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Glock Pricing question


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Last year I couldn't give away a glock 19, finnially had to sell for 425 to get it gone, been wanting a g26 and all I can find is 500-550 .... I bought NEW glocks for 479.99 ... can someone enlighten me on why a glock is suddenly worth about a hundred more than they were last year? I am relaly kicking myself for selling the g19 so cheap. Was it just a bad time to sell, or did cops quit selling them at the 400 hookup, or did glock raise dealer prices or what?

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Last year I couldn't give away a glock 19, finnially had to sell for 425 to get it gone, been wanting a g26 and all I can find is 500-550 .... I bought NEW glocks for 479.99 ... can someone enlighten me on why a glock is suddenly worth about a hundred more than they were last year? I am relaly kicking myself for selling the g19 so cheap. Was it just a bad time to sell, or did cops quit selling them at the 400 hookup, or did glock raise dealer prices or what?

As of 17 April 2008, the prices of Glocks are the same as last year.

No price increase.

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Guest Grout

Used gun vs. new gun.If it is used it will not bring as much.Especially one as common as a Glock.Now if it was an older gun no longer made and in high demand it would be different.

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It's just weird, I see people on golsn, here, glocktalk, and other places all asking (some/most closing the deal) for 500 or more. How can a used glock that only comes with 2-3 mags sell for over 500? They are only 500 new well, slightly over with tax and tics. Maybe the prices drop when cops are selling theirs and I just picked a bad time to sell that g19 last year.

I have owned at least 10-12 glocks over the last 10 years, never paid over 450 used, only bought 1 new, and I just think it's weird over the last 6 months people are paying over 500 used. heck it's only 50.00 difference could be just how much the dollar has dropped I guess, just wondered if anyone else has noticed this trend. I have never seen a production gun like a glock appreciate.

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I think the margins have been inflated a bit because of the demand, many people wanting guns which they fear will be banned in a year. I too have noticed an increase in the prices which I see on Glocks and other pistols on Gunbroker, etc... But, among the good dealers and sellers who aren't trying to take advantage of 'ban panic', the prices really haven't changed.

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Guest sling
I think the margins have been inflated a bit because of the demand, many people wanting guns which they fear will be banned in a year. I too have noticed an increase in the prices which I see on Glocks and other pistols on Gunbroker, etc... But, among the good dealers and sellers who aren't trying to take advantage of 'ban panic', the prices really haven't changed.

Aye. Same goes for people hordeing the AR recievers like grimmlins...:mad:

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Theres an issue of availability. SOmeone called asking about a 19 with nites. Easy, right? Most common gun in the world.

No one had them.

Glock has been cranking out Shot SHow orders so no production for normal distribution.

Ellett has them in stock right now.

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I was reading on another forum that Glock is still offering a huge discount to former LEO and military active and retired. You have to buy from an authorized Glock LE dealer. The weapon will be in the "blue box". This whole deal is through Homeland Security. Who is a Glock LE dealer in Tennessee and has anyone else heard of this deal?

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The reason is 26/19 even the17 is about a year ago as ammo started

getting high and hard to find sometimes ,9mm is always quite a few

dollars a box less or now half price of 45/40 so most people will

pick up a 9mm to shoot but carry bigger bore. As long as the demand

is there they bring 50-75 bucks over most other glocks if you can

find one.

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I was reading on another forum that Glock is still offering a huge discount to former LEO and military active and retired. You have to buy from an authorized Glock LE dealer. The weapon will be in the "blue box". This whole deal is through Homeland Security. Who is a Glock LE dealer in Tennessee and has anyone else heard of this deal?

There is only one LE distributor in the state, and thats Craigs in Knoxville.

If you have the proper credentials, give them a call.

Tell them Joe from HeroGear sent ya.


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Guest mikedwood

Most new Glocks (Gun, 2 mags, case, brush, you know) I have seen around Knoxville are $499 to $550 depending on the model and store. Coal Creek is the cheapest on them that I have seen around here.

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Last year I couldn't give away a glock 19, finnially had to sell for 425 to get it gone, been wanting a g26 and all I can find is 500-550 .... I bought NEW glocks for 479.99 ... can someone enlighten me on why a glock is suddenly worth about a hundred more than they were last year? I am relaly kicking myself for selling the g19 so cheap. Was it just a bad time to sell, or did cops quit selling them at the 400 hookup, or did glock raise dealer prices or what?

I bought a new glock 26 last Oct. for $459 plus $18.95 shipping from Topglock.com. I just now checked the prices and they are the exact same now as then. It comes in case with two mags, lock, cleaning rod and brush. If I were buying again I would get one in OD.

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