA range in Bartlett also has a match every Tuesday night at 6 PM. They recently started having matches on Sunday afternoons at 1 or 2 PM. I would definitely call and make sure the Sunday matches are a go before driving there. The Tuesday night matches usually require 70-80 rounds (again, I would bring more).

Rangemaster has IDPA-style matches every Friday night at 6 PM (usually 70-100 rounds).

Basically, you will be well served with a 9mm, .40, or .45 auto with at least a 3" barrel and three magazines. A 10mm or a .357 SIG will do nicely, though. You will also need a strong-side hip holster and a double magazine carrier or two single-mag carriers. The mag carriers are not a must, but will help. A six-round revolver with 3-4 speedloaders can play, too. No appendix, cross-draw, or small-of-back holsters are allowed. Some type of concealment clothing is required, but first-time shooters can get by without it (they are not trying to run you off).

Most who go just to watch regret not bringing their guns after watching three or four shooters. If you can draw your gun without touching the trigger or sweeping yourself, run across your living room without touching the trigger while keeping the gun pointed downrange, and hit a pie plate at 10 yards, you're ready to go. Be sure to show up early and let someone who looks like they are in charge know it's your first match. No matter where you go, they are always helpful (they want you to come back).

PM me if you have any questions.

Edited by deerslayer
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Cool. I am not sure if I can swing it Saturday. Thinking about hitting the Tuesday night one up.

Ill be there this weekend if you make it out. I can show you where to go/who to talk to for a safety chat. Ive only shot at MSSA twice but it is a blast and plan on attending as many matches as possible. Shoot me a PM if you want...names Matt.

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