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Walking dead....


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This TV series is my favorite of all time. I can't think of anything that even comes close except the original Dukes of Hazzard. I mean, its really tough to beat Bo and Luke flying through the air in the General. Then throw in Daisy and you got a winner. Sorry, I digress.... I really like how Rick is developing and it looks like Shane is about to pop any second. Lori is getting old to me so I'm glad they are throwing some drama in there with the car wreck. Maybe she will get infected but still deliver a little hybrid freak baby.

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This TV series is my favorite of all time. I can't think of anything that even comes close except the original Dukes of Hazzard. I mean, its really tough to beat Bo and Luke flying through the air in the General. Then throw in Daisy and you got a winner. Sorry, I digress.... I really like how Rick is developing and it looks like Shane is about to pop any second. Lori is getting old to me so I'm glad they are throwing some drama in there with the car wreck. Maybe she will get infected but still deliver a little hybrid freak baby.

I recently discovered Sons of Anarchy (thanks to TGO!)... another great TV series and about equally addictive IMHO.

I think you're right about Shane, and I think it's just a matter of time before he tries to kill Dale (or vice versa). Especially since Dale is on to him about shooting Otis. Unless he was completly eaten, I keep wating for zombie Otis to come limping up to the house with a bullet hole in his knee :eek:

Edited by Batman
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I recently discovered Sons of Anarchy (thanks to TGO!)... another great TV series and about equally addictive IMHO.

I think you're right about Shane, and I think it's just a matter of time before he tries to kill Dale (or vice versa). Especially since Dale is on to him about shooting Otis. Unless he was completly eaten, I keep wating for zombie Otis to come limping up to the house with a bullet hole in his knee :eek:

This is exactly what I'm waiting on to happen!! I think then everyone will realize that shane actually cut him down to save his own butt!!

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1) Loved it when they loaded the bodies in the truck and as they drive off zombies arm falls off. Dead girl says hey wait, pops out and picks it up like a stick. It was just funny.

2) pretty sure car wreck girl is now not pregnant. Makes the storY easier going forward unless she is pregnant in real life.

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I think we have a couple of new issues unfolding for the next episode:

1) Lori is prob unconcious and injured in a wrecked car with a mangled walker nearby, and

2) That girl at the farm (is that Hershal's daughter???) is sick. She wrestled with that zombie in the beginning. Did she get bit and is a walker-to-be?

Since AMC has the entire episode on their website, I watched it again this morning. Hershel's daughter did not get bit, or at least it doesn't show her getting bit, just scared out of her wits.

Someone on another forum threw out the theory that what Dr. Jennings at the CDC whispered to Rick was that humans can be carriers of the virus while being immune. So, not only would they have zombies to contend with, but also people carrying the virus who can infect others.

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Someone on another forum threw out the theory that what Dr. Jennings at the CDC whispered to Rick was that humans can be carriers of the virus while being immune. So, not only would they have zombies to contend with, but also people carrying the virus who can infect others.

Hmm that's a scary thought. I was wondering if maybe the series was going to take a religious turn and make it a Good vs Evil thing, like The Stand or Adrian's Undead Diary. As in the good Doc said there is no virus, it just happens.

Also I have forgotten, does one have to be bitten/infected by a zombie to turn or if someone just dies will they rise up? I got reminded of that when it seemed Rick shot the 2nd guy in the head.

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Also I have forgotten, does one have to be bitten/infected by a zombie to turn or if someone just dies will they rise up? I got reminded of that when it seemed Rick shot the 2nd guy in the head.

Back in Season 1, they kept asking if a person had been "bitten or scratched". Also, in "Guts" episode when Rick and Glenn went for the truck in Atlanta and spread zombie guts on themselves, they said not to let the zombie blood in any open wounds, on skin, in eyes, etc. So, I think a person has to be infected through the blood stream by a zombie or other carrier. Rick probably shot the guy in the head in case he had already been bit or in case a walker came in later to snack on the guy.

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Guest Lester Weevils

Someone on another forum threw out the theory that what Dr. Jennings at the CDC whispered to Rick was that humans can be carriers of the virus while being immune. So, not only would they have zombies to contend with, but also people carrying the virus who can infect others.

H DaddyO

Am not a comics fan and don't recall reading a comic for decades. But curiosity motivated me to look up and read the series. It is a very well-written series and would most likely work just as good as a text-only novel. The series is so long that it takes a few hours just to skim for overall plot line. Given sufficient free time, I might sometime review them paying closer attention to the illustrations and details.

