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91/30 barrel clip retainer broke


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I am embarrased to even post this..... but while removing the front spring clip that holds the stock ring in place, the spring portion broke off of the pin. Never expected it, I was gently pulling out (as straight as possible) on the spring rather than bending at an angle. Anyway:

Does anyone know of a source for mosin parts, maybe that were no longer needed at an amory? or should I just weld the pin (once I get it out of the stock) back onto the spring portion and file it down as original?

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Thanks!! That site looks like a great resource. I don't see the part I need listed, but surely they have it since they've got just about every other part listed. I emailed the company to ask.

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How much was it. I have a broken one too. It still shoots though.


If it's the correct part, $3.50/pr plus a couple bucks shipping. It's actually a 44/53 part but the guy I spoke with on the phone said it will work. When I searched google images, I found a couple of different designs. I will post back when it arrives and let you know if it's like the original, or different. I have seen some other listings for them, but usually a couple bucks more. Will post back....

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Mike, how did you remove the broken off pin (if you did yet)? At first I thought, "simple, I'll use a screw extractor." Wait a minute, it's not threaded. I can't really get anything like vice grips around it to pull it out without mutilating the surrounding wood. I have started trying to drill it out, and may keep chugging along that route, but it is super hard steel and is slow progress.

Edit: Ok, I forgot how far the pin extends in. I don't think drilling it out will be a viable option. Maybe I will just have to do what it takes to get vice grips around the pin. :-(

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Mine is broken off on one side. I have not removed it as it really did not cause any issues other than the top of the fore grip sliding forward after some shots.

Make sure to post up how you get it out. If mangling the stock is what happens i will just leave it alone. It's just a range rifle anyway and has not effected accuracy.

This thread is making me want to shoot it this weekend anyway, LOL

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Mike, how did you remove the broken off pin (if you did yet)? At first I thought, "simple, I'll use a screw extractor." Wait a minute, it's not threaded. I can't really get anything like vice grips around it to pull it out without mutilating the surrounding wood. I have started trying to drill it out, and may keep chugging along that route, but it is super hard steel and is slow progress.

Edit: Ok, I forgot how far the pin extends in. I don't think drilling it out will be a viable option. Maybe I will just have to do what it takes to get vice grips around the pin. :-(

The retaining spring pin hole should go all the way through to the other side. Get a small punch or nail and push the broken pin out.

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The retaining spring pin hole should go all the way through to the other side. Get a small punch or nail and push the broken pin out.


Billiant idea. I'll see if I have a punch that small (or find one) and give it a try this evening if I get a chance.

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I used Garufa's suggestion, and it worked perfectly. I used a 1/16" (1.5mm) punch and in a few wacks, the pin slid right out. As soon as the replacement gets here, I'll be good to go!

The punch really needs to be no bigger than 1/16" if you don't want to waller out the hole any. If you don't have one that small, a 6-pc punch set by Bostich sold at Lowe's includes one. A 3/32" might work without too much damage... the various rifles from various countries over the decades might have had a little different holes even...

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I ordered replacement barrel bands and barrel band keeper springs for the stock I got from John. As soon as they get here I'll be posting pics. Bucnball wants me to do the stock russian red but I like the dirty brown it came with. it is a truly awful looking rifle. That gob of a front sight no longer looks outta place.

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My aplogies for the late reply. I received these Saturday but have been busy and forgot to reply.

So here's how it works. You send a check or money order to Omega Weapons Systems, along with the part numbers you are ordering, address, and the USPS shipping rate (in this case was $2 for fist class mail - I called them to find this out).

Here are the parts - definately 2 sets of the correct part. However, I am somewhat bothered that one of the 4 pieces was already broken when I got it. I ordered 2 sets so I would have a spare of each, and the replacement that is broken is also the one I need to repalce. So I have 2 spare back springs, and no spare front springs... I suppose if I had to, the dremel with a cut-off wheel would turn a back spring into a front spring.


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So here's how it works. You send a check or money order to Omega Weapons Systems, along with the part numbers you are ordering, address, and the USPS shipping rate (in this case was $2 for fist class mail - I called them to find this out).

That is so 1992.

The pin on those springs are amazingly delicate. There's really not much there to hold them on. It's a good thing you ordered extra. Chances are high it broke in the USPS system being funneled through some machine, crushed by other packages or maybe just sat on. It looks rusty also.

Maybe they'll make it right.

Edited by Garufa
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