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Are you Registered To Vote?

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As I said, I left out one important word which I have now corrected. I guess I also need to highlight it too! :)

I had already flung the response or something.

Anyway, you'd still have to look back state by state to see if the Nader vote, even if it all had gone to Gore, would have swung even without Florida.

But ultimately, just like claiming "x number of jobs saved", there's no way to know how many of the Nader folks would have just not voted, or voted for another third party candidate in protest if Nader hadn't been in it.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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Guest ThePunisher

For those that think there is no real difference between BHO and the Dems from the republicans just have not paid much attention the last three years to how BHO and his commie cronies are out to destroy America, including trampling on the Constitution. This election could very possibly be your last chance to vote any longer if BHO gets re-elected, and he declares himself dictator. This bunch of Marxist are really scary as to what they are doing to our country. The founding fathers warned the people to always be vigilant to government tyranny. It appears that over half of the people of this country has not heeded their warning, and that there appears to be no hope for these sheeple.

Voting for the lesser of the two evils is still a choice in exercising your constitutional right to preserve liberty and freedom for our country. Sitting out this election just ensures the loss of your liberty and freedoms. If you want America to follow the lead of Europe, and become a Marxist/Socialist nation, then vote for BHO or sit out this election. Of all the voting groups, I would have thought that the 2nd Amendment advocates would do every thing in their power to ensure that BHO doesn't get 4 more years. But then again, I would have never thought that America would ever elect a Marxist for our POTUS.

Edited by ThePunisher
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Guest NYCrulesU

While voting IS a constitutional right.....as are many other things...I exercise MY rights when I choose to. Not "just because I can or should".

I will NOT vote for any candidate that I don't truly support and believe in. I have voted twice in my 37 years. That's right....two times. One local and one presidental.

And I will continue to not vote for the frauds, money/power hungry, corporate bought candidates that we have year in and year out.

When...and only when...a candidate comes along that I believe in, that juuuussst might have the peoples interests in mind and not lining their pockets and the pockets of the greedy bigwigs they made "promises" to...then and only then will I exercise might constitutional right to vote.

Edited by NYCrulesU
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Guest ThePunisher

While voting IS a constitutional right.....as are many other things...I exercise MY rights when I choose to. Not "just because I can or should".

I will NOT vote for any candidate that I don't truly support and believe in. I have voted twice in my 37 years. That's right....two times. One local and one presidental.

And I will continue to not vote for the frauds, money/power hungry, corporate bought candidates that we have year in and year out.

When...and only when...a candidate comes along that I believe in, that juuuussst might have the peoples interests in mind and not lining their pockets and the pockets of the greedy bigwigs they made "promises" to...then and only then will I exercise might constitutional right to vote.

Presently, you have the right to do what ever makes you happy as long as you don't infringe on the rights of others. But the right to vote is not only a right, but it should be a civic responsibility since our country is a democratic republic. All the freedoms and liberties you enjoy as a citizen come about as a result of exercising civic responsibility, and every citizen should be invested in our republic in every way possible. There may come a time when our freedom to vote may no longer exist as a right, as well as our liberties and freedoms we enjoy now as citizens of this great nation.

Liberty is the right to vote. Freedom is the result of the right choice. Not exercising that right to vote is the same as making the wrong choice. I suspect that you like what BHO is doing to our country, because not voting for the R candidate is the same as voting for BHO.

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Guest NYCrulesU

Presently, you have the right to do what ever makes you happy as long as you don't infringe on the rights of others. But the right to vote is not only a right, but it should be a civic responsibility since our country is a democratic republic. All the freedoms and liberties you enjoy as a citizen come about as a result of exercising civic responsibility, and every citizen should be invested in our republic in every way possible. There may come a time when our freedom to vote may no longer exist as a right, as well as our liberties and freedoms we enjoy now as citizens of this great nation.

Liberty is the right to vote. Freedom is the result of the right choice. Not exercising that right to vote is the same as making the wrong choice. I suspect that you like what BHO is doing to our country, because not voting for the R candidate is the same as voting for BHO.

