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IDPA Classifier 2/18/12 Music City Tactical Shooters?

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I know...it's a CLASSIFIER

new forum won't let me edit the subject from my iPhone!

I think I can actually COME to this one.

(Wife cleared too...)

Hoping that this is the first of many.

This will be my first shooting event.

Do new shooters need to come early?

IDPA Qualifier doesn't use a Cover Garment correct?

Looking forward to it.

Any side matches going on?


Edited by EastHipster
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Yes, new shooters need to show up a little earlier to receive the infamous new shooter's briefing. Don't forget your eyes and ears and IDPA legal holster. I don't think a classifier will have a side match. But being your first you'll have plenty of chances to screw up. :yuck:

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This is a great match for the first time shooter.

Getting there early will get you on our good side. :) Helping set-up will also get you aquainted with what is happening on each of the strings.

7:00am set-up.

8:30am New shooters meeting.

8:45am Shooters meeting.

Hopefully shots downrange a little after 9:00am.

You will need a strong side holster. You can use your pockets for ammo carriers if you don't have a mag puch. Two mags, but three is better(I'm assuming semi-auto). 90 rounds. Bring some extra. No cover garment.

No side matches that day. See you there :wave: .

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Here is the Course of Fire and Stage Setup:



Go to idpa.com and get your membership, you must be an IDPA member to get a classification. Its not expensive $40 annual or $105 for 3 years. You can shoot the classifier but you will not get an official classifiaction until we have a membership number.

Hope this helps let us know if you have any other questions.

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