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African Americans for Obama

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late 13c., "person who is the property of another," from O.Fr. esclave (13c.), from M.L. Sclavus "slave" (cf. It. schiavo, Fr. esclave, Sp. esclavo), originally "Slav" (see Slav), so called because of the many Slavs sold into slavery by conquering peoples.

This sense development arose in the consequence of the wars waged by Otto the Great and his successors against the Slavs, a great number of whom they took captive and sold into slavery. [Klein]

One must keep in mind, that the target group discussed by the OP is less than 13% of the total population.

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This is such a hot button issue with me right now that my wife just leaves the room when I start losing my composure about it. Apparently our progressive society is ok with voting on the basis of race as long as it's not white people promoting it. Sorry if that strikes anyone as being politically incorrect, but it's quite obviously the truth.

David, it isn't just race, if you haven't noticed. Free speech is fine (as long as the left agree with what is said). Cursing women is fine, (as long as the woman is Republican). Death threats? Anything said by a right winger that can be twisted or deliberately misinterpreted is primae facie evidence of our incivility and violent tendencies, whereas clearly spoken desires for a Republican to die a horrible death are excusable. Vote fraud or intimidation at the polls? Nah, just a fevered republican desire to deny Mickey Mouse his clear right to a ballot. Sure, I know lots of people named Mickey, what're you, some kind of racist?

The left are in a war to the death. We're still practicing politics.

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Got historical references for any of that? I hate having to go look up things people say to verify accuracy.

David, I'm not sure which part you are asking for reference on. Here is the verification for the origin of the word.


late 13c., "person who is the property of another," from O.Fr. esclave (13c.), from M.L. Sclavus "slave" (cf. It. schiavo, Fr. esclave, Sp. esclavo), originally "Slav" (see Slav), so called because of the many Slavs sold into slavery by conquering peoples.
Edited by sigmtnman
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Blacks and their socialist comrades are the most racist group of people on the planet save for our muslims friends. I'm sick to death of all of it...it's such a front for an ugliness that will spread all over the country. If you are against big government you're a racist...if you are against Obozo care your racist.....it you're for individual freedoms and self reliance you're a racist and so on.

I'm sadly waiting for the slackers and welfare heiffers to come and try to take my stuff......I'm not running away.

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