First, I have no affiliation to either party. I could give a rats but about Democrat or Republican. Aecondly, the whole "if you don't vote you like Obama" rhetoric is gettinf old and rather stale. Lastly, civic duty? If voting for some pompous ass of a candidate with whom you don't believe in and don't trust, and are the only options, is "civic duty" ...then I'll pass.

Voting is a right, a freedom...and an OPTION. I opt out past Ron Paul, who unfortunately doesn't stand a snowballs chance in hell.

Santorum? Moron.

Romney? Snake in the grass.

Gingrich? Lmao. Don't even get me started.

All are self serving puppets of corporate greed and are bought and paid for YEARS before they run for presidency. They don't deserve, nor will they get my vote.

3 times in my life have I seen a presidential candidate that had a shred of integrity and actually wanted to hange pokicy and actually heard what the people wanted/need.

One became president and promptly had an assassination attempt on his life.

Another was an Independant and couldn't muster enough steam to push out a fart.

And the 3rd is Ron Paul, who inevitably will fall to the wayside and lose to a corporate bought puppet.

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First, I have no affiliation to either party. I could give a rats but about Democrat or Republican. Aecondly, the whole "if you don't vote you like Obama" rhetoric is gettinf old and rather stale. Lastly, civic duty? If voting for some pompous ass of a candidate with whom you don't believe in and don't trust, and are the only options, is "civic duty" ...then I'll pass.

Voting is a right, a freedom...and an OPTION. I opt out past Ron Paul, who unfortunately doesn't stand a snowballs chance in hell.

Santorum? Moron.

Romney? Snake in the grass.

Gingrich? Lmao. Don't even get me started.

All are self serving puppets of corporate greed and are bought and paid for YEARS before they run for presidency. They don't deserve, nor will they get my vote.

3 times in my life have I seen a presidential candidate that had a shred of integrity and actually wanted to hange pokicy and actually heard what the people wanted/need.

One became president and promptly had an assassination attempt on his life.

Another was an Independant and couldn't muster enough steam to push out a fart.

And the 3rd is Ron Paul, who inevitably will fall to the wayside and lose to a corporate bought puppet.

We already know how you feel; we also know that the feeling you express are dangerous to the existence of our Republic and the rights most people here (on TGO) claim to hold dear.

Also, I don't believe anyone here has said "if you don't vote you like Obama" and that's what you think people have been saying then you are simply wrong. What people HAVE been saying is that not voting for the Republican candidate, whoever that turns out to be, is the same as voting FOR Obama in terms of results.

Finally, in my always humble opinion, anyone who can't bother to vote isn't worth listening to anyway. I've NEVER missed an election since I turned 18; not even when I was on board my cruiser out in the middle of the Med or the Atlantic.

Edited by RobertNashville
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Not voting is in fact a vote. Just not cast in a polling place.

I have in the past turned in an empty ballot when not happy with the voting options. That was my vote.

But this time around the stakes are too high to not cast a ballot and vote against obama.

Edited by Mike.357
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Guest NYCrulesU

Read Punishers post again..."Not voting for a R candidate is the same as voting for BHO". So yes, someone did say it.

Aww. You haven't missed an election since 18. Well good for you. I suspect while you were casting votes for corporate puppets I was in some country fighting for your "right" to vote. So don't talk to me about freedom. And trust me, you know nothing about me to make your assinine remarks about what I believe in is dangerous to you and to most on TGO.

My belief in the neccessity of a modern revolution to restart this country and return it to what it was meant to be...is only a danger to pompous cowards that are afraid to speak up and use their voice...and physical violence if/when needed....who are afraid of the thought of life without McDonald's, Walmart, Macy's, ATM's and any other conveniences they have been duped into thinking they can't live witbout. You have accepted the trade-off they have given you....hand fed. Good for you. I haven't. I have fought for my country and fellow soldiers. I certainly would do the same, on American soil, with my fellow neighbors against a government that is corrupt.

But by all means, you enjoy your sofa and cable tv. Don't let reality interupt you dillusion of America and the freedoms you THINK you ha e.

