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Just curious as to what legal battles he is going to face? To me it seems he violated city ordinances at most.

Pretty sure ANY gun related crime revokes your FFL status. If it is pushed by local judicial system he could get carrying on prohibited property and unlawful discharge of a weapon. Both are a misdemeanor. It just depends on how much they want to go with it, and I am pretty sure RK can add some to that for violation of policy.

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Sounds to me like he got a self-inflicted punishment. I'd say he's learned a lesson he won't soon forget. As much as the act was stupid, it'd be unfortunate for him to lose his license and livelihood over it at this point.

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Guest bkelm18
Pretty sure ANY gun related crime revokes your FFL status. If it is pushed by local judicial system he could get carrying on prohibited property and unlawful discharge of a weapon. Both are a misdemeanor. It just depends on how much they want to go with it, and I am pretty sure RK can add some to that for violation of policy.

Both minor misdemeanors from city ordinances. I doubt RK could bring any legal penalties against him unless it's in civil court. Though I wasn't aware that any gun related crime can get your FFL revoked.

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Both minor misdemeanors from city ordinances. I doubt RK could bring any legal penalties against him unless it's in civil court. Though I wasn't aware that any gun related crime can get your FFL revoked.

As I mentioned in other thread though, IF Knoxville doesn't consider Chilhowee as an actual park (as per MacVille), wouldn't be a violation of city ordinance. AND, might be a test case for 1359, since the signs at gun shows are in no way statute compliant either.

But, yeah, can't shoot in city limits, but again there, it wasn't a deliberate act either.

Then again again, "reckless endangerment" or similar could be a possibility, and that's worse than the others.

Btw, you sort of worked at Chilhowee, you think it's part of the park system?

It's not listed at:


Then again, recreation centers count too, maybe it's that.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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He did many things wrong. I don't know what model gun he was carrying, but I would bet that it was a trigger safety "safety-less" gun. I would never carry a gun without a safety. I know, "the best safety is between your ears" Bla bla bla. IMHO they are dangerous.

Nice revolver in your avatar. Ever carry it?

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Guest bkelm18

Btw, you sort of worked at Chilhowee, you think it's part of the park system?

It's not listed at:

City of Knoxville - Parks

Then again, recreation centers count too, maybe it's that.

- OS

I always assumed it was a "park". I guess it's one of those gray areas, just like the zoo. The zoo is a "city park" but it's operated by a private organization. Chilhowee has its own "security" just like the zoo, and honestly I trusted neither to actually know anything regarding the law. I'm sure somebody somewhere knows the correct answer, but really there's no reason to go to Chilhowee except for any events at the Jacob's Bldg or the zoo. I suspect it is very open to interpretation since Knoxville is not required to post.

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... I suspect it is very open to interpretation since Knoxville is not required to post.

I'd say that's the best answer; Knoxville seems to prefer to keep lots of stuff gray.

Maybe those folks that got bucks for the CTAS certifications they weren't awarded could tell us.

- OS

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Guest woodsltc
He did many things wrong. I don't know what model gun he was carrying, but I would bet that it was a trigger safety "safety-less" gun. I would never carry a gun without a safety. I know, "the best safety is between your ears" Bla bla bla. IMHO they are dangerous.

OOOPS......it was a Kimber 1911......guess you don't get to bash Glocks and other trigger safety guns!!

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Quick question. I've never put much thought into it until now........lots of places don't let you carry. Most people choose not to go into that business. They've even come up with little business cards for the manager/proprietor telling them why they're losing business. Those same people will go to a gunshow that restricts carry and not blink an eye. Why? What is the difference b/w a restaurant that restricts concealed carry and a gun show that does the same?

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Quick question. I've never put much thought into it until now........lots of places don't let you carry. Most people choose not to go into that business. They've even come up with little business cards for the manager/proprietor telling them why they're losing business. Those same people will go to a gunshow that restricts carry and not blink an eye. Why? What is the difference b/w a restaurant that restricts concealed carry and a gun show that does the same?

Glad I am not the only one that thinks like this.

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Quick question. I've never put much thought into it until now........lots of places don't let you carry. Most people choose not to go into that business. They've even come up with little business cards for the manager/proprietor telling them why they're losing business. Those same people will go to a gunshow that restricts carry and not blink an eye. Why? What is the difference b/w a restaurant that restricts concealed carry and a gun show that does the same?