The comic series has its share of "soap opera" aspects and many pages are occasionally devoted to topics which chicks would find more interesting. Which is most likely brilliant strategy to widen the appeal past typical comic book nerds. Assuming there are enough chicks who could tolerate that much gore and action when the story line speeds up.

Some parts of the saga move real fast and then again some parts slow down and devote multiple issues to trivia. As it appears the guys who wrote the comics have been given quite a bit of control over the series, we might expect the same of the tv show.

The show has diverged so drastically from the graphic novel plot line-- It appears doubtful that events in the comics will give much clue to future plot lines in the tv series. Which is most likely very smart, because even the "hooked" fans of the comics might be motivated to keep tuning in to the show because they don't know how this alternate plot line will turn out.

Aggh, rambling again. Apologies. Anyway, if the show is "in the same universe" as the graphic novels in this respect-- All of the living are infected with the virus and as soon as any person dies, from whatever cause, that person will immediately turn zombie. The only "special" thing about a zombie bite is that the bites are incredibly toxic and always make people die quicker than what one would expect from a clean wound of similar magnitude. Like snake bites. Even a trivially minor zombie bite is not survivable except in some cases immediate amputation of the afflicted arm or leg.

Unless this extreme toxicity of zombie-to-victim-blood is restricted only to bites, then it would stand to reason that getting scratched up by an oozing zombie would kill you as dead as a bite, in a few days. It is difficult to force a work of fiction into complete logical consistency, but raises the question why people don't die of toxic shock if they happen to chainsaw a zombie and zombie gore happens to get splattered into an open wound. For typical blood-borne diseases in the real world, one would expect gore in an open wound as good an infection vector as a bite. All these surviors would have high probability of having the occasional open wound not healed up yet.

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1) Loved it when they loaded the bodies in the truck and as they drive off zombies arm falls off. Dead girl says hey wait, pops out and picks it up like a stick. It was just funny.

2) pretty sure car wreck girl is now not pregnant. Makes the storY easier going forward unless she is pregnant in real life.

Part of what makes this show great is the details. A lot of shows would have jumped from the barn scene right to the burn pile. This show covers all the struggles and hard work of surviving in their collapsed society right down to the effort it took cleaning up the dead. No ambulance, no coroner, just them and an old truck.

Good point about the pregnancy.

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H DaddyO

Am not a comics fan and don't recall reading a comic for decades. But curiosity motivated me to look up and read the series. It is a very well-written series and would most likely work just as good as a text-only novel. The series is so long that it takes a few hours just to skim for overall plot line. Given sufficient free time, I might sometime review them paying closer attention to the illustrations and details.

The comic series has its share of "soap opera" aspects and many pages are occasionally devoted to topics which chicks would find more interesting. Which is most likely brilliant strategy to widen the appeal past typical comic book nerds. Assuming there are enough chicks who could tolerate that much gore and action when the story line speeds up.

Some parts of the saga move real fast and then again some parts slow down and devote multiple issues to trivia. As it appears the guys who wrote the comics have been given quite a bit of control over the series, we might expect the same of the tv show.

The show has diverged so drastically from the graphic novel plot line-- It appears doubtful that events in the comics will give much clue to future plot lines in the tv series. Which is most likely very smart, because even the "hooked" fans of the comics might be motivated to keep tuning in to the show because they don't know how this alternate plot line will turn out.

Aggh, rambling again. Apologies. Anyway, if the show is "in the same universe" as the graphic novels in this respect-- All of the living are infected with the virus and as soon as any person dies, from whatever cause, that person will immediately turn zombie. The only "special" thing about a zombie bite is that the bites are incredibly toxic and always make people die quicker than what one would expect from a clean wound of similar magnitude. Like snake bites. Even a trivially minor zombie bite is not survivable except in some cases immediate amputation of the afflicted arm or leg.

Unless this extreme toxicity of zombie-to-victim-blood is restricted only to bites, then it would stand to reason that getting scratched up by an oozing zombie would kill you as dead as a bite, in a few days. It is difficult to force a work of fiction into complete logical consistency, but raises the question why people don't die of toxic shock if they happen to chainsaw a zombie and zombie gore happens to get splattered into an open wound. For typical blood-borne diseases in the real world, one would expect gore in an open wound as good an infection vector as a bite. All these surviors would have high probability of having the occasional open wound not healed up yet.