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ill be voting Ron Paul in the Primary and if he doesnt get the nomination ill be writing him in in the general by the way a vote for romney is a vote for obama these guys are identical on all the important issues

There is a Reason All gunshows seem to have a Ron Paul table setup and the other "same ol same ol" candidates dont

Edited by plank white
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Guest NYCrulesU

ill be voting Ron Paul in the Primary and if he doesnt get the nomination ill be writing him in in the general by the way a vote for romney is a vote for obama these guys are identical on all the important issues

There is a Reason All gunshows seem to have a Ron Paul table setup and the other "same ol same ol" candidates dont

Amen to that!

Someone else who gets it. And put simply too... Thank you.

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Ron Paul supporters have been kicked on, spit on, chewed up, spit out , and Lied about in the Main stream media

Once you get to know and Like Ron Paul you cant simply go back to holding your nose and Voting its quite simple

Ive Never Met a Former Ron Paul supporter and I know If these same people who have treated us Like Trash , Decide they want our vote They

Can Nominate Ron Paul or Kiss the entire Republican Party Good Bye The reason Behind this Is because RP supports See the Truth There is no Republican vs Democrate its all

Lies and corruption and we are sick of it .Period

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Ron Paul supporters have been kicked on, spit on, chewed up, spit out , and Lied about in the Main stream media

Once you get to know and Like Ron Paul you cant simply go back to holding your nose and Voting its quite simple

Ive Never Met a Former Ron Paul supporter and I know If these same people who have treated us Like Trash , Decide they want our vote They

Can Nominate Ron Paul or Kiss the entire Republican Party Good Bye The reason Behind this Is because RP supports See the Truth There is no Republican vs Democrate its all

Lies and corruption and we are sick of it .Period

Just remember how sick you'll feel over the next 25 years or so as Obama's Supreme Court keeps taking away more of your freedoms. But of course you can solace yourself that you were right. While hitting the range with your single shot .22, comrade.

- OS

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Just remember how sick you'll feel over the next 25 years or so as Obama's Supreme Court keeps taking away more of your freedoms. But of course you can solace yourself that you were right. While hitting the range with your single shot .22, comrade.

- OS

As i Said previously if you do some research or even use the Google button you can find out the truth about Romney, Santorum ,and newt and you can Find out that what they bring to the Table is Just as bad as Obama I will Vote for Ron Paul and Vote to Keep my Liberty if That doesn't work and The Need arises then I will fight to keep my liberty.
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As i Said previously if you do some research or even use the Google button you can find out the truth about Romney, Santorum ,and newt and you can Find out that what they bring to the Table is Just as bad as Obama I will Vote for Ron Paul and Vote to Keep my Liberty if That doesn't work and The Need arises then I will fight to keep my liberty.

You won't have a chance to fight unless you want to go off as individual "terrorist". You'll just be slowly simmered with all the rest of the frogs.

- OS

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It really doesnt even Matter either way without Ron Paul "Who is the Only Candidate Who wants to Cut 1 trillion the first year" We will hit a major Economic Collapse

Do to These Chicken Hawk Presidents ,Endless wars ,Massive Debt , and no way to pay it back . These Guys are actually Pushing for More war and more debt and our Fake dollar will collapse so Id say to You a Vote for anyone but Ron Paul is a Vote For Mass Panic and collapse which inturn will lead to huge Government Crackdown and less libertys.

Our dollar is fake and More and More Countrys are trying to reject it we have to borrow money from china to keep our Head above water and They just keep spending and spending.

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Read Punishers post again..."Not voting for a R candidate is the same as voting for BHO". So yes, someone did say it.

Aww. You haven't missed an election since 18. Well good for you. I suspect while you were casting votes for corporate puppets I was in some country fighting for your "right" to vote. So don't talk to me about freedom. And trust me, you know nothing about me to make your assinine remarks about what I believe in is dangerous to you and to most on TGO.

My belief in the neccessity of a modern revolution to restart this country and return it to what it was meant to be...is only a danger to pompous cowards that are afraid to speak up and use their voice...and physical violence if/when needed....who are afraid of the thought of life without McDonald's, Walmart, Macy's, ATM's and any other conveniences they have been duped into thinking they can't live witbout. You have accepted the trade-off they have given you....hand fed. Good for you. I haven't. I have fought for my country and fellow soldiers. I certainly would do the same, on American soil, with my fellow neighbors against a government that is corrupt.