That's what you call selective boycotting. :biglol:

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Quick question. I've never put much thought into it until now........lots of places don't let you carry. Most people choose not to go into that business. They've even come up with little business cards for the manager/proprietor telling them why they're losing business. Those same people will go to a gunshow that restricts carry and not blink an eye. Why? What is the difference b/w a restaurant that restricts concealed carry and a gun show that does the same?

What did Willie Sutton say when asked why he robbed banks?

- OS

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LOL "B/c that's where the money is" - that still doesn't really answer the question. I need to eat, that's where food is......but I won't go into a restaurant that restricts my carry. I'll go eat somewhere else.

So why do gunshows get a pass on this? They're doing the same thing the other places are, except I think it's worse and very hypocritical.

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LOL "B/c that's where the money is" - that still doesn't really answer the question. I need to eat, that's where food is......but I won't go into a restaurant that restricts my carry. I'll go eat somewhere else.

So why do gunshows get a pass on this? They're doing the same thing the other places are, except I think it's worse and very hypocritical.

"Cause that's where the guns are".

After all, I'd have to go to all the gun stores in East TN, maybe further, to see as many guns as in one our shows here. And there they are, all in one place. Not to mention all the folks walking around with one to sell.

Even when I know there ain't a chance in hell I'm gonna buy one, I still like to go once in a while just to ogle and fondle.

Call it a captive audience. My scruples can't bear that scrutiny, I guess. :biglol:

Btw, ole Willie apparently didn't really say that exactly.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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I guess. I've done it myself. I never put much thought into it. Now, I doubt I'll ever go to another show unless given a good reason. There's just something that strikes me as wrong......these people should be all about propagating gun rights, not restricting them. "You can't carry a gun in here......but let me sell you this here gun..."

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I guess. I've done it myself. I never put much thought into it. Now, I doubt I'll ever go to another show unless given a good reason. There's just something that strikes me as wrong......these people should be all about propagating gun rights, not restricting them. "You can't carry a gun in here......but let me sell you this here gun..."

Well, realistically, 5 thousand people walking around with exposed loaded guns in an area where there ain't room to swing a cat?

Then again, I understand there are folks who keep their normal carry pistol loaded and concealed in there, like always; since the signs aren't statutorily compliant, and no worries about it being a park or not over at the Expo.

Really, I've heard tell of them.

- OS

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I guess. I've done it myself. I never put much thought into it. Now, I doubt I'll ever go to another show unless given a good reason. There's just something that strikes me as wrong......these people should be all about propagating gun rights, not restricting them. "You can't carry a gun in here......but let me sell you this here gun..."

Not at all defending it, and it's a non-issue for me since I don't go to gun shows, but given that at a gun show there is a lot of careless gun handling, much of which is done by mouth breathers, it's somewhat comforting to know that there's no ammunition in play. I can readily imagine someone pullling out their loaded Hi-Point C9 from their waistband and attempt to see if it fits in a holster that's on a table, muzzle sweeping about 30 people in the process. If you don't believe this happens, it's the reason why many shops have about 20 signs at the entrance and throughout the store saying "if you have a loaded firearm, it stays in your holster." Those same shops will tell you that on a regular basis, someone pulls out a loaded gun in their store.

The general public is stupid and dangerous, and unfortunately, some of those people are gun owners. Lowest common denominator.

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He did many things wrong. I don't know what model gun he was carrying, but I would bet that it was a trigger safety "safety-less" gun. I would never carry a gun without a safety. I know, "the best safety is between your ears" Bla bla bla. IMHO they are dangerous.

This coming from a person with a "safety-less" revolver in their profile pic...

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Not at all defending it, and it's a non-issue for me since I don't go to gun shows, but given that at a gun show there is a lot of careless gun handling, much of which is done by mouth breathers, it's somewhat comforting to know that there's no ammunition in play. I can readily imagine someone pullling out their loaded Hi-Point C9 from their waistband and attempt to see if it fits in a holster that's on a table, muzzle sweeping about 30 people in the process. If you don't believe this happens, it's the reason why many shops have about 20 signs at the entrance and throughout the store saying "if you have a loaded firearm, it stays in your holster." Those same shops will tell you that on a regular basis, someone pulls out a loaded gun in their store.

The general public is stupid and dangerous, and unfortunately, some of those people are gun owners. Lowest common denominator.

I think you are falling into the trap of believing a sign makes a difference.

I am unmovable in my belief that every time a sign is posted I am in more danger.

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