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I've seen 2 of them. Both were being walked around gun shows in November and December. Much too high a price asked for them. They look interesting. Fit and finish on the one i got to hold seemed pretty good. Don't think I'd be afraid to buy one at a reasonable price when things cool down on them.

But for Shug, glad you got one. Let us know how it operates.

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Guest Sgt. Joe

Seen one at the gun shop in Jackson Tn.Congrats on the purchase

Which shop j?

I saw one when they first came out at Direct Hit but at the time they wanted a bit over 800 for it IIRC and I wasnt going to spend that for one. I have seen one other one at Classic Arms in Bartlett but it was on lay-away for someone else.

I dont and never have had a 1911 as of yet.

I got the bug last year that I wanted to get one during the 100 year anniversary of our military starting to use them, and then being a big Ruger fan when they offered their first I figured that one would be the one. There is no doubt that they are fine looking firearms. But since I like to carry a bit more capacity if I ever do buy one I am sure that it would spend most of it's time in the safe.

Still I wouldnt mind having one just to put up for my boys to have one day (which means I really would need two) but even 700 is a lot for me to spend for something that will mostly just sit in the safe. I will just have to wait and see if they ever become plentiful enough that the prices come down some.

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Aren't they awsome?! I finally got to shoot mine a couple days ago and I love it! However, I hope your front sight doesn't snap off after a couple hundred rounds like mine did :rant: A quick call to Ruger though and I had a new sight in the mail within three days. Other than that one issue it's a sweet shooter!

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Guest bkelm18

Would love to post pics of the new Ruger and the whole stable but with this new format I bon't know how any more

Same way it's always been... Host it on Photobucket (or similar) and post it here.

Edited by bkelm18
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Wait a minute! What's that tupperware doing up there!?!??!?!?! One of these is NOT like the others!

(just poking fun ... I own two glocks and plan to buy more in the future :) I also got lucky and found an SR 1911 too a few months back).

Very nice!!!!

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Wait a minute! What's that tupperware doing up there!?!??!?!?! One of these is NOT like the others!

(just poking fun ... I own two glocks and plan to buy more in the future :) I also got lucky and found an SR 1911 too a few months back).

Very nice!!!!

Thanks guy, I just showed the stable of 45's. The tupperware just got a load of new parts,

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