But by all means, you enjoy your sofa and cable tv. Don't let reality interupt you dillusion of America and the freedoms you THINK you ha e.

I think you need to check your condensing attitude; you are NOT the only want concerned with the direction of the country or who can survive without the modern luxuries or life.

Thanks for your service but if you think your's is somehow more valuable or important than the many years I gave and still do give then you need to re-think that.

Your reading comprehension is also suspcet....it is you and ONLY you reading "liking Obama" into what Punisher or I or others have said...you can have absolutely nothing but hate for the man but voting for a third party or not voting at all is equivalent to voting FOR Obama; it has zero to do with iking or not liking him..

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Ron Paul supporters have been kicked on, spit on, chewed up, spit out , and Lied about in the Main stream media...

That's because many of his supporters are three apple slices short of a happy meal.

Ron Paul's biggest problem are some of his supporters.

Edited to clarify that I'm not referring to all supporters!

Edited by RobertNashville
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As i Said previously if you do some research or even use the Google button you can find out the truth about Romney, Santorum ,and newt and you can Find out that what they bring to the Table is Just as bad as Obama I will Vote for Ron Paul and Vote to Keep my Liberty if That doesn't work and The Need arises then I will fight to keep my liberty.

What any of those three brings to the table is far better than Obama and his EXTREME friends. In this country, the best way for us to "fight to keep our liberty" is at the ballot box. You have a chance to do that in November. Like him or not, Ron Paul doesn't stand a chance to win in November. That's just the way it is. Writing-in a vote or voting 3rd party in the General might make you feel all warm and fuzzy for about 2 months, but I will choose to play it smart not emotional by voting for ABO. Let's get this EXTREMIST out of office. We can fire him in November. I will not hold my nose as I vote for Romney or Santorum. No president will ever be perfect, and they are better than what we have. I wish we had better choices but right now, it is what it is.

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That's because many of his supporters are three apple slices short of a happy meal.

Ron Paul's biggest problem ARE his supporters.

Real Nice there This is exactly what im talking about go watch The Main stream Media some more and get your fix of the Propaganda for the day while I on the Other hand will be watching the in flux of videos pictures and recordings from the Veterans for Ron Pauls March on the white House Happening today!! http://www.federaljack.com/?p=173336

Ive never smoked Pot yet Im called a Pot head.

Im a 30 yr old Veteran yet Im called a Finatical teenager

I will continue to support the one guy who truly supports us and you can continue to support who ever you are told to

This is what we have to deal with daily from the mainstream Media Im very surprised We have to hear it here aswell.


Edited by plank white
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Real Nice there This is exactly what im talking about go watch The Main stream Media some more and get your fix of the Propaganda for the day while I on the Other hand will be watching the in flux of videos pictures and recordings from the Veterans for Ron Pauls March on the white House Happening today!! http://www.federaljack.com/?p=173336

Ive never smoked Pot yet Im called a Pot head.

Im a 30 yr old Verteran yet Im called a Finatical teenager

I will continue to support the one guy who truly supports us and you can continue to support who ever you are told to...

You assume insult when there was none; at least none directed at you - I don't know anything about you; but I wasn't talking about YOU. I WAS and am referring to many of the RP supporters who I've persoanlly had to deal with in the past, many of whom have been condensending, arrogant, racist and/or just plane CRAZY.

Only my own conscious tells me who to support and that will always be who I believe is the best choice given everything I know (evrything I know about them, about the issues, about the rest of the field and the circumstances at the time).

I happen to like Ron Paul's positions on many issues but the bottom line for me with regards to Ron Paul is that at the end of the day, he is much more of a libertarian than he is a conservative and while I have some "libertarian leanings" I am first and foremost a conservative.

Edited by RobertNashville
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Most RP supporters are like BHO supporters, you simply can't talk to them and get them to see the reasoning and seriousness of this coming election.

Even if he did win, there would be no House or Senate that would support his ideas.

:shrug: It's not worth arguing about.

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