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Don't Do This

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So one of my customers is a younger guy who works with some other people as a bounty hunter. Occasionally they do get shot at and always carry.

So he wanted a new gun. I sold him on a nice 10mm in no small part because of its excellent stopping power.

So he bought the gun, a holster, and some ammo. He mentioned they had a job that very afternoon.

He loads the magazine (oops, clip), puts it in the gun, chambers one, and holsters it. Good to go.

Take it from me, just don't do that. At least fire the gun a few times before betting your life on it.

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Seems kind of foolish to not go run a couple of clips through the gun first.

I have one auto loader that has never ever malfunctioned in abour 2000 rds but I wouls still want to fire it first to be soemwhat sure it will run.

I think your bounty hunter dude is calling out Mr. Murphy.

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10mm...I don't suppose it's ....:D

He won't need to shoot it first. It's perfect just as it comes from the factory.

if it is a GLOCK hes good to go :D

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Guest darkstar
So one of my customers is a younger guy who works with some other people as a bounty hunter. Occasionally they do get shot at and always carry.

So he wanted a new gun. I sold him on a nice 10mm in no small part because of its excellent stopping power.

So he bought the gun, a holster, and some ammo. He mentioned they had a job that very afternoon.

He loads the magazine (oops, clip), puts it in the gun, chambers one, and holsters it. Good to go.

Take it from me, just don't do that. At least fire the gun a few times before betting your life on it.

Very sage advice there

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I have had 2 guns in my possession for almost a year that have never been fired. They don't leave the house and won't until I get some range time with them. I am sure they are good guns as one was traded from a member here and I know he has fired it, but I haven't and don't know exactly what to expect from it. The other one is Romanian and I couldn't carry it even if I wanted to.

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Guest recoveryman1

bail enforcement or fugitive recovery are the prefered terms,

ya that is a bad idea, i would never trust a piece of equipment that has not been tested first things can go wrong real fast out there but you would be suprised at the amount of people (LEO & BEA) included that carry firarms, tasers, and such that either have not used them or have VERY little experience with them and rely on them every day

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bail enforcement or fugitive recovery are the prefered terms,

ya that is a bad idea, i would never trust a piece of equipment that has not been tested first things can go wrong real fast out there but you would be suprised at the amount of people (LEO & BEA) included that carry firarms, tasers, and such that either have not used them or have VERY little experience with them and rely on them every day

Sorry. He goes after bad guys for a reward. Is that better?

Rabbi,when you say young guy,you need to more specific.Theres allot of generations below yours

Bet I could outrun you, sonny.:)

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Guest eyebedam

Im the dog The big bad dog, Tha Bounty Hunter!!! I miss that show it was great watching him cuss & smoke like s freighttrain before capture. Then holding prayer service after the capture.

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Guest russman37801

i saw a guy buy a brand new S&W sigma (i know) and procede to qualify for a carry permit. it jammed at least 2 times per mag. Never trust one straight outta the box.

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