Hiya Lester... hey, thanks for the excellent analysis.

I have to say that I have been completely smitten with TWD series. My hope is that a feature film is in the works. :pleased:

Edited by DaddyO
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Guest Brent1973

I LOVE this show!!! BUT i'm also a big Warehouse 13 fan too... and top shot, and Alcatraz ..swamp people, The River, man i have a lot of things to DVR...

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Back in Season 1, they kept asking if a person had been "bitten or scratched". Also, in "Guts" episode when Rick and Glenn went for the truck in Atlanta and spread zombie guts on themselves, they said not to let the zombie blood in any open wounds, on skin, in eyes, etc. So, I think a person has to be infected through the blood stream by a zombie or other carrier. Rick probably shot the guy in the head in case he had already been bit or in case a walker came in later to snack on the guy.

Ok, I was just getting my zombies mixed up. Course with what Lester said about the original series, Rick might be psychic :)

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Guest Lester Weevils

I was not reading the comics for every detail the first time thru, just wanting to find out the overall plot, which is a long plot and still on-going.

There may have been mention in the comics of people dying of toxic shock just from scratches or zombie guts in an open wound, but if so I don't recall it. As best I can recall it was always bites in the comic series that would kill them, though if they died from any cause at all, they already had the virus in them and would immediately wake up zombie.

Had just been wondering unless there is something special about zombie saliva, then surely any blood contact ought to do the same thing? However in the comic several times they would smear themselves head to toe with zombie guts to escape a big flock of zombies, and apparently nobody died of toxic shock just from being covered in zombie guts, as best can recall. There were also instances when a band of survivors would be bashing heads of a horde of zombies, and a person would get buried under a pile of twice-slain zombies, then after the battle having to be dug out from underneath the corpses, and those people also didn't get sick if they had not been bitten.

However in the tv series, the girl sick with fever after getting scratched up-- Ya'll make a great point that it does not sound like merely a coincidence-- Maybe the rules of infection will be different in the tv show?

Another thing I'm just wildly guessing on-- Didn't see the idea mentioned in the story line-- In the comics after 93 monthly issues, about one year has passed since the beginning of the outbreak-- Not enough time has expired in the plot line to see the effect, but I'm wondering whether it will be discovered that the virus is GOOD for living people, assuming they can avoid dying from injury or infection? There are story instances of people killing other people, and instances of people dying from garden-variety good-old-fashioned gangrene and such. And the people are at risk of dying from hunger and thirst at times.

But it would be a heck of a plot twist if the virus happens to make people nearly immortal, assuming that people can avoid dying from injury or infection? If the virus keeps the dead from dying, then perhaps it would also keep the living from aging, if they can avoid getting killed?

Edited by Lester Weevils
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Wow, that's all good info and interesting. Makes me want to read the comics version.

You raise a good point concerning the "rules of infection." I am trying to remember if there is any instance in the TV series of someone just dying from causes other than zombie attack and not coming back as zombie. On the highway, Carl pulled a set of knives off of a "dead" guy. Other than that, I can't think of any specific examples.

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Wow, that's all good info and interesting. Makes me want to read the comics version.

You raise a good point concerning the "rules of infection." I am trying to remember if there is any instance in the TV series of someone just dying from causes other than zombie attack and not coming back as zombie. On the highway, Carl pulled a set of knives off of a "dead" guy. Other than that, I can't think of any specific examples.

I don't recall any either. Be hard to tell just from a zombie though, as they could have gotten the wound post-mortem. Would almost have to see it happen.

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Guest NYCrulesU

When the arm fell out of the truck and blondie ran to get it...I swore she was going to hop back in the truck and get bit.

That part of the show seemed..deliberate. Like it meant aomething but none of us caught it.

Edited by NYCrulesU
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When the arm fell out of the truck and blondie ran to get it...I swore she was going to hop back in the truck and get bit.

That part of the show seemed..deliberate. Like it meant aomething but none of us caught it.

I thought the same thing. I was just waiting for something to happen in that scene.

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My question is, why did the arm fall off? They used guns to kill all the Walkers. They didn't hack any of them up, except the Mom who got a sycle through the head, not the arms. The arm was attached to the Walker when it got shot.

Maybe I'm over thinking it.

I dunno, but I think they are all just half decomposed and prone to falling apart. In the episode "guts", they talked about how the zombies could smell the living just like the living could smell the dead, so arm prolly just fell off from rot.

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