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Walking dead....


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As much as I disliked Shane, I didn't want to see him die. I was hoping for what Rick referred to as "turning over a new leaf" when he was talking to Hershel. But Rick did what he needed to do. He deserves the respect of the rest of the group and has earned his place as the leader. It must be terrible to have to kill your best friend in self-defense.

I'm starting to dislike Andrea for her attitude towards Rick. I wonder how she will handle the news that Shane is dead.

Edited by DaddyO
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yeah i kinda see andrea possibly taking shanes role as the protagonist now ... i honestly am surprised to see shane make it as long as he did, he just pushed rick too far too many times ... a man can only hear that "you're not man enough to protect your wife and raise your kid so im going to do it for you" BS for so long ... personally i would have left him on that bus a couple episodes ago surrounded by walkers and unarmed after he tried to kill rick

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Based on the images shown after Shane died the first time and before he started walking around, I figure next season the aliens that seeded Earth with the zombie virus will come back to take all the undead to their home planet as soldiers. That will leave Rick and Laurie as the new Adam and Eve.

But, I could be wrong.

Edited by AMSting
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I feel that even if she does take that role she won't be as bad as Shane. Just based off lack of skill and training.

yeah i agree she's not as skilled or well trained as shane but she seemed to be seeing things shanes way alot more than ricks lately, and could still do plenty of damage given the right scenario just by not having rick's (or his wife's or sons) back when they need it ... and if she decided on full betrayal it doesnt take alot of skill to put a bullet in the back of a persons head from 5 feet away when they think they can trust you, all she would need is the opportunity to get away with it, not that im saying that is what i expect to happen .. if she does take on the protagonist role i expect it to be in a more subtle way than shane

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Based on the images shown after Shane died the first time and before he started walking around, I figure next season the aliens that seeded Earth with the zombie virus will come back to take all the undead to their home planet as soldiers. That will leave Rick and Laurie as the new Adam and Eve.

But, I could be wrong.

Funny you should mention aliens. You should check out the most recent editions fo the comics. You'll see what I'm talkin about.

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I think the prison will be in the next episode, at the end. Season finale style.

I am also pretty sure that Randall, the kid that Shane killed, is from the Woodbury Army.

The third season has been announced, and it is confirmed that the Governor will be the main antagonist.

This is AMC's highest rated show ever, it has broken many records for cable television. I don't see it ending anytime soon.

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From Wiki:

"AMC renewed The Walking Dead for a third season on October 25, 2011 after the season two premiere broke cable ratings records in the 18–49 demographic. AMC president, Charlie Collier, said "We are thankful for everyone's contribution in front of and behind the camera as we continue to make The Walking Dead a unique television experience. And, we are so proud as it continues to set viewership records around the world."

On January 14, 2012, AMC announced that the third season will contain an extended episode order of 16 episodes. On February 24, 2012, it was announced that David Morrissey had been cast as The Governor, a major antagonist in the comic series. Morrissey will be a main cast member in the third season, which begins production in the first quarter of 2012."

- OS

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Yeah really. Good point about not taking skill from five feet away. To me she just seems like she won't do as much without the backing, overtly at least. With Shane he didn't care what people thought and was the dominant type. She on the other hand seems like she needs to follow someone or at least have some backing.

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Yeah I was thinking the same thing during that episode. I mean at least grab the mags out of the m4's and whatever else the soldiers might have had on them. Especially one of those m2's and a HMMV... Maybe some armor as well, never know when that will come in handy. Also you would have some fire superiority with full-autos and burst rifles instead of shotguns and a bolt action or two.

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I dont necessarily agree with grabbing the M2, not easily man portable and prone to failure if the operater doesnt know what there doing. But to leave the light machine guns was one of the dumbest things ive ever seen. A good gunner and a single 240 placed on top the farm could kill the whole horde with no loss of life, but nooo lets walk around with our handguns and knives for head shots on zombies give me a rifle anyday.

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Just once I'd like to watch a zombie show/movie where characters see the beginning of the apocalypse and say 'oh crap, zombies'. But NOOOOOO, they gotta waste valuable time looking around and trying to figure out what's going on. Do you know anyone who HASN'T seen a zombie movie?

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Just once I'd like to watch a zombie show/movie where characters see the beginning of the apocalypse and say 'oh crap, zombies'. But NOOOOOO, they gotta waste valuable time looking around and trying to figure out what's going on. Do you know anyone who HASN'T seen a zombie movie?

Yeah but if me and you starred in a zombie flick, where would the drama and suspense be?

I mean, what's entertaining about two rednecks sitting on the roof with a few thousand rounds and a half dozen rifles? Coleman cooler, a loaf of fresh bread baked in a dutch oven earlier that morning to make sandwiches out of that thin sliced deer we smoked two days ago and a twelve pack of beer chilling in a Zeer. Solar powered iPod playing the Zepplin box set. A few hours later we pack up and move to the next location.

....yes, I've thought about it many a time. :pleased:

Edited by Caster
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I dont necessarily agree with grabbing the M2, not easily man portable and prone to failure if the operater doesnt know what there doing. But to leave the light machine guns was one of the dumbest things ive ever seen. A good gunner and a single 240 placed on top the farm could kill the whole horde with no loss of life, but nooo lets walk around with our handguns and knives for head shots on zombies give me a rifle anyday.

Well good point about the M2. I was just thinking in terms of straight up power.
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Yeah but if me and you starred in a zombie flick, where would the drama and suspense be?

I mean, what's entertaining about two rednecks sitting on the roof with a few thousand rounds and a half dozen rifles? Coleman cooler, a loaf of fresh bread baked in a dutch oven earlier that morning to make sandwiches out of that thin sliced deer we smoked two days ago and a twelve pack of beer chilling in a Zeer. Solar powered iPod playing the Zepplin box set. A few hours later we pack up and move to the next location.

....yes, I've thought about it many a time. :pleased:

Sounds like a great time to me.
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