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Which Handgun for Carry- G36, Sig P239, PM9, or LCR


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I have several compact handguns: Glock 36, Kahr PM9, Sig P239 in 357 Sig, and Ruger LCR in 357, all diferent calibers. I tend to switch between guns and feel I might be better off sticking with one paticular gun and caliber. All the handguns are accurate and recoil is controllable. The G36 and P239 require holster carry while the others are pocket or ankle holster carry.

Which handgun do you think is the best for self defense carry? I need help in deciding.

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Like Dungaroos, just pick one that matches what you're wearing. I like my J-frame in a deep baggy shorts pocket, or in a deep jacket pocket. My G19 is basically the same as a G36, IWB, OWB, Mexican(empty chamber). Don't have a PM9, do have a CW9, let's me wear my skinny jeans;)

Joking aside, I would say the best one is the one you could carry daily and practice with the most. Caliber and capacity are moot if you can't deploy it accurately when needed. Nice collection by the way.

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If you find yourself in a lethal force self defense situation the only thing that’s going to matter is having a reliable handgun on you or in your hand. We can do the barrel length; overall size and caliber dance until we’re blue in the face and prove nothing. All that will matter in the end is your skill set and decision making ability under pressure. Invest in top quality training and practice, make certain your equipment and holster(s) are in good repair and 100% reliable and drive on.

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My G19 is basically the same as a G36, IWB, OWB, Mexican(empty chamber).

Kevo - You should take a look at the Raven Vanguard.

Back to the OP's question. Those are not just different calibers, they're incredibly different guns. If you shoot them all well, the choice is more about you and your style of carry. I would personally stick with the G36 and get a couple of holsters to support multiple carry styles.

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Guest dubaholic2

I carried a P239 for a while and really liked it, that would be my pick. But as previously stated, the one you shoot best and are most comfortable with is going to be your best bet.

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I have had a PM9 and a G36 they are both great but I carry both very differently as there is quite a bit of difference in size and weight.

The PM9 is great to go in the smallest of places I carried one in a ankle holster and I would almost forget I had it with me. I love it for that, just so small.

The G36 on the other hand was not bad at all but I always carried it IWB. It is very similar to a G19 which is my favorite for IWB.

Not sure that helps with your question, but I try to rotate them as to not show favoritism. lol

Edited by swim615
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Interesting that a number of guys have said that they'd pick the SIG. The P239 would be the first I'd say no to. I don't see a reason for DA/SA in a civilian carry gun, so unless it's a DAK, I would ditch it. I've owned two P239s and they're decent guns, but way big and heavy for the magazine capacity that they offer.

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With everyones input and how these guns fit me, I have narrowed down to the PM9 and the LCR for regular most every day carry.

The G36 for when a coat or heavier outer wear can be used. The P239 handles well but too heavy.

Thanks for all the input.

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